Just started T25 today...

So here I am at 48, five feet and maybe an inch tall and weighing just about 160. I really let myself go and want to get back in shape. I ordered the T25 because I have realized that I need structure. I have a treadmill but have found myself using it very sporadically. I like walking on it once I get there, but getting on the thing and turning it on are just something i don't do out of sheer laziness.

I wanted something to come back to and most importantly, I did not want dancey type stuff. I have avoided the local gyms because they only seem to offer things like dancing workouts or kickboxing. This looked promising.

I just cracked open the box and did the first workout ever. I am glad to say that I made it through the entire 25 minutes moving but was only able to do it with the lady that is doing a modified version. I don't want to push too hard at the beginning. I will say that it was a great feeling when the timer ran out and I had kept moving in some way for the length of the session.

I can't really give a review of it since I just started but I wanted to let the rest of the overweight and out of shape people out there know that this is something that seems doable for us. I searched YouTube for videos and many were of the "here I am now, this is where I was" variety so they are well past the hugely embarrassing "I just took it out of the box and less than five minutes in, I wanted to die!" phase like I am right now.

In any case, here I am, starting out on this journey to stop looking like an out of shape, overweight person. If you are in the same boat that I am, you have company.


  • Deb_622
    Deb_622 Posts: 694
    Hi - I just wanted to say Good Luck!! I started T25 on 1/1 and I loved it...I liked the schedule and I liked the variety of the workouts...this was the first workout that I started AND finished.

    I'm not big on the "dancey" type of workouts either and I found that I was able to keep up with this...

    You CAN do this - feel free to message me if you have any questions :smile:
  • HockeyGoalie35
    HockeyGoalie35 Posts: 84 Member
    I started yesterday, I find myself doing the modified movements when the fancy footwork begins, no coordinated enough haha
  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    Hi, I'm 55 and I started after I lost most of my weight, but I wish I found it earlier. I'm so uncoordinated and I find the simple steps doable and easier on the knees. When he does something I can't do well...a jumping squat for instance, I just do something that keeps my heart rate up that I can do...sometimes that is harder than the modifier but easier for me.

    The 25 minutes is great when you just have that and 2 workouts under an hour can fit into a lot of lifestyles. Good luck with it, feel free to mix it up with other things, but you should see improvement after a couple of weeks,
  • lharrop1669
    lharrop1669 Posts: 28 Member
    Thats great!. I am 5'4 and 160 at 46. I used to do the dance-y type workouts, but more jiggles than I remember. [I've put on 25-30lbs since I used to do those things].

    I have thought of trying the T-25 workout. You have mentioned many of my concerns. I am getting closer to buying it.
    I am afraid to buy it but let it sit after a week.

    Good luck. I really want to know how it goes.
  • lharrop1669
    lharrop1669 Posts: 28 Member
    That is great! I just said to her that I have been considering buying it. I like how you do the modifications.
  • excessweightat48
    Good morning everyone.

    So I am technically on day 2 of T25 since I just got it yesterday but in order to keep the flow of weeks going, I did the Cardio and the Speed 1.0 yesterday so today's workout would be the Wednesday one on the calendar.

    I just finished doing the Full Body Circuit and once again had to modify nearly the entire workout. I don't mind this though because I don't want to hurt myself and try to do so much so soon. I really have a pretty sedentary life so overdoing it and getting injured or worse is not a good idea.

    I will say that even the modified workouts need to be modified at times. Some of the lunge-into-a-squat type things are too much for me right now so I just keep doing lunges. Sometimes the gal on the DVD does 2 lunges to my 1 but I am feeling it big time so I know it's working but I just need to stay at a pace that works me to the max but doesn't push me over the edge. I try to avoid too much fast twisting of myself too so I don't pull something.

    I still feel really uncoordinated at what look like very simple moves. I had to laugh at myself today because for whatever reason, my movements are backward. For example, if you have to put out your arm while lifting your leg, I tend to put my right arm out with my right leg, not the other way. I saw on the video that it was right arm/left leg but when I tried doing that it felt all backward and weird. I stuck to it though and hopefully will get more comfortable.

    The Full Body Circuit I did today was rough. There's a lot going on there and there are times when the camera is not on the modified workout so I have to wait until she comes back into view to see what she is doing. I make it my business to keep moving though while waiting whether it's jogging, squats or throwing jabs.

    I plan to do the Cardio one again later today and put in about 30 minutes on the treadmill. I am sitting here now drenched in sweat and feeling it big time. It's a good "feeling it" though. Nothing hurts, it just feels like my muscles are saying "hey! what the heck are you doing to us?"

    I will update as I go on. If winter ever decides to leave, I'll go out walking to add some variety to this.
  • Deb_622
    Deb_622 Posts: 694
    Good morning...make sure you don't over train...it sounds like you're doing 2-3 workouts a day...I doubled up a couple of the workouts...on double day, or if I missed one, but normally just did the one workout for the day and then I usually did a long run on my treadmill (Spring...where are you!?) on the weekend.

    I hear you about some of the more "tricky" footwork moves...I was happy to finally get the "front-center-back-center" thing...but, really had to focus on my arms, or I would do the wrong ones too :wink:

    Sounds like you're doing great so far!! Keep it up!!
  • excessweightat48
    Thanks, Deb.

    I did the two workouts yesterday several hours apart so I was fully back to normal when I started it. I walk at a gradual pace (3mph) for about 30 minutes since about 5 days ago just to keep moving. I was a little concerned about T25 modified initially because I figured the results that are all over the place are assuming that you are doing the full workout at full speed.

    Since I am feeling my muscles working (it feels great!) I am tossing the whole idea of "in x days, I will lose x" and am just going to follow the plan as listed on the calendar. I will definitely try to do the full exercises when possible.

    I am off this week so I have more time to do these exercises. Once I return to work next week, I will get into a groove of doing my T25 every evening when I get home and maybe a little treadmill work. No overdoing it! I keep telling myself that slow and steady wins the race.

    We had some snow here in the east overnight (it passed us by thankfully) but it's bitter cold and windy here in NYC. It's supposed to go up to the high 50s on Friday though. I can only hope.
  • kbolton322
    kbolton322 Posts: 358 Member
    so I'm going to be restarting T25 tonight... I started it at the start of march but was knocked to my butt with the flu... so I am feeling 100% better now and going to get back to work outs.. .starting all the way back at day one!! I enjoyed the work outs alot when I did them...
  • jso727
    jso727 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey all! Just joined MFP and glad I found this thread. I'm on day 3 of T25 as well, mostly following the modifier. So far so good, although my right knee isn't great so some of the squatting was a bit painful. I'm hoping I get results even if I stick to following the modifier. I'm 5'1 and about 151 lbs, and this is the first workout I've done in a long time. Good luck everyone and keep posted on progress!
  • Rands13
    Rands13 Posts: 7 Member
    I am re-starting t25 right now did day three today! About the same stats as you. It has been hard but feeling good about my progress already! Keep me posted how it is going!!