What are some good ways to burn Calories

I dont Join a gym until soon, for the mean time Im at home, Im 5 foot 4 inches and weight 250. I cant do push ups because i get tired easily. I cant complete some excerise videos because i get tired easily and i cant complete it. I love Cardio expecially if its fun, I want to burn calories before i join a gym. what would you guys recommend?


  • mad_lifting_runner
    mad_lifting_runner Posts: 37 Member
    Other than eating at a deficit I'd say WALK. A lot.

    It'll help a lot more than you think.
  • abble_pie
    abble_pie Posts: 144 Member
  • Amandawith3kids
    Amandawith3kids Posts: 367 Member
    just do what you can, and it will get easier. see how long you can do the video, and try to up that time by a few mintues each week. walk. swim if you can.

    few things i do to add some steps to my day:
    i take one thing out of the dryer, fold it, then walk to put that one thing away. repeat for the whole load. take 3 trips to carry three things downstairs.
    park far out from the entrance
    i have kids, so i chase them around the hose and tickle the snot out of them when i catch them.
  • Travelbug1955
    Travelbug1955 Posts: 61 Member
    Walking is the best all around exercise. Get the MapMyWalk app on your phone and link it to this site. Load your favorite tunes, make some friends who are using the app. It works for me and keeps me motivated. Good Luck.
  • bbrantley74
    bbrantley74 Posts: 1 Member
    Other than eating at a deficit I'd say WALK. A lot.

    It'll help a lot more than you think.

    Agreed. This is probably the best thing you can do to start. Work up from there, but you have to start somewhere.
  • itsfatum
    itsfatum Posts: 113 Member
    High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and any other kind of cardio. The harder you go, the more calories you burn. There are tons of HIIT programs on youtube for free, in case you don't have the knowledge yet to develop your own.

    If you are just starting, it might be a good idea to start doing cardio at ~60-70% HRM. It's easy, and you will burn a lot (400-600kcal per hour or so). HIIT is more efficient, but a bit more demanding. If you are short of free time, go HIIT without a doubt.
  • detarrevo
    detarrevo Posts: 45
    I have been doing well with hula hooping. Even if you happen to be no good at it (I'm certainly not good) you still get good exercise each time you have to bend down to pick it back up.
  • TyphonRex
    TyphonRex Posts: 79 Member
    I dont Join a gym until soon, for the mean time Im at home, Im 5 foot 4 inches and weight 250. I cant do push ups because i get tired easily. I cant complete some excerise videos because i get tired easily and i cant complete it. I love Cardio expecially if its fun, I want to burn calories before i join a gym. what would you guys recommend?

    Dude, you're going to get tired. That's the whole damn point.
  • Krikit34
    Krikit34 Posts: 125 Member
    I've started in the same boat and been stuck inside due to weather for months. Walk. Set a timer for 3 minutes or 5 minutes, whatever you can start with. Add a minute or two at a time. It will add up quickly. Or buy a cheap pedometer and do it by steps. I have walked thousands of steps walking circles around my living room. Not all at once, but don't go to bed until I get my goal steps in for the day. In two months, I have gone from about 2000 steps to over 7000 and some jogging in place. I definitely do not get tired as quickly or easily and my knees are stronger.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    I dont Join a gym until soon, for the mean time Im at home, Im 5 foot 4 inches and weight 250. I cant do push ups because i get tired easily. I cant complete some excerise videos because i get tired easily and i cant complete it. I love Cardio expecially if its fun, I want to burn calories before i join a gym. what would you guys recommend?
    lots of 'I can't' in your post. Everyone gets tired when they start. If your going to not do an exercise video because you get too tired why do you think you're not going to get you tired doing something else? Many people can't compete exercise videos when the start but what they do is'try' . Try a video then if you don't finish it, try it the next day. If you keep doing something you get better at it. Go for a walk start a C25K program. Don't make excuses try things push through them if you fail once then try again. Good luck
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Couch to 5k

    With workout videos, say you can only do 5mins today. Tomorrow aim to make it 6mins in and so on until your able to complete the whole thing. I've had to do scenarios like this with several of the workout videos I've done.

