Running Races alone (5ks, 1/2 marathons, etc.)

Hi everybody. I am new to running, somewhat. I have done a couple of 5ks and 1 half marathon. I would like to do more half marathons and other running competitions. I feel that I am a beginning to early intermediate level runner. The issue that I have is that I always run by myself. I train by myself and when I did my first half marathon last year I ran it completely by myself which was really lonely. There was nobody there to take pictures for me, nobody there to meet me at the finish line, or to help me get back to my car since I wanted to crawl after the race, lol. My question is, should I continue to run by myself? Honestly, I really don't know anybody I guess the obvious advice for me would be find somebody but how? I don't want to stop running, but it's really lonely to be in the midst of thousands of people at races all by myself.


  • DrWhoodles
    DrWhoodles Posts: 145 Member
    Is there a running store in your town? Ours have running groups and such. You could also look online to see if there are any running clubs where you are - they can sometimes set you up with running buddies that are at your same level.
  • laurieagain09
    laurieagain09 Posts: 183 Member
    I ran my first 1/2 alone. As I was sitting on the shuttle on the way to the starting line surrounded by other runners who were all in pairs or groups, I was really lonely! I like doing my training runs alone, but races are MUCH more fun with a partner/group to at least hang out with before and after the run!! Luckily since then my sister and her friends have been running the same 1/2s as me. I like the idea about the running stores. Here in Utah I have heard that the running store "Salt Lake Running Company" does group runs once a week. I haven't been on them. I just recently found that my town has a running club. I found there page on Facebook. They do weekly runs and do races together. Look around. Ask around. I bet you can find something.
  • SusanUW83
    SusanUW83 Posts: 152 Member
    I've run a few half marathons by myself, but think it would be more fun to be with a group even if I ran together. But don't quit -- maybe you can find a non-running friend to hook up with you near the end, take some pictures, and then go to lunch together.