Have I completely ruined everything?



  • SexKittenlovesitrough
    I ate a slice of pizza worth 976 cals last night. Still managed to come in within 100 cals of my daily goal. You can do this! Tomorrow is a new day!

    Please tell me more about this thousand calorie slice, was it glorious? It must have been glorious...

    i'm thinking that there was SO SO SO MUCH GOOEY GOOEY CHEESE....

    nom nom nom.....

    and pepperoni......and...help me out here...i need more cal-orrific ideas....
  • thomaszabel
    thomaszabel Posts: 203 Member
    I discussed your situation with my physician. He said he gives you 3 months to live. Sorry for the bad news.
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    I ate a slice of pizza worth 976 cals last night. Still managed to come in within 100 cals of my daily goal. You can do this! Tomorrow is a new day!

    Please tell me more about this thousand calorie slice, was it glorious? It must have been glorious...

    i'm thinking that there was SO SO SO MUCH GOOEY GOOEY CHEESE....

    nom nom nom.....

    and pepperoni......and...help me out here...i need more cal-orrific ideas....

    How about the new stuffed crust that has mini burgers in it?
  • chasetwins
    chasetwins Posts: 702 Member
    I ate a slice of pizza worth 976 cals last night. Still managed to come in within 100 cals of my daily goal. You can do this! Tomorrow is a new day!

    Please tell me more about this thousand calorie slice, was it glorious? It must have been glorious...

    I was thinking all seriously on how to reply to this poor soul.....then read this ^^ ROFL!!!! :laugh:
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    No you haven't ruined everything. In the future, you may want to practice portion control instead of avoidance for such treats to avoid feeling deprived and binging on an entire container. I keep little 40 cal chocolates around to satisfy the cravings.
  • Morgaath
    Morgaath Posts: 679 Member
    Speed bump on the journey. Nothing more.
    Now, look at your 90 day history....how many days are you under your goal? How many of those unders will it take to make up for this one over? And remember, you already have a deficit (Assuming you are trying to lose weight) built in.
    So if your goal is 1700, losing 1lb per week (500/day deficit) and you just posted 2800 for this, then we have
    1700+500= 2200 to hit maintenance,
    so 2800-2200= 600 over that.
    But last week your numbers were 1500, 1600, 1650, 1600, 1575, 1500, 1600 for a total of 875 under your weekly goal...
    so 875-600 = 225 cals down over all.

    It is all about the average over time, not the day to day.
  • TheEffort
    TheEffort Posts: 1,028 Member
    Just one day...you should be fine.
  • DrJenO
    DrJenO Posts: 404 Member
    I just ate all 5 this afternoon and I looked into how many calories the bag is and it is 950 for all 5... I'm so annoyed because I had no idea whatsoever that it was that high!
    I think the take home message from this (besides "log it and move on", which is excellent advice) is that you should ALWAYS know what you are eating, before you eat it. If you don't know, look it up. If you can't look it up, don't eat it until you do.

    I planned and had a delicious adult beverage yesterday for 200 calories. It was glorious. I planned it. And I had just the one, which is all I had the calories for. It's not like I went, oh, I feel like a drink, *glurp*, oh crap, 600 calories?!?

    Plan, plan, plan.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Lesson learned...... Log food BEFORE you eat it, then you won't be surprised like that.

    Now I want a big cookie.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    I've been doing so well at not buying junk food for weeks so I don't eat it, but this week I have so many essays due and so much work that I let myself buy some chocolate and cookies. The cookies are those big ones and they come in bags of 5. I just ate all 5 this afternoon and I looked into how many calories the bag is and it is 950 for all 5! I actually feel faint with how bad that is. I also had like a whole bar of chocolate too which really cannot be good. Probably another 500 calories at least. I've not eaten horribly apart from that today, but I haven't eaten brilliantly either. Like I had toast for breakfast and salad for lunch, but it had rice in the salad and sweet chilli dressing so it wasn't as low in calories as it could have been. I've also eaten a lot of carrot sticks and tzatziki today, although considering what else I could have been snacking on I suppose that's good. I'm so annoyed because I had no idea whatsoever that it was that high!

    Have you completely ruined everything?

    Take a step back and think about that. Today you binged on sugar. Probably went over your cals by 1500 or so. You may or may not have gone over your maintenance level.

    So for TODAY, you didn't have a calorie deficit.

    Is that the end of the world? Does that mean that your chances of losing weight are gone forever? No. At most, you delayed losing a fraction of a pound by ONE DAY.

    So calm down and look at this from an outside perspective. If your best friend asked the same thing, would you tell her that she has ruined everything and may as well just give up on reaching her goals?
    I doubt it.

    So log it. Accept it. Move on to tomorrow.
  • smelius22
    smelius22 Posts: 334 Member
    I ate a slice of pizza worth 976 cals last night. Still managed to come in within 100 cals of my daily goal. You can do this! Tomorrow is a new day!

