Pooping query



  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I lost a lot of weight in an extremely unhealthy way a few months ago (it was completely unintentional weight loss - depression related) and it was a very dark time emotionally for me but the ONE good thing about that dark place was that I was very happy looking in the mirror for the first time in my life. I would like to get back to that feeling but through healthier means. I did it the first time by basically eating nothing and sleeping all the time. I love food way too much to eat nothing, but I figure I can afford to eat healthier and hopefully still regain that happy mirror feeling.

    I can't really understand why you would try and recreate the symptom of a severe mental illness. As you said, you looked like you did because you were eating virtually nothing and sleeping all the time. You can't replicate that look through healthy means because that look was a consequence of ill health in the first place. The happy feeling doesn't come from a number on the scale it comes from enjoying life and enjoying food. You can do that at your current weight (which is already on the low side anyway). Good luck.

    THIS. But then, as we see over and over again, logic really has no place here.
  • Saratini76
    Saratini76 Posts: 115 Member
    I don't condone fad diets, but that's not the issue here. You could try using a stool softener such as docusate sodium (or Colace, the brand name). I also second the suggestion of chia seeds. They are yummy and full of fiber. Good luck on getting things moving!
  • I really appreciate all the replies and support, especially from non-judgmental people with helpful suggestions! Thanks everyone! I know even those of you who are giving me a hard time about my diet mean well and for that I am grateful, but the diet itself is not the issue here considering the fact that I eat 3-5 times a day, all healthy protein and fruits and vegetables in reasonable portions. Yes, I'm very conscious of how my food is prepared in an effort to keep unnecessary omega-6's and other "bad" things out. But I'm certainly not starving myself or depriving myself. I do consume less calories than my BMR suggests (only about 200 less though) but I'm hardly on deaths door eating as healthfully and frequently as I do. So thank you all, again. I am looking into miralax and organic whole husk psyllium (sp?) and definitely drinking more water! 10 cups today already!
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    No, actually, the diet itself is the problem. You can barely get adequate fat and fiber to keep you regular with only 1000 calories daily.

    You need to aim for at least about 25g fiber daily. It sounds like the tea is good as long as it is caffeine-free, but fat also aids in digestion. You need to be getting at least 20% of your calories daily from fat at that low an intake... probably closer to 30%.

    I'm not sure how low carb you're looking to go, but Quest Bars have 20g protein, about 20g carbs but with 17g fiber, they're considered "low carb" for low carb diets I think. Like they're low net carbs and help with fiber intake.

    But add half an avocado or something each day at least.

    But actually, eat more food. For real. You can't get proper nutrition for a healthy woman on 1000 calories daily. I mean, I'd change my tune if you were a poor rural woman in a 3rd world country, but I'm thinking you're not.
  • I lost a lot of weight in an extremely unhealthy way a few months ago (it was completely unintentional weight loss - depression related) and it was a very dark time emotionally for me but the ONE good thing about that dark place was that I was very happy looking in the mirror for the first time in my life. I would like to get back to that feeling but through healthier means. I did it the first time by basically eating nothing and sleeping all the time. I love food way too much to eat nothing, but I figure I can afford to eat healthier and hopefully still regain that happy mirror feeling.

    I can't really understand why you would try and recreate the symptom of a severe mental illness. As you said, you looked like you did because you were eating virtually nothing and sleeping all the time. You can't replicate that look through healthy means because that look was a consequence of ill health in the first place. The happy feeling doesn't come from a number on the scale it comes from enjoying life and enjoying food. You can do that at your current weight (which is already on the low side anyway). Good luck.

