Problem with my weight loss (Don't laugh)

Ok', I've lost about 35 lbs and haven't wieghed this in a long time. That's the good news, but it has created a new problem for me. About 30 yrs ago I was roller skating with my son and managed to fall straight on my butt! Talk about pain!

I found out the I broke my tailbone in 2 place, towards the bottom and then at the top. It took a long time to heal and I had issues sitting for a long time A regular donut didn't work because it hit the top of one of the breaks. Ached for years on flights etc. Then it stopped. I was so thankful. Figured it had just healed completely. WRONG!

Now I know why. I must have gained just enough padding in the rear that it protected me. Not anymore. I can't even sit in my recliner for a short time before the aching starts. My office chair is a little better as long as I'm sitting up straight. But even that is bad.

I'm not complaining about the weight loss, very ahppy about that. But now I'm trying to figure out how to handle that. I've ordered something on Amazon that I really hope works. Going to have surgery in 2 weeks on both knees and will have to spend a lot of time sitting.


  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    This feels like a doctor/physio question
  • RebelliousRibbons
    RebelliousRibbons Posts: 391 Member
    This feels like a doctor/physio question

    This. Also. Have you recently started any new exercises that may have irritated the previous injury?
  • sandign
    sandign Posts: 56
    No, I just lost the padding I had and I guess the best way to describe it is my rear is now bony. Not so much that it looks bad, it just isn't where I carry my weight.

    I'm ging to mention it to my OS but I'll just have to find something that raises it up off the seat. I was told way back when it happened it might ache off and on. But I totally fogot about it until the wieght was gone. Never dreamed losing weight wuld bring it back.

    And yes it is a doctor question, just thought I would mention it. Don't expect answer/solutions from the group. just thought I would bring it up.
  • Binnee95
    Binnee95 Posts: 93 Member
    Oh! I feel your pain, literally! I fell hard on my right hip/bottom about a year ago and it still hurts me. I wound up with one cheek a bit larger than the other (Now, it's my turn to say, Don't Laugh!).They say I didn't break anything, didn't even send me for x-rays, but that doesn't matter. I couldn't sit right for weeks. I still can't lay on my hip.
    It is a painful area to hurt especially when you actually break something like you did.
    Since mine hurts while I am still so heavy, I worry now after reading what you wrote!

    Anyway,Just wanted to say, I hope you feel better! And Good Luck with the surgery for your knees!
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    there are extremely skinny people that have no problems sitting in an office chair. i wouldn't be so quick to write this off as a case of not having enough booty, especially with your medical history.
  • paj315
    paj315 Posts: 335 Member
    I had the same issue, only I broke my tailbone in childbirth 11 years ago, and finally went to my chiropractor about it and come to find out the problem was with my hip and it was being aggravated by my squats. He gave me some stretches to do and it seems to be better now unless I have to sit for a very long period of time.
  • DEFINITELY talk to a doctor... I can't imagine any bone being broken for a long period of time is a good thing...
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,178 Member
    There is no way you have a bone which has not healed for 30 years. If there is damage to your nerves or scar tissue, you need to talk to the dr.
  • Jade0529
    Jade0529 Posts: 213 Member
    You probably favour one side or shift your body in a certain way and don't even realize it.

    I do that, and didn't know until my massage therapist pointed out that the back pain i have on my left side is because I overcompensate for various pains on my right side
  • sandign
    sandign Posts: 56
    There is no way you have a bone which has not healed for 30 years. If there is damage to your nerves or scar tissue, you need to talk to the dr.

    It isn't a broken bone any longer but as any type of injury like that you can always have problems. It may be the way it heaed or it migfht even be that arthritis has set in. I had a broken finger years ago and during certain weather it really acts up.

    But I did call the doctor but haven't heard back from him yet. Spoke to the nurse and she will talk with him and have him call me.
  • sandign
    sandign Posts: 56
    You probably favour one side or shift your body in a certain way and don't even realize it.

    I do that, and didn't know until my massage therapist pointed out that the back pain i have on my left side is because I overcompensate for various pains on my right side

    Believe me I try that. Since it is dead center it doesn't make much difference which side I sit on the pressure on the tailbone is still there. When it happened they considered actually removing part of the tailbone due to the bad breaks but I would not do it. (I also think at the time they were kidding but it really can be done)
  • sandign
    sandign Posts: 56
    there are extremely skinny people that have no problems sitting in an office chair. i wouldn't be so quick to write this off as a case of not having enough booty, especially with your medical history.

