I'm new and need support

Hi everyone, my name is Toni. I am a mom to 2 little ones. I am committing to losing weight so I can make myself a priority. I am taking care of everyone else and not myself. Can anyone relate? I hope this journey will help me regain energy so I can basically be super woman, lol. I would love some weight loss buddies for support. I did Weight Watchers in the past and had some success. Now I need a more affordable way to continue my journey. Thanks for reading.


  • kelika71
    kelika71 Posts: 778 Member
    Hi Toni and welcome to MFP! You'll find so much support and great advice here, along with a fabulous new "family!"
    While I don't have any kids, I can totally relate to taking care of everyone else but myself. I almost landed myself in the hospital last year due to it. I've learned that in order to care for others, I have to make myself a priority first. Otherwise, I won't be here to care for others.
    If you want to add me as a friend, please feel free. I'll help anyway I can.

    Good luck!! :)
  • sheridyz
    sheridyz Posts: 7 Member
    Toni - I am with you exactly but I have 4 kids at home and work a full time career. I travel a fair amount for work and often find that eating while on the road is difficult. I absolutely love MFP mobile on my phone though! I can track everything the moment I eat it so I keep myself honest! I'm down 2 lbs already and can't wait to keep going.

    What have you found to be the biggest challenge so far?
  • Suisho25
    Suisho25 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi Toni,

    I have two little ones also and have as you say been so focused on them I haven't spent much time looking out for myself. I have been using MFP for about 5 weeks and have already lost 7lbs! I go to a cheap gym three times a week and walk the dog almost every day. I also throw in some JiIlian Michaels when I don't feel I've done enough exercise. I want to get fit for me and to have more energy to deal with whatever life throws at me. What are your motivations?

    Northern Ireland
  • AmberElaine84
    AmberElaine84 Posts: 964 Member
    Hi Toni!!! I most certainly can relate!! I have three children, ages 6, 3, and 1. I am fortunate to be a stay at home mama and enjoy (sometimes curse..) every moment I have with them! It is HARD to make yourself a priority. We rarely take care of ourselves, but there comes a time when we have to just DO it. When the kids will just have to wait 30 minutes for a game or a snack. That was the hardest part for me was deciding that I needed MY time. Not to get my nails done, or my hair done, but to make mommy HEALTHY! We are so busy taking care of our husbands, kids, houses, but not ourselves. If you stick to MFP and look for the support you need, you are SURE to find it! There are lots of people out there with the same situation and the same goals. WELCOME to MFP, and enjoy it! Good luck with your journey!!! :heart:
  • theotherjamie
    I used to do WW's too. I like this program as much as the points system, but this one is free...which is totally a plus for my pocketbook. I have two kids and sometimes feel like I let myself go so that I can get their needs met. Plus we just moved back to the states from Germany. I had my second baby right before we moved to Germany. I had very little trouble losing my baby weight because we just didn't eat out as much...and I walked everywhere in Germany. Now we've been back in the states for a few months...and the weight is sneaking back on. I'm driving everywhere...and for awhile we were eating out way too much.

    I've been doing MFP for a week or so...and just the process of logging in what I eat is helping me keep track and not over eat.

    I'm looking for weight loss buddies, too.

  • jen_ferrante
    jen_ferrante Posts: 23 Member
    Hi Toni- Welcome! The best advice I can give is:

    -Log in every day and TRACK EVERYTHING! Even during your worst days (see my tracker on 11/22 when I went to a smorgasbord in Lancaster- all you can eat AMISH cooking... need I say more?)
    -Make the commitment now to learn healthier eating habits and stick to them.
    -Did you eat too much? Want to eat more? Exercise more that day (and track that, too)! Whether before or after eating those extra calories, do your best to burn them off with a good cardio workout (walking, elliptical, aerobics, running, etc)
    -You will see better results on the weeks you eat less fats and carbs and more fruits and vegetables.
    -Know that you have a 24 hours support system. MFP forums are always jumping- use them like you did today.
  • mariasheehan
    Hi Toni, I can relate too! mom of 1 and stepmom to 4 children. Welcome to MFP, you'll find all the support you need here. Good luck on your weight loss journey. I'm here if you need a friend :-)
  • mrsolkid
    mrsolkid Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks everyone! My main motivation to lose weight is to have more ENERGY. I need energy to keep up with the kids, keep up with the housework, and even just to get myself dressed and presentable sometimes. I feel so sluggish all the time. I went to the Doc and everything checks out fine. I also want smaller, cuter clothes, lol.