Anyone here with 4+ kids??

Hi all!!
I am currently building my friends list and I love all the support and motivation so far from amazing people. I log in every single day and check my status updates multiple times a day from my phone. I try to "like" all my friends accomplishments and comment when I can.....

So, as well as having an amazing mix of friends.. I was looking to also add those of you with a large family.. I currently have 8 kiddos and one on the way ( my doctor recommended me stick with mfp and chart everythinggggg I eat as well as stick to 1200-1500 cals only, even while prg) I started the pregnancy 40 pds over weight!! already gained 20 and she said no more gain for me.... anywayssssss.... if any preggo ladies or any of you that have many kids please add me on your friends list, It would be nice to go through this journey with friends that also have challenges of raising a large family whle trying to eat healthy and maintain working out ect..........

but, I wont limit it to family size, If you are reallllly serious about logging everyday are here for true friend suppport, and motivation, and give constructive comments... I will consider a friend request with a short message please :)

imo. having a strong, active, friend base i feel is critical to success on here!!!


  • I have 2 boys and 2 girls
  • I have 5 girls :)
  • I have 3 boys, but they all have ADHD, so it sometimes feels like I have a dozen lol!
  • upsidedownred
    upsidedownred Posts: 8 Member
    I have six kids...all mine....
  • I have 2 girls and 2 boys!!!
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    I have 1 boy and three girls! 13, 15, 18 and 20. The boy is the oldest. Life is crazy good and sometimes I don't know if I'm coming or going!
    Wow, 9 kids! Congrats and much happiness!
  • jklamb57
    jklamb57 Posts: 9
    I have 3 boys and 2 girls :)
  • jsjancek
    jsjancek Posts: 7
    I have one girl and 3 boys. 15, 14, 12, and 9. I homeschool until the 4th grade so I have one left at home.
  • healthymom76
    healthymom76 Posts: 99 Member
    I have 6 kids 3 boys and 3 kids. Congrats on the new blessing!
  • tamsgirl
    tamsgirl Posts: 1
    I have three boys (10,8,5) and one girl (2). Trying to fit everything in with working is a challenge--but I'm up to it! 9 kids! I'm amazed!
  • Godan2b
    Godan2b Posts: 57 Member
    4 for me 3 girls and a boy...and I love every minute of it :)
  • mamabanana
    mamabanana Posts: 62 Member
    I only have 2 kids (7 and 11) of my own, however I operate a home-based pre-school/daycare so I have 6 additional kids aged 2-4. Keeps me on my toes everyday from 730am-530pm. I understand and empathize becoming fatigued, stressed and demotivated. If you want, you may add me as a friend.
  • Rak0ribz
    Rak0ribz Posts: 177 Member
    Just two, but they move _really fast_. :)
  • BarbellBlondieRuns
    BarbellBlondieRuns Posts: 511 Member
    What about 2 kids that sometimes appear to have split personalities. Does that count as 4? :laugh:
  • mommysunshine87
    mommysunshine87 Posts: 1 Member
    I have a 16yo boy, 15 yo boy, 7yo boy, 6yo girl, 4yo girl, 2yo girl, and 1yo boy. =)

    Though, God gave me a couple of them through adoption, I still claim "baby" weight from all of them. lol
  • I totally understand you. I have 5 kids...4 boys, 1 girl. Just had my last child, a son on 5/29/13. I'm struggling so bad to lose the pregnancy weight. I have gone down to my regular weight, about 120 no problem after my first 4, this one I have hardly lost a pound. It's difficult to eat right and exercise when you have a household of people to take care of. I'd love to help you, support you...just vent. Lol Good luck!
  • HedgeHugs
    HedgeHugs Posts: 80
    Wow how cool :D 9 kids! I want to be a Momma of 10 kids someday, lol
  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    right there with you , have total 10 - his/mine/ ours
    with 5 at home now

    25 - not currently at home - will be back home in summer
    21- living at home
    13 at home
    9 at home
    4 at home
    4 at home.

    it adds a new layer of life to trying to get healthy , the 21 yo DD ( she is on here with me) and the 9 yo DD i see having food issues like me, and we try to stay positive and advocate making good and smart choices - but its not easy..
    the other kids dont have that issue , so much of things like that are nature - meaning genetics, and some is nurture
  • upsidedownred
    upsidedownred Posts: 8 Member
    mine are 5 girls and 1 boy ages 22-8
  • madhatter2013
    madhatter2013 Posts: 1,547 Member
    I have 1 boy and three girls! The boy is the oldest.

    ^^This^^ 12, 7, 4, & 20 mos