    I agree there are. But knowing how it ached after I broke it I find it is the same. I will likely have it checked, but not much they can do with your tailbone short of removing it whi I don't want to do.
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    No advice, but my sympathy. I've noticed a similar issue (even though I still have a lot of padding LOL). sitting in certain positions really bothers my tail bone (no injury here though). Small price to pay I suppose, though I'm sure yours, given your past injury, is much more significant than mine.
  • sandign
    sandign Posts: 56
    Well I went to the doctor today. I was right it was about my broken tailbone from 30 yrs ago. It appears that arthritis has set in around the "healed" broken areas. Not much I can do about it. I did buy a coccyx pillow which is helping. Only thing I can take is tylenol until the surgery. But at least it was nothing serious tat would prevent the surgery.
  • GertrudeHorse
    GertrudeHorse Posts: 646 Member
    There is no way you have a bone which has not healed for 30 years.

    With what confidence do you make this statement? I had a broken wrist bone that went undetected for about three years (had assumed it was a bad sprain) until an X-ray showed a break. It hadn't healed of it's own accord but some sort of cartilage had grown around the break that made the wrist vaguely functional despite still being broken (I don't think it was actually cartilage but I forget the exact word the doctor used -- it was a grey clouding around the area on the X-ray). Anyway, I had to have two separate operations before it eventually healed, but it certainly could have stayed unhealed if I had left it for another twenty years. It is definitely plausible to me that a bone can remain broken for 30 years.
  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    A "move n sit" or "disco sit" cushion might help. These "wiggle cushions" are inflatable and often used on seats at school. They run about $30. Don't overinflate it-you want to sink in but not hit the bottom.

    Won't cure the problem but might give you some relief.
    I too broke my tailbone-about 7 years ago and thank God after it finally healed I've been fine.
  • sandign
    sandign Posts: 56
    The cushion I bought is called a coccyx cushion. It's foam and is oblong with an opening at one end. A sandard inflatable one doesn't work because of where the fractures had been. But this one seems to be workng fine. I may have to buy one for the car also if it continues to bother me.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,941 Member
    Just sounds like you have a chronic injury issue that was reduced by having more "padding" previously. Talk to an experience orthopedist on this.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    I'm sorry, it sounds very painful! :-( I really don't have advice for you but talking to your doctor. Hope you feel better soon!
  • sandign
    sandign Posts: 56
    I'm confident of the diagnosis unless something unusual happens to change my mind. I went 25 yrs with no problems at all. That's kind of how arthritis works. When I broke my finger it was 38 yrs ago and 2 yrs ago arthritis set in. Comes and goes depending on the weather and what I'm doing. If I crochet or knit alot it will start to ache.

    My coccyx pillow arrived yesterday and it helps a great deal. Using it on a soft chair like a recliner is not the best but it helps.
  • skittlesnhoney
    skittlesnhoney Posts: 651 Member
    OP I feel your pain. I'm a chronic tailbone bruiser/breaker. It started when I was about 6 and I didn't put my feet down when coming off a super fast slide at the park. How embarrassing to have my 1st grade teacher have to probe my injury! After that, I usually bruised it every year doing something. At the age of 12 I was up at camp and slipped off the top bunk bed, landed on my tailbone on the headboard of the bed below me and broke it.

    A few years went by and I didn't notice it very often but once in a while it would ache when it rained.

    Bruised it again a couple times in adulthood with stupid falls. And I now I can't ever sit for extended periods of time without it becoming achy. I have to readjust, or get up and walk around.

    This past Fall, I was hiking on a 14er and slipped on some scree and came down hard, again on my tailbone on a jagged rock. I had been avidly working out up to this point and didn't realize how much you use your core and how that is compromised with a tailbone injury. I had to hike down from 13,000 feet and then endure a 2.5 hour car ride home. No bueno!

    It took me about 4 months to really heal, I had to take an inflatable donut seat to work and carry that around with me everywhere I sat.

    It's getting better, but it will always get sore when I sit for extended periods. My goal is to continue to be active but try not to bruise/break it any more times! I have a lot of hikes coming up this year, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
  • sandign
    sandign Posts: 56
    OP I feel your pain. I'm a chronic tailbone bruiser/breaker...

    A few years went by and I didn't notice it very often but once in a while it would ache when it rained...
    It took me about 4 months to really heal, I had to take an inflatable donut seat to work and carry that around with me everywhere I sat....

    It's getting better, but it will always get sore when I sit for extended periods. My goal is to continue to be active but try not to bruise/break it any more times! I have a lot of hikes coming up this year, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

    I'm so sorry. I know what you are going through. Mosy people think I'm crazy. I only injured it once but enough that they suggested removal but I said no. After it stopped aching in 5 yrs I was glad. Not so much now. With my knee surgery in a week I don't look forward to sitting for such long periods but I will endure. A regular donut doesn't work for me because it hits right where one of the breaks occurred. The coccyx pillow is helping some but is better on a hard surface. Will likely add something to it so I don't "sink" so much.

    I hope you don't injure it again. Best of luck.