Snacking at your desk

What kinds of snacks do you bring/prepare for work to avoid vending machine snacking or grabbing a candy bar? I've been eating steamed green beans for lunch... but I find myself hungry again at about 2pm. Help!



  • toronto_j
    toronto_j Posts: 206 Member
    Only steamed green beans for lunch? You need a more complete meal, plus you need some protein to keep you full. Some snack ideas - Greek yogurt, nuts (but watch your serving size), hummus with veggies, fruit w/ peanut butter, granola or protein bars (can also be homemade), boiled eggs.
  • Kitship
    Kitship Posts: 579 Member
    Hmmm...definitely add some fat/protein to your lunch to avoid afternoon hunger!

    I usually bring yogurt (2%, not fat free - 16g protein) and that holds me over pretty well.

    Good luck! :smile:
  • kmglennie
    kmglennie Posts: 40
    Agree with toronto_j ! Steamed green beans isn't enough- try to get some protein in there as well. I like to pack hard boiled eggs, lean deli meats, guacamole, mustard, greek yogurt: things like that. I also keep lots of herbal teas around to sip on.
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    Aside from your lunch issue others have mentioned, here are things I currently have in my desk to snack on/eat.

    Belvita cinnamon/brown sugar breakfast biscuits (I only eat 2, instead of the 4 in a pack)
    Nature Valley Peanut Butter & Dark Chocolate Protein bar (my usual breakfast every work day)
    Dry Roasted Almonds
    Several varieties of flavored almonds
    Several containers of soup
    Skinny Cow chocolate (dreamy clusters and heavenly crisp)
    3 flavors of instant oatmeal
    mixed nuts
    canned pineapple
    two flavors of granola

    Not all of these are low calorie and healthy, but I have a good mix of nutritious foods and treats. I also currently have several greek yogurts in the refrigerator. The granola I have is for those.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    What kinds of snacks do you bring/prepare for work to avoid vending machine snacking or grabbing a candy bar? I've been eating steamed green beans for lunch... but I find myself hungry again at about 2pm. Help!


    Green beans have fiber, so that's good. But you need something more.....protein and/or fat to go with that. Protein & fat have more staying power for me.

    Snacks I keep at work

    100 calorie popcorn
    No sugar added applesauce
    100 calorie almonds (usually the cocoa ones......yum)
    Oatmeal packs (Better Oats have flax added....look at calories though....130 calorie range for me)
    Chai ....I add milk & honey
    String cheese
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    I just have a no-food rule in my office. Eliminates the mindless snacking. I figure I don't need extra calories to sit at my desk, you know?
  • Tedebearduff
    Tedebearduff Posts: 1,155 Member
    What kinds of snacks do you bring/prepare for work to avoid vending machine snacking or grabbing a candy bar? I've been eating steamed green beans for lunch... but I find myself hungry again at about 2pm. Help!


    Your not eating enough at lunch, need to add some kind of meat. Protein takes longer to break down there for makes you feel full for longer ( I mean food not a protein powder).

    Just my opinion
  • laineybz
    laineybz Posts: 704 Member
    Boredom kicks in so i go armed with fruit, (grapes, melon, apples) yoghurts, chewing gum, the occasional instant hot chocolate.
  • MrsHollingsworthThomas
    I always make sure to have something on hand for the afternoon munchies when they hit!
    Usually, I have several different options for 'emergencies':

    *100 calorie pack of popcorn
    *1-2 pieces of fruit; bananas, oranges, or grapefruits
    *Pistachio nuts (small one-serving bags)
    *Tea/Coffee (believe it or not, when I get afternoon cravings, a hot cup of tea will help me through it. Although as a few others have mentioned, you may be missing nutrients from eating so little, so you may want to try FOOD)
    *1-3 individual small Reese's cups; for when i get a craving for chocolate.
    *Skinny Cow candy bar, for the same reason.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Aside from your lunch issue others have mentioned, here are things I currently have in my desk to snack on/eat.

