Emotional eating is making me crazy!!

No matter what goals I set to get fit, emotional eating always derails me!! I have no idea how to control my emotions from work and school, as well personal problems, without food. I feel like I have a disease...

Just needed to rant.


  • brandycochran
    brandycochran Posts: 11 Member
    Funny (ok, not really)! I was just venting about the exact same thing....I am an absolute emotional eater. I have looked into Overeaters Anonymous and they welcome people who over eat and are overweight. Not just those who binge eat (bulimia). I have not attended a meeting but am giving it serious thought because I can't seem to break the cycle either.

    Just keep trying and keep fighting!
  • sansa_stark
    sansa_stark Posts: 13 Member
    Wow, I didn't know that was a thing! I think on here they have support groups too :)
  • Deedle7544
    Deedle7544 Posts: 185 Member
    That's me too, and I hate it!!!! My ex can send me to the junk food quicker thtan anything. Trying to break the cycle is not easy.
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    Maybe crazy is making you emotionally eat.
  • sansa_stark
    sansa_stark Posts: 13 Member
    Deedle - I feel you on that one. I have a great boyfriend right now, but my ex made me eat like no other.

    Rocka - haha, you know what, that's probably true!

    Feel free to add me as a friend guys. Maybe we can help each other :)
  • learnerdriver
    learnerdriver Posts: 298 Member
    I know. Have been struggling last few weeks and its showing on the scales. one day at a time.
  • sansa_stark
    sansa_stark Posts: 13 Member
    Same here. The worst time is at night...
  • CTcutie
    CTcutie Posts: 649 Member
    I have done really well since I started logging ALL my food here (since August). I have had a few stressful life situations to deal with in the last few months, but I have made it through unscathed!! And exercise helps, too :flowerforyou:
  • UmmaOfThree
    UmmaOfThree Posts: 31 Member
    I'm dealing with the same problem. I'm now limiting junk food in the house and getting more healthy food, such as fruit. I know that when I need a food fix, the last thing I want to do is slave away in the kitchen. That's why I grab whatever's around. I figure if I stock my kitchen with grab-n-go fruit (apples, bananas, grapes, mandarin oranges), veggies (like baby carrots, celery, grape tomatoes) or healthier varieties of snack food (whole grain crackers, string cheese or light cheese, almonds, cashews), the better I'll be at these times. It's ok sometimes to use food as comfort, but only a small amount and only something that's good for the body. I've tried distracting myself with reading and such, but that only works with non-food addicts, so this is the only thing that works for me. And the water thing, that doesn't work for me either. I have to have actual food.
  • sansa_stark
    sansa_stark Posts: 13 Member
    I want to use exercise as a way of distraction, but I went snowboarding for the first time a week ago and landed really hard on my butt on the ice. I am pretty sure I bruised my coccyx (sp?), because I can't sit or lie down properly without wanting to curl up in pain. Think I am gonna see a doctor soon if the pain doesn't ease up. I'm too afraid to do any hardcore exercise :S

    CTcutie: logging food definitely helps. I know I avoid it because I don't want to face what I've eaten.

    UmmaofThree: I live with my family atm and they love junk food so that's unfortunately not an option for me. Writing helps distract me from any food thoughts.