    Honestly, for me it's not that simple. It sounds lovely, though, doesn't it? If only happiness were as simple as enjoying life and enjoying food. But I have had periods of my life where I was enjoying life and enjoying food but I was never happy with the way that my body looked or felt. And really, how could I be? With the representation of women's bodies that exists (more relevant to the absolute brainwashing of my generation and younger than anyone else) it is a very difficult cycle of self-shaming to break out of. For this reason, finding a happy medium for me seems like the most realistic goal. Therapy has not been able to undo the damage done by media and false images of women's bodies, and I've now seen my own form look how I've always wished it could. This is a difficult image to wipe from my mind, and while I do truly believe I will not be able to achieve that state again through healthy means, I believe I can get closer to it than I am now by making smarter choices about what I eat, and eating slightly smaller portions of those foods than I normally would. When I've reached a place that I'm happy with, I will very slowly add calories back to my diet on a weekly basis and continue my fitness regime to maintain that place. If this all seems dangerous and unrealistic to you, then that's fine. But that is what feels right to me at this point in my life, and - AGAIN - not the point of this post. Literally just trying to poop, not be judged for my personal choices.

    Thanks again everyone for commenting!
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    And in the short term... Senokot. 3 tabs before bed. Stool softeners... and extra tea.
  • I'm not sure how low carb you're looking to go, but Quest Bars have 20g protein, about 20g carbs but with 17g fiber, they're considered "low carb" for low carb diets I think. Like they're low net carbs and help with fiber intake.

    But add half an avocado or something each day at least.

    But actually, eat more food. For real. You can't get proper nutrition for a healthy woman on 1000 calories daily. I mean, I'd change my tune if you were a poor rural woman in a 3rd world country, but I'm thinking you're not.

    I hear you. I'm not too concerned with healthy fats, I love avocado! I make a chocolate avocado pudding that is vegan and mind blowingly good.

    Do you know if the Quest bars are gluten free? I will look into them. Thanks for the suggestions. I am not planning to stay at 1000 forever, just long enough to get a little tighter and then I'll slowly add calories (by the 100) back in week by week until I'm closer to 1500.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Some of the quest bar flavors are gluten free. You can order on amazon.com.
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    Most people will poop when they eat enough food.

    What goes in, usually will come out.

    Otherwise, increase your dietary fiber.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    I really appreciate all the replies and support, especially from non-judgmental people with helpful suggestions! Thanks everyone! I know even those of you who are giving me a hard time about my diet mean well and for that I am grateful, but the diet itself is not the issue here considering the fact that I eat 3-5 times a day, all healthy protein and fruits and vegetables in reasonable portions. Yes, I'm very conscious of how my food is prepared in an effort to keep unnecessary omega-6's and other "bad" things out. But I'm certainly not starving myself or depriving myself. I do consume less calories than my BMR suggests (only about 200 less though) but I'm hardly on deaths door eating as healthfully and frequently as I do. So thank you all, again. I am looking into miralax and organic whole husk psyllium (sp?) and definitely drinking more water! 10 cups today already!

    Oh hell...... So you are at the lower end of your healthy weight, you starve yourself (yes - because eating so little is still starving even if you eat "good food every three hours!") and now people are telling you to take laxatives and you jump at it..... Maybe grow up a little, start listing to people (the ones who know what they talk about), learn about nutrition, do a proper strength training program and...Oh, OK, that's too much logic...Eat little and make yourself poop then.....
  • zoquo
    zoquo Posts: 75
    Try quinoa - gluten free complete protein and makes me go very easily. Add half a cup to a salad to bulk it out and you should see an immediate response. As for your diet, please be careful. I recommend you eat more and do more exercise to burn the extra calories that way you will be able to ingest more vitamins/fibre/minerals etc and still lose weight. Also you will be fitter and stronger. Doing more exercise will allow you to eat properly. Best wishes.

  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Try quinoa - gluten free complete protein and makes me go very easily. Add half a cup to a salad to bulk it out and you should see an immediate response. As for your diet, please be careful. I recommend you eat more and do more exercise to burn the extra calories that way you will be able to ingest more vitamins/fibre/minerals etc and still lose weight. Also you will be fitter and stronger. Doing more exercise will allow you to eat properly. Best wishes.


