short girls.

I need to hear success stories from short ladies. Particularly from women who are in the 5'3 range and had around 20 pounds to lose. How long did it take for you to lose weight? How many pounds did you lose until you started seeing a difference in how your clothes fit?

I hear that short people start seeing a difference in how their bodies look more quickly. Is this true?


  • dawlschic007
    dawlschic007 Posts: 636 Member
    Hello! I'm 5'2 and have lost 20 lbs so far. I initially lost 13 lbs pretty quickly (in about 2 to 3 months) and then lost the other 7 very slowly over a year, mainly because I've been focusing more on re-composition/lowing body fat than just losing pounds. I went from a size loose 12 to a size 4/6. I'd still like to lose about 5 to 10 pounds but know that will take me a while.
  • MissLeelooDallas
    MissLeelooDallas Posts: 145 Member
    I'm 5'3" and started mfp 6 months ago. I've lost 34 pounds total. It took me 11 weeks to lose 20 pounds and ultimately 21 weeks to hit my final goal weight (a loss of 32 pounds). My clothes started fitting differently around when I'd lost 6 or 7 pounds. I've dropped from a size 8 to a size 00 from those 34lbs (I'm going off The Limited's sizing since that's where I buy work pants).

    I didn't notice the difference myself until I'd lost maybe 15 pounds, but it's hard to tell on yourself unless you're taking progress photos. Likewise, I don't believe I had any comments on the weight loss from family/friends until then. My husband is the only one who said he could tell the difference earlier on (maybe around 10 pounds lost).
  • olehcat
    olehcat Posts: 92 Member

    (I love reading these...I'm about 5'2.5" and hope to be a success story some time this year!)
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I'm 5'2 and started at 211.6. Took me 10-11 weeks to lose 20 lbs.
    I'm now on week 42 and I've lost 53 lbs currently.

    I think I started noticing my clothes fitting differently around the same time.
  • knicholeg
    knicholeg Posts: 19 Member
    I'm 5 foot nothing and didn't have a specific weight loss goal in mind when I began but weighed a few pounds shy of 180. Within 8 weeks had already lost 10-15ish pounds by giving up soda and sweets completely and replacing them with water and almonds as snacks. They melted away and I hadn't even noticed. Then I started to really work hard.

    I started in late December 2012/early January 2013 and currently weigh on average 127, my BMI is way down (if you pay attention to that, I know some don't), and I'm stronger and more fit than ever!
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    I am 5'2. I started MFP in Feb 2013 at 150lbs. I lost about 20 lbs b/w then and September, so about 7 months to lose 20 lbs. That's when I started needing to buy some new clothes. Between late September and Thanksgiving, I hit a plateau and really gained a little back then lost it again several times. I was really not being diligent about my intake during that time - lots of eating out/busy weekends as we got back into our school year routine. Right before Thanksgiving I decided I needed to focus a little more because of the holidays coming up, so I lowered my calorie goal a little and tried to make sure I was under/at goal on a weekly average. I lost a couple of pounds in November/December, and then with Christmas/New Years I only gained about a pound or two. So at this point (beginning of Jan) I was still at about 130 lbs and thinking, maybe this is just where my body wants me to be. I decided to try again to lose 5 more lbs, by being more diligent and starting to make sure my exercise was consistent (I have a FitBit and try to hit my 10K steps every day plus adding some strength training 2-3 times/week).

    I've lost 6 more lbs since the beginning of the year, so 124 is my CW My total weight loss is 26 lbs since joining MFP a little over a year ago, so on average including those two plateaus I have been losing 0.5 lb/week for that whole time. Which is fine with me - I haven't made any major sacrifices, I still have wine and chocolate almost every single day, still eat fast food.

    I thought I would be moving into maintenance when I hit 125 but I think I will keep my calorie goal where it is for at least a few more weeks. We have a big extended vacation planned this summer and I want to make sure I have a buffer for that time period.

    Oh and people started noticing after about 15 lbs down - but lately in addition to the "wow you look great, how much have you lost" comments I've been getting a few "ok, you are done losing weight right? I mean, you look great, but you aren't going to lose anymore..." which is funny because I am still on the upper end of my BMI.

    I am sure there are people that would say, "a year to lose 25 lbs, that's too slow" but the way I've done it has been through small changes, focusing more on being more active and I feel like this is extremely sustainable for life.
  • massromanticfool
    massromanticfool Posts: 34 Member
    I'm 5'3" and I've lost about 35+ pounds from my peak weight. I went from a size 12 to wearing a 6ish and while I still want to lose around 13 more pounds, I look almost unrecognizable from how I used to be. My peak weight was about a year ago, but I lost most of the weight since starting MFP in August. The nice thing about being so short is that when we lose weight, it REALLY shows. :) I also think I look a bit taller now, though that might just be wishful thinking.
  • kwantlen2051
    kwantlen2051 Posts: 455 Member
    I'm 5'2" and was 25-27 lbs overweight. I joined in Sept 2013. I didn't lose the first 4 weeks. I almost gave up but suddenly on the 4th or 5th week, I lost like 5 lbs and then it was like 1 lb a week. Right now I am on a plateau. I still have like 6-7 lbs to go. i think I need to push my activity to the next level. I have only been cardio and pilates so far.
  • abrazame
    abrazame Posts: 61 Member
  • supermysza
    supermysza Posts: 167 Member
    I'm 160 cm and my goal is to lose 14 kg (i think that roughly converts to your measurements). I noticed a difference after 4kg, I'm now down 7ish kg and my once normal clothes are now fairly loose.
    ETA: It's taken me 3 months to lose 7kg.
  • kelr101
    kelr101 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm 5'3" I've lost about 35+ pounds from my peak weight. I went from a size 12 to wearing a 6ish and while I still want to lose around 13 more pounds, I look almost unrecognizable from how I used to be. My peak weight was about a year ago, but I lost most of the weight since starting MFP in August. The nice thing about being so short is that when we lose weight, it REALLY shows. :) I also think I look a bit taller now, though that might just be wishful thinking.

    My BF agrees with you on the looking taller aspect :) - he has said certain clothes seem to make me appear taller! I guess it's because I'm slimmer and wearing more form fitting clothes.

    I'm 5 ft 1 and started at 158.5 lbs...75 days later I'm at 145 lbs...current GW is 126 lbs but will see when I get there! So 10 weeks to lose 13.5 lbs and i'm eating 1380 calories a day (plus eating back exercise calories)