any nutritionists or people who can help out there?

checking my report..i average a pound lost a month..which is crazy. i try to eat well, stay under my calorie goal. excercise..i tried calorie confusion..and eating more of my calories burned from exercise..and yah maybe 1 month ill loose more then a pound..but not usually.

im a picky eater so i dont have much to choose from..but thats why maybe someone can give me some ideas..or maybe help because im just not loosing the weight.

i dont know what else i can be happy with 3 pounds in a month..i wish it could be 4..a pound a week..but i dont see that happening.

heres what i DONT like so if anyone can give me ideas on what to eat..

rye bread
cottage cheese
mostly all yougurt
lots of spicy foods
all seafood
and thats all i can think of at the moment.

i try to eat alot of chicken, veggies and fruit-i like more berrys then anything else.ive been eating light-low cal soups, if i do eat pizza or pasta or anything like that..i make sure i stay in my calorie goal with it..and i dont eat it everyday. i also eat turkey and cheese on deli flats-whole grain. almonds. lots of special k stuff..

but it doesnt seem to be working.



  • Edestiny7
    Edestiny7 Posts: 730 Member
    Are you eating your exercise calories? You want to be sure your net calories are not below 1200.
  • delania
    delania Posts: 17 Member
    I have a degree in nutrition and one of the most important things I learned is that humans need variety. Eating the same thing every day will cause certain nutritional deficiencies. It's great to eat a lot of chicken and veggies, but you may also want to incorporate fish (if you like it, many people don't), lean beef, lean pork like pork chops, even different poultry like turkey. You also want to eat a variety of vegetables, ensuring you are eating all available colors. This time of year, variety is limited, so you may want to purchase some frozen. Smoothies are a great way to get a variety of fruit. Also, as Edestiny7 pointed out, NEVER go under 1200 NET calories a day. For one, there is no way to get all of your nutrients. For another, your body WILL go into starvation mode and hold onto EVERY pound. In fact, you will lose muscle and gain fat. Make sure you take vitamin supplements, and I would suggest using this website to track nutrient intake. This will tell you what you need more of.

    Good luck.
  • denisec26
    denisec26 Posts: 199 Member
    i do eat my exercise calories and dont go under 1200 a day.
    and i dont eat fish :(
    but i do try and eat lean steak once in a blue and i do eat turkey also.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    not a nutritionist but are you working out? Try to go by how your clothes fit. My scale hasn't changed but my body has so I've stopped relying on numbers. The only number I'm interested in is the calories burned number.

    I too have a lot of foods I don't like. I spent my childhood eating nothing but junk food. I'm trying to acquire a taste for some of them. It's hard. I can't stand green peppers but learned that red, orange and yellow pepper are so much better. They have a sweetness and less of the distinct pepper taste. They're yummy when they are grilled or roasted.

    Have you ever tried a Jicama? Not sure if it's a fruit or a vegetable but they are very healthy and have a wonderful sweetness to them (texture reminds me of water chesnuts). Good luck from another picky eater.

    I've been trying vegetables and foods I have never eaten before. I've learned I like almost all squash. I've learned it I put some raisins in my salad I enjoy it more. Keep trying.
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    I'd be willing to bet it has nothing to do with What you are eating, but how much you are eating. I tried to go look at your diaries, but didn't see any food for the last couple of weeks. When I finally got a log that was filled in (beginning of December) it was a lot of quick added calories and not much else. The first thing you'll have to do before I can help you is start logging everything that goes in your mouth. After that, you need to make sure you are eating all of your alloted calories, including exercise calories. MFP already has you at a deficit. Not eating exercise calories increases the deficit. Increasing the deficit too much will sabotage your weight loss efforts. In fact, I don't use the 500-1000 calorie deficit that MFP uses with my personal clients because it is too much for some people. I use a formula that means eating no less then 80% of total daily energy expenditure (BMR + activity level + exercise) to make sure too little isn't consumed. If you want to send me a PM, I'll be glad to put your info in my formula and give you a range of calories, carbs, protein, and fat to consume to see if that works better for you to make sure you're meeting your needs without exceeding them.
  • denisec26
    denisec26 Posts: 199 Member
    thanks again. i am exercising. and havent tried that fruit/veggie u mentioned but ill look into it.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    thanks again. i am exercising. and havent tried that fruit/veggie u mentioned but ill look into it.

    Definitely listen to the personal trainer and nutritionist. I'm still trying to work on my weekends and I'm still learning. I have a good breakfast then have a tendency to munch during the day (but not on junk food - what I would give for a fast food burger right now!) or go the whole day without eating. I don't seem to log the weekends. But during the week I log everything and I fight to get to 1200 calories. I prefer to eat more. I'm not overweight - would love to lose about 10 pounds but the only way I'm going to be able to do that is to up the exercise and that is going slowly.

    the Jicama is very popular in Mexico. Be prepared - it's ugly but the skin isn't eaten. Looks almost like a misshapen potato
  • Jackiemal
    Jackiemal Posts: 63 Member
    I'm a picky eater too. It is difficult to get those nutrients in. I don't like many veggies, so my thing is to drink V-8 Fusion juice. I can't stand the regular tomato juice, but the fusion I can get down. And it gives me one serving of fruit and one serving of veggies. I know its better to eat the actual food rather than drink it, but its the only way I seem to be able to get all my needed amounts.

    Good luck!

  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    It's usually hard to tell how much you're eating when you don't even log your food, and because of that we have absolutely no way of knowing why you aren't finding success.
  • denisec26
    denisec26 Posts: 199 Member
    i do log my food.. havent been on for about 2 weeks cause ive been sick.
    also, if the food isent in the database then its kinda hard to sit there and log it all in from scratch, especially with a 10 month old crawling all over the i count my calories but sometimes had to quick add them if the excat thing im eating isent in MFP already.
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    Hope you're feeling better then. Just not a lot we can do without that info other then giving blind suggestions.
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    i do log my food.. havent been on for about 2 weeks cause ive been sick.
    also, if the food isent in the database then its kinda hard to sit there and log it all in from scratch, especially with a 10 month old crawling all over the i count my calories but sometimes had to quick add them if the excat thing im eating isent in MFP already.

    I understand it is difficult. Time is my issue. I don't have small children anymore, but my two teenagers are still demanding on my time for various projects and extra curricular activities. Plus I go to school full time (18 credit hours a semester) and run two businesses. Looking up foods is definitely not number one on my priority list, so instead of adding things special I'll often use something similar that is already listed, even if it isn't 100% right. All calorie information is an estimate anyway, so I figure it's okay to be a little off on the estimate as long as I'm getting close.

    Another thing I learned a long time ago is that as Mothers, we have to take care of ourselves first. If we don't, then we won't be around to take care of our kids, husband, job, etc. It's like when you get on a plane and the flight attendant tells you that if the oxygen masks come down to put your own on first and then help your children put theirs on. You can't help them live (have oxygen) if you aren't living (consuming oxygen). It's the same with healthy habits. If you don't take care of your body through good nutrition and exercise, you can't keep up with an active toddler or teach a grade schooler to ride a bike or any number of other things that they will do throughout life because you won't physically be able to do it. The 1-2 hours a day that they give up with me so I can exercise and log my food is made up with the years that are added to my life because I spend that hour or two a day eating right and exercising.
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    Also, if you've been sick, that can explain a lot of issues with weight loss or lack thereof. Give yourself some time to get over being ill before you judge your weight loss.