    Jeez, I eat quinoa all the time and it doesn't do that to me. Perhaps you have some kind of sensitivity to it?
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    I lost a lot of weight in an extremely unhealthy way a few months ago (it was completely unintentional weight loss - depression related) and it was a very dark time emotionally for me but the ONE good thing about that dark place was that I was very happy looking in the mirror for the first time in my life. I would like to get back to that feeling but through healthier means. I did it the first time by basically eating nothing and sleeping all the time. I love food way too much to eat nothing, but I figure I can afford to eat healthier and hopefully still regain that happy mirror feeling.

    I can't really understand why you would try and recreate the symptom of a severe mental illness. As you said, you looked like you did because you were eating virtually nothing and sleeping all the time. You can't replicate that look through healthy means because that look was a consequence of ill health in the first place. The happy feeling doesn't come from a number on the scale it comes from enjoying life and enjoying food. You can do that at your current weight (which is already on the low side anyway). Good luck.

    Honestly, for me it's not that simple. It sounds lovely, though, doesn't it? If only happiness were as simple as enjoying life and enjoying food. But I have had periods of my life where I was enjoying life and enjoying food but I was never happy with the way that my body looked or felt. And really, how could I be? With the representation of women's bodies that exists (more relevant to the absolute brainwashing of my generation and younger than anyone else) it is a very difficult cycle of self-shaming to break out of. For this reason, finding a happy medium for me seems like the most realistic goal. Therapy has not been able to undo the damage done by media and false images of women's bodies, and I've now seen my own form look how I've always wished it could. This is a difficult image to wipe from my mind, and while I do truly believe I will not be able to achieve that state again through healthy means, I believe I can get closer to it than I am now by making smarter choices about what I eat, and eating slightly smaller portions of those foods than I normally would. When I've reached a place that I'm happy with, I will very slowly add calories back to my diet on a weekly basis and continue my fitness regime to maintain that place. If this all seems dangerous and unrealistic to you, then that's fine. But that is what feels right to me at this point in my life, and - AGAIN - not the point of this post. Literally just trying to poop, not be judged for my personal choices.

    Thanks again everyone for commenting!

    If your only happiness in life hinges on what you see in the mirror, you're doing it wrong.

    I like what I see in the mirror, but I did when I was heavier and not muscular, too, because I was happy with my life. there are more important things than perceived physical perfection. You're never going to achieve that. Look around you and be grateful for your life, learn to love yourself for who you are and then - only then - work on your physical body.

    Stress and depression also cause constipation, btw.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    I really appreciate all the replies and support, especially from non-judgmental people with helpful suggestions! Thanks everyone! I know even those of you who are giving me a hard time about my diet mean well and for that I am grateful, but the diet itself is not the issue here considering the fact that I eat 3-5 times a day, all healthy protein and fruits and vegetables in reasonable portions. Yes, I'm very conscious of how my food is prepared in an effort to keep unnecessary omega-6's and other "bad" things out. But I'm certainly not starving myself or depriving myself. I do consume less calories than my BMR suggests (only about 200 less though) but I'm hardly on deaths door eating as healthfully and frequently as I do. So thank you all, again. I am looking into miralax and organic whole husk psyllium (sp?) and definitely drinking more water! 10 cups today already!

    Oh hell...... So you are at the lower end of your healthy weight, you starve yourself (yes - because eating so little is still starving even if you eat "good food every three hours!") and now people are telling you to take laxatives and you jump at it..... Maybe grow up a little, start listing to people (the ones who know what they talk about), learn about nutrition, do a proper strength training program and...Oh, OK, that's too much logic...Eat little and make yourself poop then.....

