Low-impact workouts?

Hey everyone! Over the last 8 months or so, I've really cracked down on my eating and exercise regime and as a result I have seen such great improvements in my weight, fitness level, everything. Right now, in a typical week, I go to the gym to lift 3 days a week, I bike 4 days a week, and I run 6 days a week. I still have 9 pounds to go until I am at my goal weight, so I am trying really hard to shed off this last bit of weight.

Unfortunately though I'm having surgery next week and was told by my doctor that I could only do low impact workouts, the examples he gave me where the elliptical and I can ride my bike inside (so I plan on hooking it up to an inside cycling mount so I continue to ride). But I can't run, I can't lift, can't swim...etc. for SIX WEEKS!

I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for low-impact exercises I can do? Exercises, workout plans, or anything would really be appreciated. Thanks everyone in advance!


  • stupidfatdeposits
    FitnessBlender has some great low impact workouts.
  • motivatedmartha
    motivatedmartha Posts: 1,108 Member
    I'm doing one by Petra Kolber - strength training. I am using this after my wrist blew up doing 30D shred - I broke it last summer and it has taken an age to recover.

    Her workouts are comparatively gentle but still effective - she may well have something to suit you - google her and see what you think.

    Will you be able to use walking to keep your fitness up?
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Wait why can't you swim? Because the wound needs to heal before you can get in the pool?
  • aub64
    aub64 Posts: 8
    Thanks everyone for the suggestion. I am having ear surgery, I am partially deaf in my left ear because my ear has a rupture/hole in it. So they have to patch it up. So I can't swim because the water can damage it, and I can't do high impact exercises because it could cause the patch to come lose-which would be really bad.

    I can walk, but honestly, walking is super boring to me, so i definitely don't want to depend on that for my cardio.
  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    add a backpack on your walks to kick it up a notch or two but keep ear safe. If you can bike indoors can you do some spin classes?
  • aub64
    aub64 Posts: 8
    yeah, I probably will do the backpack thing, that's a good idea. I can do spin classes, but I am not sure about yoga, I'll need to ask my doctor. But if I can, yoga is definitely something I'll be doing!