    Belvita cinnamon/brown sugar breakfast biscuits (I only eat 2, instead of the 4 in a pack)
    Nature Valley Peanut Butter & Dark Chocolate Protein bar (my usual breakfast every work day)
    Dry Roasted Almonds
    Several varieties of flavored almonds
    Several containers of soup
    Skinny Cow chocolate (dreamy clusters and heavenly crisp)
    3 flavors of instant oatmeal
    mixed nuts
    canned pineapple
    two flavors of granola

    Not all of these are low calorie and healthy, but I have a good mix of nutritious foods and treats. I also currently have several greek yogurts in the refrigerator. The granola I have is for those.

    Your junk drawer looks awfully familiar to mine, and I have yogurt and cheese in the fridge and apples and bananas at my desk.
  • MurphyIzzy11
    I eat a full breakfast now. I was eating around 9 am, 11 am and then 1230, 2 and 4 and dinner around 6, but I found myself constantly thinking about food!!! I even GAINED weight from it! The last two weeks, I usually have two packs of oatmeal with an apple or a granola bar with an apple. For lunch I have some tuna with two slices of weight bread and a tomato soup on the go container. My favorite dinner lately has been mixing a can of green beans with a can of corn, sliced red potatoes with some lean smoked sausage. It only takes about 15 minutes to prepare and cook.

    As for snacks at the desk, I keep an apple typically. It get the sweet craving out of the way. I also eat it with vanilla yogurt or peanut butter. I also keeps lots of gum on hand now too, or mints. Something to keep me away from food.

    I haven't lost any weight yet, but I can tell I have lost inches. I'm a yo-yoer. I do good for a few days then get invited out to dinner and it goes out the window that night :(. Although I have gotten better about jumping back into gear the next day and I am making more conscious decisions. I'm hoping to have dropped a pound by next week!
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    I do not eat at my desk, I go to the lunch room to eat and then leave. If I eat at my desk I will snack (Which is code for eat too much of the wrong things). I keep water next to me.
  • DeeVanderbles
    DeeVanderbles Posts: 589 Member
    I eat breakfast, a morning snack, lunch, an afternoon snack and then dinner.

    My snacks are usually a banana, apple, clementines, grapes, carrots and hummus, yogurt, cottage cheese or peanuts. I always make sure I only have one serving with me, which helps prevent binge eating my snacks. haha.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    i normally have a pepperoni stick and an apple. Always have a bottle full of water and a green tea too. If I'm hungry after that, I've weighed out almonds and stashed them in my desk. I also have antioxident halls and gum.
  • cheekym7
    cheekym7 Posts: 570 Member
    this is what I brought today...... An orange, and apple, a cheese string, 2 white cheddar rice cakes and 2 cups of cantaloupe.
    This is what I have at my desk and I feel free to snack whenever I'm hungryI still have breakfast and luch. (the fruit is all pre-cut so I can mix it up and not have to eat a whole orange or apple at once..
  • DrJenO
    DrJenO Posts: 404 Member
    Copied from a topic I replied to yesterday :wink: :

    Protein and fat are your friends.

    Hummus, cottage cheese, peanut/almond butter, nuts in general, etc.
    Some of my recent snacks include:
    - String cheese with an apple or clementine
    - Hard-boiled egg and apple, with or without almond butter
    - Cheese and crackers (nut thins), maybe with fruit
    - Cottage cheese with 1/2 banana and peanut butter
    - Veggies with ranch or hummus and some baked chicken breast
    - Greek yogurt with oats or granola, walnuts, strawberries

    Love me some healthy fats!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Now I need to eat some almonds....
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    One of my favorite go to snacks are veggies and hummus, or fruit and string cheese (grapes and cheese go well together). I also get Nature Valley bars, Rice rolls/rice cakes with peanut butter, or trail mix/chinese rice cracker mix. Or yogurt with fruit and/or nuts.

    I agree with everyone else that you need more than just green beans for lunch. add some protein and a serving of carbs. I think it'll help you stay full longer.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Also, I eat a snack at 3pm every day. I need one. I build it into my calories.
  • Mario_Az
    Mario_Az Posts: 1,331 Member
    quest bars, protein shakes, turkey jerky