how much do I burn in a fitness class?

Newbie here! I just joined the local Y last week and will be doing cardio pump, pilates, zumba, bootcamp, gravity and anyone familiar with any of these classes? How do I log them in my exercise diary? Should I just get a HRM or FitBit?


  • marcellara
    marcellara Posts: 44 Member
    I have a Polar FT4 HRM and I love it! I won't work out without it :) My average burn for fast paced cardio is about 10 calories per minute when my heart rate is elevated. Before I got my HRM i was logging my activity as Circuit Training and it almost always matches my HRM burn now. So if you are going to log without one, that is personally what I would use :)
    AEROBICVIC Posts: 159 Member
    Hello! I'm a fitness instructor and have been teaching for 17 years. A calorie burn really varies. I've had ppl in the same class say they burn 350 calories and another person will say they burned 800. I have always used a Polar heart rate monitor that I program my info into. What it reads compared to "averages" or what a treadmill will read are not even close. A calorie burn depends on your age, weight, fitness level, what your fat burning zone is and how long you were in it. I would suggest finding a monitor that fits your needs and wear it regularly. Don't compare what your numbers are to another. You will find yours will vary also, depending on the type of class you are taking, how much effort you put forth and so on. keep up the good work, group fitness classes are fun and keep you motivated to keep coming back!
  • cottagegirl71
    cottagegirl71 Posts: 167 Member
    thanks for the input!