College kid with a binge eating disorder...

Hey guys! I'm new here. As anyone can tell, that knows me, I have a serious issue with binge eating. I even consider it a 'disorder'. I tend to basically black out, and then eat just...whatever is around. It's caused a lot of weight gain, even though I've been primarily vegan for a while...and usually it happens while I'm bored.

I'm looking to connect with folks, while I try to get my life back together. Today hasn't been a really good day, eating wise, but I am headed to the gym in a couple of hours to do some classes. We'll see how that goes.

How goes it?


  • emzielit
    emzielit Posts: 18 Member
    Hey! I've had some problems with binge eating too. Maybe we can help keep each other from doing that! Friend request coming your way :)
  • mmm1391
    mmm1391 Posts: 1
    Hi, I'm in college as well, and I suppose I could be a bit of a binge eater as well. I haven't really gained weight from it, but it's resulted in me getting most of my calories just from junk foods (their are days I binge on cookies and don't eat much of anything else).
    Since I started tracking on MFP I've cut back, but it would be a lot easier with the support of others.
    good luck!
  • zoquo
    zoquo Posts: 75
    Hey there,

    I used to have a very unhealthy relationship with food also, thanks to bullying during my school years. This never really left me until i started doing the Body for Life workout/diet plan when i was 25 years old. The reason this changed my attitude towards food is that you workout with weights 3x a week and cardio 3x a week and follow a resistance training schedule (its very easy once you get into it). The best thing about this was that on your one day rest day you were allowed to eat WHATEVER you want! The rest of the week you follow the eating plan which was actually quite a lot of food 5x a day small meals balanced protein, carb and veg. Anyway I did the Body for Life program for about 2 months, although i didnt lose weight (i did get strong) the most positive aspect was that even when i stopped the program i had a very different attitude towards food. It helped me to eat properly and still enjoy my treat foods once in a while without feeling guilty for enjoying them!

    Having to follow a diet where you need to eat 5x a day and workout 6x a week really helps you get over issues you have about food. Just by following the plan. It even tells you that on you day off to eat what you want! I mean I had never done a diet that told me that before! It removed all the guilt i had about eating 'bad' foods. It was truly liberating. And trust me I used to spend my day off eating all the junk food i had craved in the week and not once feel bad about it as i knew it was allowed and that it would get bunt off in my workouts.

    If you have the same guilt about eating that i had i recommend you try this for a month or two. I can almost guarantee you will feel very different after just 8 weeks. Oh and on this diet you never go hungry in fact i found it hard to eat all the meals! If i was to do it again i would just have a smaller carb portion to lean out.

  • BigVeggieDream
    BigVeggieDream Posts: 1,101 Member
    Hey guys! I'm new here. As anyone can tell, that knows me, I have a serious issue with binge eating. I even consider it a 'disorder'. I tend to basically black out, and then eat just...whatever is around. It's caused a lot of weight gain, even though I've been primarily vegan for a while...and usually it happens while I'm bored.

    It is a disorder, binge eating disorder, that's recognized in the in the DSM-5 as an eating disorder. You may want to see a therapist and possibly a psychologist because there's usually an emotional reason for binge eating. I was diagnosed 8 years ago with it and it's taken most of those years to get it under control. I haven't binged in over a year, though occasionally do get the urge to binge.
  • Is anyone on this post still active? Im a 3rd year university student who has dealt with binge eating since middle school. I'm coming off a 5 day binge right now and I'm desperate to find help breaking this cycle. This is my first time posting in the MFP community, wondering if anyone has any advice or any idea where to go/post for support?
  • Hey,

    I have also had problems with binge eating, I seem to currently have it under control (for the moment anyway)
    Feel free to add me, maybe we can help each other
  • TheSheepFollower
    TheSheepFollower Posts: 64 Member
    Hey I have BED that I am getting over! So friend or message anytime!