Loosing weight with JUST mfp

Has anyone done it just using this site and no other diet? based on the recommendations and calorie intake it gives you?

I am at the beginning of my journey :)


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    see ticker below...the first 25 I did on my own but the rest just MFP and logging/weighing my food.

    You don't need a special "diet" or "supplements" or "shakes" to lose weight you just need a calorie deficet...

    Heck you don't even need exercise...that is for health.
  • skinny0000
    skinny0000 Posts: 90 Member
    Yes ma'am, I sure have. After trying countless fads and scams, I finally went with the mainstream, boring "calories in - calories out" myfitnesspal approach...
  • oliolioli92
    oliolioli92 Posts: 24 Member
    Wow thats amazing! Well done! That makes me happy to hear, sometimes it seems to simple! how long have you been using mfp?

  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    I don't do any special "diet" just simple calorie restriction. At first, I used MFP on it's own. I had results but I just wanted to be more accurate with my information, so I got a Fitbit and a HRM for better accuracy in determining calories burned. My fitbit tells MFP approximately how many calories I burned in the day (based on how active or inactive I am) and it adjusts my calories here accordingly.

    Here is a good thread to read:
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Wow thats amazing! Well done! That makes me happy to hear, sometimes it seems to simple! how long have you been using mfp?


    I joined June 17, 2013...and by easter I should be at maintenance...which includes 1.5lb gained over Christmas and 4lbs over vacation this February...(I didn't log and drank all my calories :drinker: )
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I don't do any special "diet" just simple calorie restriction. At first, I used MFP on it's own. I had results but I just wanted to be more accurate with my information, so I got a Fitbit and a HRM for better accuracy in determining calories burned. My fitbit tells MFP approximately how many calories I burned in the day (based on how active or inactive I am) and it adjusts my calories here accordingly.

    Here is a good thread to read:

    Yes on that note another useful tool is a kitchen scale for logging accurately.
  • GlitterrMagpie
    GlitterrMagpie Posts: 302 Member
    Yes, I eat everything in moderation and follow MFPs calorie goals. It really does work :smile:
  • LassVegas
    LassVegas Posts: 35
    I didn't come on here with the purpose of weight loss (I'm training for an event), however, I did come on here because I was told about it by someone who HAD successfully used MFP and only MFP for weight loss. So I think two things. One is the answer is yes, and the other is, it's great for tracking overall fitness when you're done!

    This really is an incredible tool and resource for fitness and health.

    Best wishes on your journey! Whatever it may be!
  • CharleeCali
    CharleeCali Posts: 51 Member
    Yes, fairly new member here. Just MFP, although I'm not eating back my exercise calories. But to be honest, it's not that much at this point.
  • barrwg
    barrwg Posts: 1 Member
    Yes definitely, 51lbs plus since the 6th January 2014, purely from using MFP.

    Kind Regards
  • oliolioli92
    oliolioli92 Posts: 24 Member
    I did wonder how accurate the calorie estimates are on here! I just read through that link, I recently got a heart rate monitor I am just yet to work out how to use it, I want to concentrate on my eating first, then ill focus on my exercise, I go to the gym three times a week for fitness classes, but wasn’t sure how to record the calories because I didn’t no myself! Sezxysteff that’s incredible! Well done!
  • aufferta
    aufferta Posts: 3 Member
    I have only used MFP, and I am having pretty good luck with it. I would recommend setting reminder alarms though, because some days you just forget to log, and it will remind you! Good luck!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Yes, many. I've lost 25 (and intentionally gained >25) by manipulating my CICO.

    However, the number MFP gives you at the beginning is just an estimate. There are a lot of variables in that number, some you can easily change in the setup, and some you may need to tweak based on your experience.

    Start with whatever number it gives you. Consistently hit that number. Weight and/or measure everything you eat. Accurately log your exercise as best you can. Consistency and accuracy in your logging is crucial. After some period of time...say, 4-6 weeks...reevaluate your progress. Losing too quickly? Awesome. Increase your daily calories. (Easiest way to do this is in your activity setting on MFP.) Not losing quickly enough? (Are you sure? I mean, let's be serious here...if you're losing a pound or two per week, that's quickly enough). Then drop your calories a little lower. Once you have this new number, then repeat...as in, hit this new number consistently and accurately for some period of time and reevaluate. Repeat this whole cycle a few times and you'll find the number that works for you *at that point in your life*. See, even when you find the *right* number, it changes as you progress towards your goal...which is why you have to constantly reevaluate and tweak if you want to keep making progress.

    Best of luck.
  • oliolioli92
    oliolioli92 Posts: 24 Member
    ooh thats a good idea.. thanks! I am trying to stick to the habit of logging before I eat :)
  • oliolioli92
    oliolioli92 Posts: 24 Member
    Yes, many. I've lost 25 (and intentionally gained >25) by manipulating my CICO.

    However, the number MFP gives you at the beginning is just an estimate. There are a lot of variables in that number, some you can easily change in the setup, and some you may need to tweak based on your experience.