    I suggested a stool softener, more food, more fat, more fiber and lots of water. If a person can't go, even if it's from a low food intake, it can still be real constipation and can cause greater problems if not alleviated. It's important to stay regular, so yes, a laxative is a one-time deal to get things going while implementing healthy habits for regularity. Everyone on this forum makes such assumptions about the motives of others - as if we're all in a camp on one side of the spectrum or the other. Anyone who has taken any time to get to know me (and I've been here almost 2 years now) knows I'm not going to suggest stupid, unhealthy habits. OP has unhealthy habits already - no one has disputed that. But she also, apparently, can't poop.
  • claudiakendall98
    claudiakendall98 Posts: 242 Member
    I have had the same problem as I just started low carb this week but then I always have a hard time. I am not lying when I say that I could eat all veggies and still not go. I came across a site where someone suggested organic smooth move tea. I found it at Walmart in the Tea section about 5 dollars .O f course I was very skeptic as all the a fore mentioned remedies do not work for me .In any case you drink one cup of tea before bed and I expected relief the following morning which did not happen but by afternoon things went very well. I usually have to take a laxative to get going but this tea did do the trick. Oh and yes I could also drink a gallon of water and nothing happens. I am very conscientious about 8 or more glasses of water a day and taking fiber and also making sure I get recommended amount of fiber per day. Best of Luck
  • GertrudeHorse
    GertrudeHorse Posts: 646 Member
    The happy feeling doesn't come from a number on the scale it comes from enjoying life and enjoying food. You can do that at your current weight (which is already on the low side anyway). Good luck.

    Honestly, for me it's not that simple. It sounds lovely, though, doesn't it? If only happiness were as simple as enjoying life and enjoying food. But I have had periods of my life where I was enjoying life and enjoying food but I was never happy with the way that my body looked or felt. And really, how could I be? With the representation of women's bodies that exists (more relevant to the absolute brainwashing of my generation and younger than anyone else) it is a very difficult cycle of self-shaming to break out of. For this reason, finding a happy medium for me seems like the most realistic goal. Therapy has not been able to undo the damage done by media and false images of women's bodies, and I've now seen my own form look how I've always wished it could. This is a difficult image to wipe from my mind, and while I do truly believe I will not be able to achieve that state again through healthy means, I believe I can get closer to it than I am now by making smarter choices about what I eat, and eating slightly smaller portions of those foods than I normally would. When I've reached a place that I'm happy with, I will very slowly add calories back to my diet on a weekly basis and continue my fitness regime to maintain that place. If this all seems dangerous and unrealistic to you, then that's fine. But that is what feels right to me at this point in my life, and - AGAIN - not the point of this post. Literally just trying to poop, not be judged for my personal choices.

    Thanks again everyone for commenting!

    I appreciate that it's not easy, and sorry for implying it would be. My comment meant to convey that your happiness will not change because of external factors like the number on the scale. You need to invest time and energy in learning to be happy as you are. That isn't easy but it is the healthier path to be on, especially when the alternative path is disordered eating. I also want to be clear: I am not saying this with any judgement. I genuinely wish you all the best. Perhaps sticking with the therapy would be a good idea for now. Be kind to your body. You only have one.
  • Wtn_Gurl
    Wtn_Gurl Posts: 396 Member
    I really appreciate all the replies and support, especially from non-judgmental people with helpful suggestions! Thanks everyone! I know even those of you who are giving me a hard time about my diet mean well and for that I am grateful, but the diet itself is not the issue here considering the fact that I eat 3-5 times a day, all healthy protein and fruits and vegetables in reasonable portions. Yes, I'm very conscious of how my food is prepared in an effort to keep unnecessary omega-6's and other "bad" things out. But I'm certainly not starving myself or depriving myself. I do consume less calories than my BMR suggests (only about 200 less though) but I'm hardly on deaths door eating as healthfully and frequently as I do. So thank you all, again. I am looking into miralax and organic whole husk psyllium (sp?) and definitely drinking more water! 10 cups today already!

    Hi - a lot of times people feel they are looking bloated when it really is your body needs muscle tone. Could that be it? It could be - without looking at you so i dont know how you look in real life - but it could be the way you stand (posture) makes your tummy appear to be bloated, or it could be the kind of clothes you wear which might make you think you are bloated. It could also be you are very skinny, and those are just your inner organs having no place to go but forward and this may make you think you are bloated.

    If the above guesses may be true, then I think you might wear more spandexy clothes like jeggings and see if that helps, or maybe do some toning exercises to make more muscle definition. Do you think those might be good suggestions for you? at least you could do the spandex while you are trying to look more firm.
  • If your only happiness in life hinges on what you see in the mirror, you're doing it wrong.

