Wedding weight loss motivation?

Hi all,
I am super motivated to lose weight as my wedding is in September (2014). Is anyone else in the same camp or otherwise similarly motivated? I guess I could join a summer motivation group too!
I am about 135 pounds (28 years old) - actually I'm not sure as I know my scale weighs low, so it says 130 but I think it's at least five pounds more than that, and 5'6. I don't have lots of weight to lose, but I think the last ten are especially hard to lose. I was also somewhat depressed to order my wedding dress in a size 8 (the lady was going back and forth between a 6 and an 8), which is I size I thought I was done with (I have been probably size 12 heaviest, but this was quite a few years ago). I haven't been less than 130 or so since high school. I just feel like this is my big chance, to be motivated and finally give it a try to see what it would be like to be happy with my body!
I wonder if there is anyone else in a similar spot!


  • Hi Shannon! I am in a similar spot only I'm sure I have alot more weight to lose than you! My wedding is at the end of August and I am hoping to lose at least 25-30 pounds between now and then. (I really need to lose like 40 total, but I want to lose healthily) I have a horrible time trying to lose weight but also feel like this is my time!!! Feel free to add me... Good luck on your journey!! :)
  • Lo0n3y
    Lo0n3y Posts: 68 Member
    Im not getting married but I've to be a maid of honour for my sister 8th august hoping to lose 2 stone :) more like 3 though, I set a goal on 1 stone then going to go for the 2 then the last, I want to look good ESP beside a size 8 figure.
    Feel free to add :)
  • Slulik
    Slulik Posts: 79 Member
    I got married last September with the goal of losing a lot of weight. I started at 295 and ended up at 230 by the time of the wedding.

    I found that setting goals and evening trying on your dress to see the dreaded 'flab areas' helped with the motivation. I focused a lot on back and arms towards the end, and definitely paid off.

    Keep working hard, focus on what your eating and the pictures will be well worth it!
  • yogacat13
    yogacat13 Posts: 124 Member
    My wedding is at the end of October! I'm having a bespoke dress made, and go for the "mock-up" tomorrow. Very excited about that!
    I'm trying to lose about a stone (though I could probably do with losing a bit more).