    Please tell me more about this thousand calorie slice, was it glorious? It must have been glorious...

    Oh it was GLORIOUS. It was sausage and pepperoni, thick crust, and it was about 1/6 of an entire pizza lol. The place I went to slices them thick.
  • mrsl90
    mrsl90 Posts: 31
    We have all had bad days, and survived! Look at your calories over the week and just go a little under each day to help allow for your " blow out" . Hopefully you've learned something from it ie; buy small amounts of junk food when you are stressed, so you don't increase your stress worrying about what you ate as well
  • smelius22
    smelius22 Posts: 334 Member
    I ate a slice of pizza worth 976 cals last night. Still managed to come in within 100 cals of my daily goal. You can do this! Tomorrow is a new day!

    Please tell me more about this thousand calorie slice, was it glorious? It must have been glorious...

    Oh it was GLORIOUS. It was sausage and pepperoni, thick crust, and it was about 1/6 of an entire pizza lol. The place I went to slices them thick.

    Keep talking...

    Don't look me in the eyes!

  • bkjk997
    bkjk997 Posts: 106 Member
    Live and learn. Most of us have had a calorie shock like that at some point. Do better tomorrow and keep going forward!

    Yup, mine is a 3,411 calorie day (when I'm supposed to eat 1,200 to lose). I didn't lose weight that week, but I didn't gain either, so all was not ruined.

    Here's a tip - read the calories *before* you put it in your mouth... it SUCKS because we don't want to know, we just want to eat it, but it really does help. I still might have a treat, but if I peek at the calories before hand, I'm more likely to restrict the portion size.
  • TitanGM
    TitanGM Posts: 1,161 Member
    What's done is gone. What you do after is up to you. Shake off the guilt and get back on track. Break the chain :)
  • alexanderzamani
    alexanderzamani Posts: 25 Member
    Just chill, we all have off days and that's ok. Just move on and keep on with your diet.
  • bjg2993
    bjg2993 Posts: 107
    I have days where I eat sparsely then ruin it by going out and drinking the next day's calorie allowance in alcohol then go ahead and get 1000 calorie cheesy chips on top of it...

    You will be fine. One day will make hardly any difference.
  • yensidtoon
    yensidtoon Posts: 82 Member
    I went with a friend to Noodles and Company yesterday and had 1/4 of a bowl and a chocolate chip cookie. I logged it when I came home and was shocked that the one cookie was more calories than the pasta.

    Cookies are evil. I use Atkins Endulge m&m's when I want something sweet for the most part.

    One bad day though, will not derail you, so just chalk it up to a bad day and get back to business. I am learning that eating healthy is a process. It takes time. I have been doing this for a year now (yeah, I lost progress due to skipping days - don't do that, just log it and move on.).

    Oh and today I finished that bowl of pasta but had no cookie. It was a huge calorie drag, and made me sick to have that many carbs at once. My body is learning the process. Yours will too.
  • holly55555
    holly55555 Posts: 306 Member
    You are fine! I ate fettuccine alfredo for my cheat meal last week. I always count the calories of my cheat meals in and budget it out from the calories for the rest of the week.

    I eat 1600 cal a day, but burn an extra 500-700 cal, 5 days a week from exercise. Usually I eat around 1400, giving myself an extra 200 each day (to add to my cheat meal).

    Anyway, this fettuccine was from a restaurant and ended up being 1,700 CALORIES TOTAL. It wasn't even a ridiculously big portion! This one meal was more calories than I eat in a DAY and I had wine with it, too!

    But guess what? It ended up fitting in my weekly budget (because of the exercise), so I still got off with a 1600 cal a day average. And I still lost my 1 lb a week.

    So, every now and then it is okay to binge a little (or a lot). I have one cheat meal a week. It usually is a burger and fries (my favorite meal ever), where I eat half the burger and half the fries (totaling around 800 cal), but sometimes I go way overboard at eat 1700 calorie fettuccine. It's an 80/20 rule. As long as you're doing well 80% of the time, your 20% failure won't ruin a thing.

    However, to prevent an unexpected binge where you feel horrible about it afterwards, you really should plan your binges/cheats. It sounds silly, but letting yourself indulge without guilt will actually help you stick to clean eating and you won't feel so deprived that you need to eat five cookies. If you want to eat a candy bar, budget out when within your calories. Maybe you say you only eat candy on Friday and you can have x amount. I do this with alcohol. I only drink on weekends and special days (ie, a friend's birthday on a Tuesday). It's just easier for me to say, oh it's Monday, I'm not gonna have a glass of wine with dinner tonight (and spare me the extra calories).

    So don't feel bad! Just select your cheat meal time and indulge so you don't overdo it! Plus, it'll give you extra motivation to workout harder during the week - more calories burned means more cheat allowance! haha

    Oh and if you like cookies...

    Depending on what bar you use, it's around 180 calories for SIX cookies and they are all protein!