    I like what I see in the mirror, but I did when I was heavier and not muscular, too, because I was happy with my life. there are more important things than perceived physical perfection. You're never going to achieve that. Look around you and be grateful for your life, learn to love yourself for who you are and then - only then - work on your physical body.

    Stress and depression also cause constipation, btw.

    I never said my only happiness in life hinges on what I see in the mirror. That would be a very sad reality, indeed. But like many perfectly normal people in the world, my reflection does play at least somewhat of a role in my general daily mood and happiness and like those same normal people, I have an idea of how I would like to look and am trying my best to get there without starving myself. I am not a stupid person, and I know two things with absolute certainty: 1) there is a spectrum of disordered eating and I know that my dietary restriction places me somewhere on the low end of that spectrum BUT 2) I'm not depriving myself of anything and I'm not being a nazi about the calories either. If I want kettle corn in the middle of the day and it will put me over 1000 calories I'm still going to eat the kettle corn because I want to and that is my choice and my freedom. This isn't about restriction and unhappiness, it's about finding a happy place where smarter food choices and weight loss can meet and be friends. Before this I was eating pizza 2/3 meals a day, greasy Indian and Chinese food and gigantic plates of nachos with alarming regularity. Was I happier then? I don't know, that was before my really devastating breakup, so probably. But I know that I was exhausted all the time and my skin was horribly broken out and I didn't have the energy to do the things that I love. Now I do. So it's a balance of factors that contribute to my sense of happiness, not just how I look. Please don't twist my words.
  • I really appreciate all the replies and support, especially from non-judgmental people with helpful suggestions! Thanks everyone! I know even those of you who are giving me a hard time about my diet mean well and for that I am grateful, but the diet itself is not the issue here considering the fact that I eat 3-5 times a day, all healthy protein and fruits and vegetables in reasonable portions. Yes, I'm very conscious of how my food is prepared in an effort to keep unnecessary omega-6's and other "bad" things out. But I'm certainly not starving myself or depriving myself. I do consume less calories than my BMR suggests (only about 200 less though) but I'm hardly on deaths door eating as healthfully and frequently as I do. So thank you all, again. I am looking into miralax and organic whole husk psyllium (sp?) and definitely drinking more water! 10 cups today already!

    Hi - a lot of times people feel they are looking bloated when it really is your body needs muscle tone. Could that be it? It could be - without looking at you so i dont know how you look in real life - but it could be the way you stand (posture) makes your tummy appear to be bloated, or it could be the kind of clothes you wear which might make you think you are bloated. It could also be you are very skinny, and those are just your inner organs having no place to go but forward and this may make you think you are bloated.

    If the above guesses may be true, then I think you might wear more spandexy clothes like jeggings and see if that helps, or maybe do some toning exercises to make more muscle definition. Do you think those might be good suggestions for you? at least you could do the spandex while you are trying to look more firm.

    I doubt it's an issue of muscle tone. Despite my low calorie intake, I build muscle RIDICULOUSLY fast. If I were to do 20 sit ups right now I would wake up with a four-pack. It's a genetic blessing, but one that I have to be very cautious about. I do strength training only once a week because of this, as the muscular look is really not my cup of tea. I end up looking boyish very fast. I know it's bloating and constipation because I can literally hear the air and liquid moving around in my belly and then there's the obvious factor of having not pooped in several days and I know the food I'm eating isn't just disappearing into nothingness. Spandex just ends up making me look like a skinny 3-months pregnant. I've been asked when I'm due before. Not so fun.
  • You are not building muscle eating 1,000 calories per day.

    Hi, actually, YES, I can and do extremely easily. This is why it is difficult for me to lose weight by the scale, because I gain muscle so quickly. I'm not all that concerned with the number on the scale, but I would like to get down a few pounds, and I'm mainly not interested in bulking up because my frame is already on the masculine side. In any case, I am very sorry if my incredibly fortunate genetics offend you, but unless you are a doctor - and not just any doctor, but MY doctor who knows my body and my history - then you have absolutely no clue what you are talking about. So kindly take your judgement elsewhere, thanks so much. :)