Stuck! Please help!

Hello all, I am not entirely new here, but wasn't very active as much as I would have liked to be here. I am 22 years old, 4'11", and I was weighed at the doctors yesterday and my weight was about 241lbs. I was doing Weight Watchers, and had started at 275lbs, so obviously it has worked for me... but lately I have been so off track. I do suffer from depression, general and social anxiety, as well as borderline personality disorder. I must say my mental health has been great lately due to medication changes, but I still struggle with any motivation, or ambition to keep on with "dieting" and exercise.

I know I want this. I know I want to be healthy, as well as look good, but I am so stuck. I have a few issues with my foot such as: plantar fasciitis, sinus tarsi syndrome, and pronation of my foot. I am limited to exercising, such as I cannot do a lot of walking, or anything that would make my foot pound on the ground. I feel like I am using this as an excuse to not even do any exercises anymore. My eating habits are out of control. I eat and eat... I do not feel in control one single bit. I will not be able to attend Weight Watchers for a few more weeks due to financial issues... but even with it, I was struggling to follow plan... I need help... and a lot of it. I am so scared I will gain all the weight back that I have lost. I do not have negative or positive feelings about exercising or eating well... I feel numb about it.. so I am not sure what to do, or how to approach this situation. Please help!


  • melenagirl81
    melenagirl81 Posts: 17 Member
    I have two questions for you and answer honestly. Are you stuck because you CAN'T do it? Does the word CAN'T always come into your life? The reason I ask this because I was once in your shoes. I am 4'8 and for years suffered from depression, diabetes and low self-esteem because of my height. I've always felt like because of my height I CAN'T do it. It wasn't until a year ago that somebody took upon themselves and helped me in a big way. They showed me this program called P90X and 21 Day Fix program. Right away I saw these super buff women and guys thin muscular doing the program and right away I thought NO WAY. That my dear is the problem in our lives. We automatically think we CAN'T. We always come up with excuses to not do it. I always thought because I was short no way can I march or no way can I do push ups or sad no way can I do a 3 minute jog. We've lived with the word CAN'T ruling our lives all the time. You CAN do this I know because I can too. If you ready to change and really really really do something about it and stop with excuses then join my facebook challenge group called YOU CAN DO THIS at Like I said I was in your shoes depression, eating all the time when sad and brokenhearted. You not stuck girl there are others the same way and I know for a fact you can do it. If you want to chat I'm on myfitnesspal under melenegirl81.

  • puff_into_tuff
    @melenagirl81 - I guess I could answer yes to both of those questions. I guess it is because I can't. It is nice to know I am not alone, and even though you have suffered through things, you have pulled through. I am not so concerned about my height being a problem. I know I can do almost anything anyone else could, so my height really isn't an issue. I feel stuck. Rationally, I know I want this. I want to eat healthy, I want to get to a better weight... but I just don't feel anything toward the idea of exercise, and eating healthy. I will look into your group on Facebook, but if has to do with any intense exercise routines such as P90X... I wouldn't be able to do much because of my foot injuries. :( I am very happy that I am feeling content, and happier... but wondering why my happiness didn't pool over to the ambition side. Thank you for all your advice, and tips. I sincerely appreciate it.
  • melenagirl81
    melenagirl81 Posts: 17 Member
    They have a new program called 21 day fix..basically 21 days and let me tell you the workouts aren't that hard. There's a modified version and you don't have to hit the floor hard with your feet. That's where I started and it feels good to workout. I was the person that hated working out and exercise was never in my vocabulary. The first time I started I didn't last the full 30 minutes. My first week was okay just get to 10 minutes, then 15 and slowly by the second week before I knew it I did the whole 30 minutes. Now I'm seeing the difference and for the first time in years I fit in blue jeans. The day that happened where I was able to slide into jeans without squeezing stomach for the zipper to go up felt awesome. These little milestones are my biggest achievements for I've never worn jeans until this year sad but huge for me. I have a video at that shows my transformation and still working on it. My doctor is the one who told me for the first time I was obese. I never thought I was obese always in mind when obese came to mind was someone who was 400-500 lbs not 235 lbs. According to my height i'm supposed to be at 95 lbs. My goal though is 105 lbs. Send me your email and we can chat more if you like.
