Frequent alcohol drinking and weight gain!?!



  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Going through 40+ beers per week is ridiculous.
  • Slacker16
    Slacker16 Posts: 1,184 Member
    I drink fairly often (had a drink today, in fact), and beer has definitely been a big part of my weight gain. Not only does it have a lot of calories, but it also seems to set off worse munchies than hard liquor.

    As to the amount that the OP is drinking, I think it's premature to diagnose her with anything, especially given that she's 22. However, 4-6 beers every night is too much. Especially for a woman. I'm a dude and have a fairly high tolerance (both natural and cultivated) but 4 beers would give me a deep buzz and 6 is the beginning of drunkenness.

    I don't remember the exact guidelines for safe drinking, but it's less than that. Look it up. I definitely know it's recommended to have at least two non-drinking days each week to give the liver a respite.

    ETA: I should also add that I log my booze as accurately as I can and (at least try to) fit it into my total...
  • Angold83
    Angold83 Posts: 61 Member
    I have cut out all alcohol for the past 4 weeks and have dropped over 6lbs. No alcohol means better food choices for me. Hangover food is what slowed me down, it's now falling off at a steady rate.
  • Indiri13
    Indiri13 Posts: 104 Member
    If you want to lose weight you will have to cut back on the amount. Alcohol will slow your metabolism some but the bigger cause is the calorie content of it and that it's likely making you eat more and eat less healthy foods while drinking. Try limiting yourself to 1-2/day and try to have a couple alcohol free days each week. Make sure you count those calories in your daily allotment.
  • trybefan
    trybefan Posts: 488 Member
    Love, love, love beer. I found myself drinking about 12-15 every weekend and eating along with that. I don't drink a lot of light beer so IPA's for me. At around 250-330 per, thats excessive calories and add in the late night snacking/drunk meals, bam. I have since backed down to about 3-4 a month and dropped around 12-15 lbs in the past 2.5 months. It does add up
  • haley1297
    Thanks those calculations really opened my eyes to how many calories I am really taking in. I have decided to jut stick to Saturdays and special occasions thanks!