    If you do your own laundry:
    - take 1 piece of clothing out of the dryer
    - fold it
    - put it away
    - repeat for each individual piece of clothing
    This should get you making quite a few trips between the laundry room and your room. This will result in burning slightly more calories than you would if you took all the clothes to your room at the same time.

    Park far away from stores. The more distance you put between yourself and the store, the more calories you will burn. I like to park in the back of the parking lot. Takes a bit longer to get into the store, but I get 2 things out of it:
    - increased calorie burn for the day
    - don't have to struggle to find a parking spot (most people are generally trying to get spots close to the doors)
  • Thanks for the advice guys. I need to build my stamina and endurance, Walking i dont get tired, Also a Cardio video I can last 15 mins at best, Dancing i love to do, I can last awhile with some low impact zumba.
  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    I dont Join a gym until soon, for the mean time Im at home, Im 5 foot 4 inches and weight 250. I cant do push ups because i get tired easily. I cant complete some excerise videos because i get tired easily and i cant complete it. I love Cardio expecially if its fun, I want to burn calories before i join a gym. what would you guys recommend?

    Dude, you're going to get tired. That's the whole damn point.
    Agreed! That's the benefit of exercise...it works your body and your heart. Keep going at it. You will improve. I remember when I first started losing weight a few years ago. I could barely jog 5 minutes without feeling like I couldn't go anymore. I eventually was able to jog 30 minutes.
    Maybe do one of those push up challenges where you gradually add more push ups every day. Do the video, but keep going until you physically can't anymore, not just when you're winded. At the very least walk. You don't need a gym to lose weight.
  • Hey I have MS and balance issues from it, but I walk around my house. I put on music and do a little dancing. Is it easy, no, but am I having fun doing it, yes cause at least I am moving. U just have to grab yourself by the neck and say. Hey do this and then Never give up.:bigsmile:
  • suejoker
    suejoker Posts: 317 Member
    I dont Join a gym until soon, for the mean time Im at home, Im 5 foot 4 inches and weight 250. I cant do push ups because i get tired easily. I cant complete some excerise videos because i get tired easily and i cant complete it. I love Cardio expecially if its fun, I want to burn calories before i join a gym. what would you guys recommend?


    There are a lot of fun, short dance videos on youtube! I wouldn't join a gym, even if I had the money to spare, because they smell bad and in California, they're like meat markets. I just do yoga, dance, and walk. I just started 9 weeks ago and could only walk 10 minutes at a time. This past weekend, I got up to 3 hours! My first week of walking, I set a goal of being able to walk around a nearby lake. And, I finally achieved it. It's beautiful there, so maybe a scenic walk would work for you too.

    If it's not fun, I know I won't keep doing it. There are also a ton of games on my Wii Fit Plus that I haven't even tried yet. I just do 20 minutes of yoga and then hit the road, but I've heard that there are all kinds of fun fitness games on there. Check it out!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Can't do something because you get tired easily? :huh: As others said - that's the point. You build up endurance by ENDURING the exercise. :tongue: You do what you can, and do a little more the next time. I'm a 45 year old woman - I can run 6 miles, I can do push ups, I can lift weights, I can do HIIT workout videos, and yeah, I get tired! But not as quickly as I used to because I built up my strength, endurance, flexibility, and general awesomeness over time.

    If I can do it, you can do it.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    If you're not getting tired, you're doing it wrong
  • tabbyblack13
    tabbyblack13 Posts: 299 Member
    Be willing to get sore and tired. That's the best and fastest way to lose weight. Walking is a great exercise for anyone beginning. Also look into the xbox 360 kinetic system for games to play. Any movement is good movement.
  • odjit
    odjit Posts: 58
    I agree with everyone saying that you're supposed to get tired. Sometimes I get so wiped from my workouts that I lie flat on my back on the floor for a few minutes, then you know what? I get back up and I keep trying. The pain and exhaustion is the price of improvement.
  • rflenk
    rflenk Posts: 3
    SWIMMING! If you have access to a pool, you can burn an AMAZING amount of calories with little stress on the body.