I want to loose 15 pounds fast! How do I do it?

Hi everyone! Shae here.

I want to lose weight and have been trying to loose weight for the past year but have been unsuccessful so far. I'm currently 18 and in the past year I've not lost but gained 10 pounds.

Height: 5 ft 5 in
My current weight: 130 (bmi 21.6)
Goal weight: 115 (bmi 19.1)

I'm small boned so this weight should be good for me (I weighed this before my metabolism changed). I still have a great metabolism but it used to be even better. I could eat non stop and never gain a pound. Sadly, those days gave me some bad food habits that I'm now working on fixing. I over eat often and never exercise... uunnntilll noooww!

That's all going to change! I'm going to nip this in the butt. I've started an evercise program at my school and am trying to eat healthier and less.

I want to loose weight fast, but not so fast it's unhealthy.

I've started by going to the gym everyday other day for at least 30 min to start and am doing mostly cardio. In addition I walk about 40 minutes everyday to and from school. Exercise is not usually a problem since I often go to activities involving exercise (hikes/dances/etc) but these are pretty irregular.

Food is another problem. It's like I lose all intelligence when I'm around it. I overeat. I eat really unhealthy food. It feels like I have no control. I like healthy food though. But if I had to choose between healthy food and unhealthy food, I'd choose the latter.

Any tips? Especcially for food. Would you say 115 is and unhealthy goal weight? And what if I don't want to just get skinny and want to be fit too? I know muscle weighs more so what should be my goal weight be if I wanted that? Any help is apreciated. Thanks!


  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    I think you're at an excellent weight right where you are at. What's the rush???
  • Xaudelle
    Xaudelle Posts: 122 Member
    135 is my goal weight and I'm an inch taller than you.

    I think you're fine.
  • shaekc
    shaekc Posts: 11 Member
    I'm graduating highschool pretty soon. Wanna look good in that dress, you know.
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    What frame are you? Small, medium, or large? You might already be at a decent scale weight for your height.

    Why do you want to lose the weight fast? Weight isn't put on overnight & it won't come off overnight either.

    Do you measure your food on a food scale?
  • denisegunnels
    denisegunnels Posts: 43 Member
    The answer is.................you don't. I won't tell you you are at an acceptable weight because you don't believe that so my opinion is irrelevant. The reality is you can't make a permanent loss that quickly. You could take it off in probably two weeks if you really set your mind to it but not too long after that you would gain twice that back, setting yourself up for dieting success and failure cycles for the rest of your life.

    Get fit, stay healthy but don't be unrealistic.
  • shaekc
    shaekc Posts: 11 Member
    I have a small frame. I want to lose it for grad. That's in about 2 1/2 months. I don't measure food on a food scale. Should I start doing that?
  • dpwellman
    dpwellman Posts: 3,271 Member
    Hit the trail (running). Hit the weight stacks (6 RM-- if you can do eight, too light.). Don't worry about what you're eating, but WHEN: try to eat earlier, rather than trying to not eat until you have such a calorie deficit you reach for easy, quick things, rather than healthier, but more involved things.
  • ChristineinMA
    ChristineinMA Posts: 312 Member
    The answer is.................you don't. I won't tell you you are at an acceptable weight because you don't believe that so my opinion is irrelevant. The reality is you can't make a permanent loss that quickly. You could take it off in probably two weeks if you really set your mind to it but not too long after that you would gain twice that back, setting yourself up for dieting success and failure cycles for the rest of your life.

    Get fit, stay healthy but don't be unrealistic.

  • shaekc
    shaekc Posts: 11 Member
    Would losing 10 pounds be more realistic?
  • cabrerva
    cabrerva Posts: 33 Member
    For your height, your weight seems appropriate. However, if you have gained weight, you may benefit from cutting out junk food / soda. Drink more water, get more sleep, take some vitamins, eat move veggies with every meal. Add in going to the gym so that you can build resistance, and tone up. Don't overdo the cardio, use the weight machines :) Make it a goal to be a healthier, better you, and it will be better than a fad diet. Most importantly, it's all about how YOU feel, and not a number on the scale. ;) good luck!
  • shaekc
    shaekc Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks for the tips!
  • enchantedgardener
    enchantedgardener Posts: 214 Member
    If you're graduating this May/June, it's unlikely you'll manage to lose 15 lbs by then. Not impossible, but unlikely. Do you want to lose fat or muscle? Losing muscle can happen faster than losing fat, but it won't make you look good.

    You're pretty active by the sounds of it, so keep that up.

    Focus on eating more healthy foods. More veggies, more fruit, more whole grains, more lean protein. Try to eat unhealthy foods less often.

    If you do this, you will likely start losing weight. A healthy rate, since you are so close to your goal weight already, is 1/2lb per week. If you're losing faster than that, you're losing muscle and water weight.
  • deb54
    deb54 Posts: 270 Member
    do use a food scale and also use an HRM when exercising if possible...i would love to lose 20 lbs quickly (regained) BUT...i know if i do it will just reappear quickly...workout, strength train and eat sensibly...good luck to you !
  • shaekc
    shaekc Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks! I'll add some muscle building to my routine.
  • lsorci919
    lsorci919 Posts: 772 Member
    I recommend add lifting to your exercise and not focusing so much on the number on the scale but more how your clothes fit and how you feel. At your height, the weight you are at is a good number. Take your measurement instead of obsessing over the scale.
  • missyahall2
    missyahall2 Posts: 99 Member
    The greatest piece of fitness advice I ever received was to not do anything to lose weight that you aren't willing to do for the rest of your life. Take your time. Don't worry about losing fast. Slow and steady wins the race. Or you can sever a leg but I wouldn't recommend it. Good Luck!
  • derkin2005
    derkin2005 Posts: 282 Member
    Work your *kitten* off and make no excuses.
  • kxbailey25
    kxbailey25 Posts: 4 Member
    Do you cook? If you don't, I would recommend giving it a whirl. I have the same problems with food; I loose my mind around it. I overeat, and if given the choice, I will always pick the unhealthiest option. I started cooking several years back, and I found that it's a fun way to curb my atrocious eating habits. You can get super creative, and the best part is, you control what's in it! When I started cooking the majority of my meals, I took it as a challenge to make healthy food taste just as delicious as the junk food I loved so much. And it worked! Once you start playing with ingredients, a whole new world of flavors opens up to you. I think that it's a wonderful creative outlet, and I have so much fun creating new dishes. I can now drive straight past those golden arches, because I know that anything I make will taste 100 times better! Since I started my weight loss journey, I've lost around 70 lbs. I attribute every single one of those pounds to cardio, and to becoming my own personal chef :)

    Good luck on your journey; it's work, but it's worth it!!
  • holly55555
    holly55555 Posts: 306 Member
    Because your weight is low, it probably has to do more with your body fat percentage. Someone who is an athlete at 135 does not look like someone who is a couch potato at 135. Clean up your diet and workout and lose body fat. The scale may not change much (this happened to me - I was skinny fat, too), but your body will!

    Also? You did not gain it fast, you will not lose it fast. But the sooner you start, the sooner you'll get there.
  • shaekc
    shaekc Posts: 11 Member
    I don't cook much but when I have, I've enjoyed it. I like this idea. Definitely giving it a try! Thanks!