    Start with whatever number it gives you. Consistently hit that number. Weight and/or measure everything you eat. Accurately log your exercise as best you can. Consistency and accuracy in your logging is crucial. After some period of time...say, 4-6 weeks...reevaluate your progress. Losing too quickly? Awesome. Increase your daily calories. (Easiest way to do this is in your activity setting on MFP.) Not losing quickly enough? (Are you sure? I mean, let's be serious here...if you're losing a pound or two per week, that's quickly enough). Then drop your calories a little lower. Once you have this new number, then repeat...as in, hit this new number consistently and accurately for some period of time and reevaluate. Repeat this whole cycle a few times and you'll find the number that works for you *at that point in your life*. See, even when you find the *right* number, it changes as you progress towards your goal...which is why you have to constantly reevaluate and tweak if you want to keep making progress.

    Best of luck.

    I think at the moment mfp has given me the lowest amount of calories you can have, 1200.. I didn't choose this but I suppose its because of the time scale I set or something, I'm quite happy with it at present but haven't really done it long enough to assess yet :) thanks for the advice I will keep an eye on it.
  • ihad
    ihad Posts: 7,463 Member
    Yes, many. I've lost 25 (and intentionally gained >25) by manipulating my CICO.

    However, the number MFP gives you at the beginning is just an estimate. There are a lot of variables in that number, some you can easily change in the setup, and some you may need to tweak based on your experience.

    Start with whatever number it gives you. Consistently hit that number. Weight and/or measure everything you eat. Accurately log your exercise as best you can. Consistency and accuracy in your logging is crucial. After some period of time...say, 4-6 weeks...reevaluate your progress. Losing too quickly? Awesome. Increase your daily calories. (Easiest way to do this is in your activity setting on MFP.) Not losing quickly enough? (Are you sure? I mean, let's be serious here...if you're losing a pound or two per week, that's quickly enough). Then drop your calories a little lower. Once you have this new number, then repeat...as in, hit this new number consistently and accurately for some period of time and reevaluate. Repeat this whole cycle a few times and you'll find the number that works for you *at that point in your life*. See, even when you find the *right* number, it changes as you progress towards your goal...which is why you have to constantly reevaluate and tweak if you want to keep making progress.

    Best of luck.

    This is full of rightness.

    MFP is a great tool, use it consistently, learn from your results,and adapt. Good things can happen.
  • ihad
    ihad Posts: 7,463 Member
    Yes, many. I've lost 25 (and intentionally gained >25) by manipulating my CICO.

    However, the number MFP gives you at the beginning is just an estimate. There are a lot of variables in that number, some you can easily change in the setup, and some you may need to tweak based on your experience.

    Start with whatever number it gives you. Consistently hit that number. Weight and/or measure everything you eat. Accurately log your exercise as best you can. Consistency and accuracy in your logging is crucial. After some period of time...say, 4-6 weeks...reevaluate your progress. Losing too quickly? Awesome. Increase your daily calories. (Easiest way to do this is in your activity setting on MFP.) Not losing quickly enough? (Are you sure? I mean, let's be serious here...if you're losing a pound or two per week, that's quickly enough). Then drop your calories a little lower. Once you have this new number, then repeat...as in, hit this new number consistently and accurately for some period of time and reevaluate. Repeat this whole cycle a few times and you'll find the number that works for you *at that point in your life*. See, even when you find the *right* number, it changes as you progress towards your goal...which is why you have to constantly reevaluate and tweak if you want to keep making progress.

    Best of luck.

    I think at the moment mfp has given me the lowest amount of calories you can have, 1200.. I didn't choose this but I suppose its because of the time scale I set or something, I'm quite happy with it at present but haven't really done it long enough to assess yet :) thanks for the advice I will keep an eye on it.

    You chose that number by choosing your activity level and how many pounds a week you wanted to lose. Modifying either of those assumptions will affect it.
  • ihad
    ihad Posts: 7,463 Member
    Take a look at these links for some more perspective:

    For those looking for a clear explanation of weight loss: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/952996-level-obstacles-lose-weight-target-fat-easy

    Trying to figure out how to get started?: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants

    Confused about all those crazy acronyms? http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1069278-acronyms-and-terms-for-new-mfp-members-v-6
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    ooh thats a good idea.. thanks! I am trying to stick to the habit of logging before I eat :)

    Yes prelogging works great...you can see by my diary I prelog days in advance...

    As for your calorie goal it's based on your weekly weight loss goal..if you have over 100lbs it is suggest 2lbs a week...but since you have just under 50 it is suggested 1lb a week is a healthy substainable goal that means you get the maximum number of calories you can consume while still losing the weight...

    If you did put 2lbs in you can change that easily if you find 1200 not enough...I eat 1700 a day with weight lifting and hiit 2x a week and lose 3/4lb a week...
  • beautifulwarrior18
    beautifulwarrior18 Posts: 914 Member
    You're better off focusing on exercise first to be honest. I just read a study at work (I want to saw out of UW-Lacrosse) but I don't remember for sure that said you're more likely to stick with a plan if you focus on exercise first. If you're really convinced to start with diet just know you can be skinny by using diet alone, but you'll never be healthy and your risk for heart diseases, diabetes, etc will be increased compared to people who are overweight and workout. So, seriously think about incorporating regular exercise later on.