Filling those last few calories

I've hit a plateau and after reviewing my diary I think I may be eating too little given how much I work out. I've got my base calorie level set at 1200, and then Fitbit adjusts to try to keep my deficit at 500 calories per day. And of course I could always be a little better about making good choices at mealtimes.

But a lot of the time when I see I have surplus calories I'm not sure what I can eat to stay within my macros. Everything tends to be either too high sugar or too high fat. Raw veggies fit in, but I'd have to eat a ton to hit my calorie target and I'm not usually that hungry by the end of the day.

Any suggestions for how to keep my calorie count where it should be without filling up on junk is greatly appreciated.


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    plateau=maintenance due to inaccruate logging.

    If you are in a calorie deficet you lose weight...your body doesn't magically hold onto to fat...

    Your calorie count should be higher and you should be weighing your food and logging accurately.

    Quick add calories, not weighing foods, some of the entries you use..

    As for the 1200 ith 6lbs to lose you should be aiming for 1/2lb a week.
  • kellbot1
    kellbot1 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks. I try to weigh and measure as much as I possibly can but it's tough to do that and still take care of all the other stuff in life. Generally I look at the serving size and then weigh out that much, so a lot of my food is pretty accurate. Dinners out at family member's houses are always tough to estimate, that's where a lot of the quick adds and generics come from. I try to eat well enough the rest of the week to have a buffer for those meals, and make good choices while I'm there.

    What's not shown is the sport-specific training and lifting I do (with a trainer), which happens for about an hour 5 days / week but doesn't get picked up by Fitbit.

    I feel tired all the time, which is part of why I think I'm not eating enough. But I feel a little bit at a loss about what I should be eating, either instead of or in addition to what I'm eating now.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    How much whole grains are you eating? If you need to bump up your carbs, without eating a lot of fat, things like lentils, whole grains, brown rice, etc., can add calories without much fat.