Pre-logging entire food day vs log at end of day?



  • ThePinkPanda
    ThePinkPanda Posts: 208 Member
    honestly, it's all personal preference. i started off logging at the end of the day and now i log everything mostly the night before. i log it so i can hit my ratios (i carb cycle) and then i cook everything that night. for me, having everything pre-planned and pre-cooked helps stave off the temptation to eat out or eat junk as a quick fix. i definitely still eat out, but i can plan it in advance and fit it into my goals. admittedly, i'm not perfect (shocking, i know :p) and things need to be changed on the fly, but overall, i like being prepared.
  • HerbertNenenger
    HerbertNenenger Posts: 453 Member
    I ALWAYS pre log so I know where I have to skimp and where I can indulge. If that slice of peanut butter pie wasn't calling out to me yesterday, and if I hadn't pre-worked a lighter lunch/dinner, then I wouldn't have been able to enjoy the hell out of it last night. soooo good. For me, I need to pre-plan so I don't go over.
  • eatspopcorn
    eatspopcorn Posts: 63 Member
    I don't pre-log my whole day, but I usually have an idea in mind of what to do for lunches and dinners and log it before I eat it. I have enough low cal snacks around the house that if I'm peckish in the evening I know what I can grab that still fits into my calories left for the day.
  • bongochick45
    bongochick45 Posts: 130 Member
    I've recently started pre-logging and it's a good reality check for me. Especially when I'm in the office and someone brings in treats. On the weekends my life is a little more scattered so it's harder for me to pre-log, but it's definitely a preference if I can do it.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Week day mornings I pre-log breakfast, morning/afternoon snack, and lunch. I know what I brought to work so I log it. Dinner I log after I make it. If I am going out to eat I try to pre-plan/maybe pre-log. Weekends I log as I eat.
  • CorlissaEats
    CorlissaEats Posts: 493 Member
    I pre-log my day. Work days are easier since I take my food with me and know what I will eat. Dinners I usually pre-log and then adjust based on actual portion. Logging first thing in the morning allows me to know whether I can go out on a coffee run with a coworker, or have dessert, or wine with dinner. Sometimes dinner plans change but by then I know how many calories I have available.
  • ibleedunionblue
    ibleedunionblue Posts: 324 Member
    Prelog things I know I will eat if I have time. Like the things I pack for lunch at work, or even the morning oatmeal.
  • RRB2000
    RRB2000 Posts: 77 Member
    I basically just log as I eat it. If I know ahead of time what I'm having for lunch or dinner, I'll go ahead and log. But most of the time I don't know ahead of time. Logging as I go allows me to see how much I have left for dinner or even a snack.
  • 99clmsntgr
    99clmsntgr Posts: 777 Member
    Since I pack my snacks and lunch, I tend to pre-log during the week then adjust my day as I go. The only thing I don't log ahead of time is any exercise for the day, just in case it doesn't actually happen.

    Weekends tend to be a little more free-form with Sundays, at least lately, being a non-logged free day.
  • ottawaheather1970
    ottawaheather1970 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm new to MFP and haven't lost much weight but I really enjoy the planning and pre-logging part of it. Lunch for me is usually leftovers from the night before so it seems just as easy in the morning to add my breakfast and lunch cals at the same time. As well, I also know how much I have left to play with for dinner, which is especially helpful if friends want to dine out. Also like others, I will check out a menu before going out to dinner so I can scout out the lowest cal meals, and then adjust my exercise or intake the rest of the day to allow for it so I am not starving myself. I really can't say any more good things about this program and I am hoping to have a lot of success with it and continue to use it for a long time. So to answer the question - long winded - I log both in the AM and PM - pre-log lunch and dinner if I can when I log breakfast, then I adjust for snacks, any changes and water just before bedtime.
  • CaitlinW19
    CaitlinW19 Posts: 431 Member
    Personally, I do most of my logging in advance and find it works well for me. The main reason is though, then I know how many calories I have left for snacks, etc. where I can have a little more flexibility. Logging ahead helps me stick to a plan and use food in my fridge, instead of it going to waste. I pretty much know what I'll have for breakfast, lunch and dinner ahead of time, so really snacks are my wild card and then I can choose them around 1) what I feel like and 2) what fits into my day.
  • Hikr56
    Hikr56 Posts: 128 Member
    Pre-logging really works for me. I especially like to log things like my coffee. With the added cream, it's 44 calories for my "mega mug". I have three a day so that adds up! I log all three of those first thing in the morning. Then I pre-log any little snacks that I'm going to have, ie., I know I'm eating a truffle later, so that goes on the list. Then I log the rest of my meals accordingly. I find that even if I have to adjust some things later on, it really helps me to stay within my daily calorie goal and macros. It also helps me to see it in black and white because I can see if I need to eliminate some foods that are too high in fat/sodium/protein, with more healthy choices like vegetables.
  • lamps1303
    lamps1303 Posts: 432 Member
    I always pre-log my days wherever possible. Keeps me on track.
  • twowheeltam
    twowheeltam Posts: 13 Member
    I log it as I go, I'm really good about planning my meals for breakfast and lunch, but not usually dinner. If I really need to add an extra snack into my day, it doesn't throw off my whole meal plan for the evening. I adjust "on the fly" and may switch out my protein and do a vegetarian dinner, something like that.
  • Travelbug1955
    Travelbug1955 Posts: 61 Member
    I log everything as I do it. If I don't, I will forget some things and logging won't be accurate.
  • KKishaA
    KKishaA Posts: 160 Member
    Wowzers lots of responses so I won't quote each and every one of you but it does sound like pre-logging is the majority winner. I agree that it is different for everyone but in my case I can relate to the people that have been benefited by taking some of the energy out of having to decide what to eat in the moment (when you are more likely to say F-it!) by having everything preplanned. I tend to do the best on work days, and I think that is because for work days I plan ahead more! Duh! I bring what I am eating with me and that is it. Once I am home I go by how I am "feeling" and I'll be honest with you, I often feel like Cool Whip, which any of you can see if you look in my diary! I am still working out the details of what keeps me satisfied the longest in terms of protein/fat/carbs, but I have a feeling doing everything ahead of time is going to help out with that. Not to mention my grocery bill! I JUST made the comment to my boyfriend that we needed to have more organization in our shopping because I end up at the grocery store every day picking up odds and ends for what ever it is we feel like having for dinner that night but at the same time food we don't use because we didn't plan on it goes bad and we throw it out.....sorry little off topic there......
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    I pre-log, but leave some wiggle room for adjustments.
  • mediamogulsteve
    mediamogulsteve Posts: 115 Member
    I pre-log as much as I can, which helps me determine how much I can have of "un-planned" foods. For instance, I know my breakfast, morning snack, dinner and dessert calories for today. Which allows me roughly 600 calories for lunch - which I'll need since I'm meeting my dad at a restaurant. So, I guess it's hybrid technique.
  • amyfullbrook
    amyfullbrook Posts: 97 Member
    For me I like to pre-log so I can see exactly how many calories I have left during the day if I fancy something. :) and it's easier to stick to the healthy options for me if I know I have them already logged in.
  • It's all about what will make you feel the safest and most accountable. I personally feel most reliable with pre-logging. I put in my breakfast and lunch first thing in the morning, and then when we are deciding what to do for dinner, I can see what calories I have left and I can choose accordingly. It keeps my hunger in check all day and gives me the satisfaction of having followed through with my plan on the day to day.