Snacking at your desk



  • Masq
    Masq Posts: 191 Member
    I really like the Jack Links turkey jerky. It's high on protein & only 80 calories per ounce.
    I also keep protein bars and almonds at my desk for snacking.
  • MagJam2004
    MagJam2004 Posts: 651 Member
    My Graze box. Check out and see if it works for you. There is a low calorie graze box and it is kinda cool having my snacks mailed to me.
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    I always bring stuff that I can eat a bigger quantity of or will take me a little longer. This way it occupies my time for a little while and I can stretch one snack into 30 minutes or longer. I like to eat...

    Morning snack is always dry cereal. Usually a version of cheerios or Fiber One.... sometimes Krave. I have a sweet tooth and having this really helps me not crave sweeter things later.

    Afternoons is usually one of the following:
    apples sliced up sometimes sprinkled with cinnamon. If I slice them up it takes longer to eat. I mean like small pieces... not slices
    cucumbers with hot sauce
    bite size celery pieces and salsa
    string cheese
    frozen blueberries
    sliced up strawberries
    Almonds - I LOVE the habanero BBQ ones. They are higher calorie but if you portion them out you can be safe. I find they do really keep me satiated as well.
    i also like rice cakes.... the small ones of course :)

    I try to find whatever produce is on sale, chop it up small, and take it in.
  • thomaszabel
    thomaszabel Posts: 203 Member
    My favorite is plain old dry granola. I usually get one of the superfood granolas out of the bulk section of Whole Foods. My two favorite are the hemp superfood variety and the raspberry superfood variety. Sometimes I make my own at home.

    2 problems with this for many people:

    1) Even ultra-healthy granola is fairly high in calories. A cup of it can cost 500-600 calories. But for me, I put in 1-2 hours of running and biking per day, so I can counteract that.
    2) Even if you get it in the bulk section, the price is almost $12 per pound. Some varieties are $6 per pound, but still that could get expensive.
  • Happymelz
    Happymelz Posts: 536 Member
    I eat my breakfast in 2 parts. One part right when I get to work, and the next part when I get hungry again. Usually around 10 am.
    Lately 1st breakfast is 1/2 cup kasha that I snack on as I drink my coffee and 2nd breakfast is Oikos Greek Yogurt.

    After lunch I get hungry around 2:30 or 3 and have my carrots or sugar snap peas.

    My desk snack drawer usually has:
    My box for that week
    Jar of Peanut butter and a spoon
    Individual servings of Nuts
    1 oz packages of beef jerky.
    AND I bring a bag of carrots to keep in the fridge.
  • Neeters1969
    Neeters1969 Posts: 53 Member
    Generally I find if I start the day with protein, then the snacking is reduced. Planning always helps me. If I don't plan then I end up at the vending machine. One thing I find that helps with that is not to bring any money to work with me, and since the vending machine doesn't accept debit cards, then I am good.

    Lately I find that celery and peanut butter really help. I am carb sensitive, which means when I eat carbs I tend to find I am hungry an hour later which leads to more carb eating. So protein is a life saver for me.
  • nikkinixsix
    nikkinixsix Posts: 22 Member
    I find that I need small snacks to "graze" throughout the day so that I don't overeat at home! Here is an example of my snacks for today:

    - Banana
    - Sugar free rice pudding pack
    - Baby carrotts
    - Atkins advantage protein shake
    - Nectarine

    I switch it up by trading out the rice pudding for yogurt, and try to incorporate nuts when I can!

    Good luck!
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Agree with toronto_j ! Steamed green beans isn't enough- try to get some protein in there as well. I like to pack hard boiled eggs, lean deli meats, guacamole, mustard, greek yogurt: things like that. I also keep lots of herbal teas around to sip on.

    Please do not take canned tuna into your office unless you plan on eating it in a lunch room. I hate it when people open that in the office. Also, hard boiled eggs should be eaten privately in the break room.

    I keep a big container of pickles in my drawer, the kind from Sam's club. 30 calories each.

    Also the herbal teas with lots of Stevia.

    I try to eat a high-protein low-carb lunch to avoid sugar crashes.

    Good luck, I know it's so hard.

