Insulin resistance, pregnancy and weight loss

I was wondering if anyone who was insulin resistant and over weight got pregnant after losing weight? I am 30 (almost 31). I already have a 3.5 yo. I am prediabetic. I have been trying to conceive for a year but havent had a period in a year. All test were run for PCOS and while ultrasound didn't reveal anything, ob/gyn put me on metformin. I tried that for 6 months, still no period. She then gave me the whole chlomid/progesterone etc concoction. I didn't want to take so many medication so I stopped everything. I seriously started with weight loss last week. Whatever else might be wrong, all the weight isn't helping.
However, every now and then I get sad/depressed because I want another kid. And I was wondering if someone in the same boat as I was able to naturally conceive after weight loss.


  • Chelsilu
    Chelsilu Posts: 15 Member
    While I have cured my insulin resistance and PCOS without the use of medication, I have not been trying to conceive. I do know, however, that healthy menstrual cycles are all about healthy hormone balance. The best way to balance hormones is to eat clean, wholesome food and participate in moderate weight bearing exercise (not necessarily cardio)! I'd LOVE to share my information with you, so if you're interested, message me. I don't want to end up in a debate with someone on the forum, since, you know, everybody knows everything here.
