Made a GREAT decision!!

FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
After pondering for some time over going back to school for some time..I decided I AM DOING IT!!!! I know that no education is a mistake but culinary school for me was a mistake. Granted I met awesome people made some awesome friends gained ALOT of knowledge and experiences but on the downside it negatively affected my health., Its how I gained all the wt I am almost rid of. I used to not care about working out and stuff..but since I started doing it I LOVE it. I love it and am fascinated so much by it I am applying to the University of Pittsburgh to major in Athletic Training/Exercise Physiology and Nutrition. I toured today and they have a program for working adults...Its gonna take time but it WILL be worth it!!!


  • scaveola
    That's awesome! Congratulations! I recently decided to go back to school as well. Maybe study law :)
  • kunoichi_candy
    kunoichi_candy Posts: 8 Member
    Awesome!!!! Congratulations!
  • cdngirl71
    cdngirl71 Posts: 2,707 Member
    You won't regret going back. I went back to school a few years ago and I am so happy I did, now I have a great job that I actually love!! Good luck in your studies!!!