    For me the hardest thing is diet.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    Fruit, low-sodium trial mix, popcorn. Another option would be to buy a microwavable tray and pack veggies for a healthy afternoon snack.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    I find that I need small snacks to "graze" throughout the day so that I don't overeat at home! Here is an example of my snacks for today:

    - Banana
    - Sugar free rice pudding pack
    - Baby carrotts
    - Atkins advantage protein shake
    - Nectarine

    I switch it up by trading out the rice pudding for yogurt, and try to incorporate nuts when I can!

    Good luck!

    Banana and baby carrots are brilliant.

    I bring the carrots with a tablespoon of low-cal dressing for dip.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    What kinds of snacks do you bring/prepare for work

    Fruit, dried fruit, mixed nuts, pistachios, granola bars.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    Protein bars and shakes
    Fruits and vegetables
    Greek yogurt
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    It's not 'bad' to eat at your desk as long as you plan. I envy people who can keep a stash of food - I would eat it all!

    I have breakfast as well as lunch at work because I don't have time to eat at home before I leave in the morning. My breakfast is usually some overnight oats (@375 cals) and then lunch is always a huge salad with some protein and a boiled egg. In addition to that I normally have another big container of cut up veggies and a small bit of cut up fruit and just in case I am SILL hungry - happens sometimes - I also have 2 clementines and sometimes I'll bring some dried prunes also. That leaves me about 800 calories for dinner and a snack before bed though I am trying very hard to cut out the snack at night.

    From your description of what you are eating for breakfast/lunch I will say that you need more protein than just what you are eating at dinner. You should be aiming for somewhere between .8 and 1 g per pound of lean mass. Keep putting tuna or chicken in your salad and bringing that egg, try adding some Greek yogurt or another protein source and that will help too.
  • advfhorn
    advfhorn Posts: 1 Member
    Hard boiled eggs (eating one whole per day and a few egg whites), nuts (I crack with a cracker I keep on my desk) apple, clemintines, bannana, raw carrots, yogurt ... and hidden in a bin in a drawer (mice issues) are some dark chocolate Hersey Kisses for those days I must have a chocolate fix.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Steamed green beans? That's hardly a filler.

    Fruit, peanuts (small handful)... not much else.
  • kjgarcia
    kjgarcia Posts: 104 Member
    Today I have:

    Some Crystal Light to add to my water
    String Cheese
    Chobani Yogurt
    Kale & Apple Salad (lunch)
    Quinoa Salad (Quinoa, Cucumbers, Tomato, Cilantro, Lemon Juice...premade from Costco)
    A 100 Calorie Granola Bar
    I feel like I'm forgetting something else, but I dunno what.

    I just eat whatever when I have the chance, no certain 'schedule' or order. Depending how busy I am decides what I grab and eat.
  • LFDBabs
    LFDBabs Posts: 297 Member
    My desk drawer is filled with Pure Protein Chewy Chocolate Chip Bars, Blue Diamond Dark Chocolate flavored almonds, Blue Diamond Roasted Salted Almonds, gum, SLIM JIMS, White Tea with Pomegranate (Trader Joes-yummy). I also bring in apples, melon, berries or whatever I'm in the mood for that day. I only allow myself to snack at 10:30 and 3:00 (lunch is at 12:30) and I also only indulge in a snack if I'm hungry, not out of boredom. Sometimes that means half a protein bar, other days it's the whole bar. Today, 10:30 snack time can't get here soon enough!
  • megan1869
    megan1869 Posts: 166 Member
    Carrots & Hummus is my fav! Almonds are also very easy to keep at your desk.... high calorie but VERY good for you :)
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    Steamed green beans? That's hardly a filler.

    Fruit, peanuts (small handful)... not much else.

    It works for me. :)
  • lookpretty
    lookpretty Posts: 276 Member
    I don't really eat at work, idk too cold or something, but I drink coffee until my stomach hurts then I have a stash of teas, green, peppermind and chamomile (had some early grey but I guess the front desk girl thought I was sharing because I left it in break room?) then as the afternoon slump kicks in I change to caffeinated grape crystal lite

    I do have some food here though, I sometimes freeze a can of fruit until its half frozen, or I have some bags of veggies I nuke in the microwave then spread soy sauce and garlic salt on them (I also have peppermint candy)