Acceptable tip? What would you do?

This is embarrassing, but I had a situation I'd like some input on. Tonight, after a really long day, I decided to just stop by a restaurant for dinner with my kids. Our waiter was very friendly. We ordered, ate, and received our bill. I opened my wallet only to realize my credit card and most of my cash was in my jeans pocket from the night before. I didn't have enough cash on me to cover my bill. I was mortified.

I told my kids to stay at the table and went up to the cashier and asked if they took checks. He said they stopped taking checks in 2007. I explained briefly what was going on, and let him know I was going to look in my car for some cash. I told him my kids, jacket, wallet, etc. were still at my table, so not to worry, I was coming back! I was able to find enough to covert the bill, plus $.01! But I didn't have a tip...

I went up to pay, and the cashier waved his hands saying, “No, don't worry about it. Your waiter will take care of your bill. He was so happy to have such well-behaved kids for a change!" I said, “Absolutely not! I found just enough!"

Now, for the tip... This waiter DEFINITELY deserved a good tip now, after offering to take care of the bill for myself and my kids. I felt awful not having any cash. What I did have, however, was an unused $50 gift card for a local grocery store. I gave him that. Inappropriate? Offensive? Acceptable? Just curious! What would you have done?

For clarification-my bill totalled $21.90.


  • FoxBean
    FoxBean Posts: 910 Member
    That is an awesome tip! Everyone needs groceries.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    I used to be a server, and I would have LOVED that as a tip!
  • DanielCraigwannabe
    Do you go there often? Tip him next time? or if not meh, it's one of those things.

    I think the card is awesome, guessing he lives close so will use it.

    Either way, it's done so don't worry about it.

    You're a good person so you didn't try to stiff them. x
  • zoquo
    zoquo Posts: 75
    As long as it was still valid, i'm assuming it was, then an awesome tip!
  • DanielCraigwannabe
    Oh and a tip for the future:

    Pretend to be British. :wink:

    You can then tell the owner to stop being a tight *kitten* and pay his employees a living wage, so they don't have to rely on the generosity of the customer.

    Not that I did that after getting my bill in NY. No that didn't happen :wink:
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    I probably would have come back the next day and given a tip to the waiter. But that's just me.
  • I probably would have come back the next day and given a tip to the waiter. But that's just me.

    IMHO this was the better choice but what you did was more than acceptable. In fact even if you tipped 20% of the bill the waiter made out much better with the card anyway.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    What you did was pretty cool. I am assuming you explained the situation to the waitor...

    I am with others, and would have come back the next day or the next time the person was working and given the tip then. Things like that happen sometimes.
  • lookin4gains
    lookin4gains Posts: 1,762 Member
    You gave what you could. Which was a very generous gesture. I'm sure he felt more from helping you out in a time in need.
  • tenathequeena
    That was an awesome tip!! I'm sure your waiter was very happy!