New here- many questions, NEED SUPPORT!



  • frankiep73
    frankiep73 Posts: 40 Member
    Congratulations on taking the first step in your weight loss journey. Yes, journey. 7 years ago, I began mine and it has been a roller coaster at the very least. I successfully lost 100lbs in under a year, however, I had major health complications, very difficult pregnancy and I'm still on my journey to get to a healthy place. So, you know you are not alone.

    Step one, take one step at a time. If you have begun the gym, that is great. Keep focusing on that and build from there. Don't try to change everything all at once, otherwise you will get burned out and overwhelmed to keep up all the changes, all the time. You are making the changes for the long haul so one step, one change at a time.

    The burning in your legs is good. Usually you can push just a little more and get past that burn. If not, go to the next thing at the gym. Then, the next time you are there, add 1 minute to the time on the machine or activity you are doing.

    Track 100% of everything you eat. Every bite, lick and taste. Be honest. If you have a bad day, log it so you can see it in black and white. I hate doing it when I have a binge day, but I do it because that is one of my hardest thing to do is to be honest. I hide food from myself and my husband but not from my journal.

    One thing I did, once I was feeling more confident in my strength, was to add 1# weights to my cardio. I would carry them with me as I walked on the treadmill, or the track, or the trail. I would then incorporate arm movements that were exaggerated with those weights, like bicep curls, overhead press, or the T-lift thing with your arms out stretched. Whatever I could do to get more focused movement. I also found that when NOT on the treadmill, I would do a side to side movement to work my obliques. I looked like a crazy fool when I was walking but I did not care. I still do that now and still don't care!

    I am proud of you for getting on the scale. Weight Watchers says the hardest thing in life is to walk through their door. Same goes for stepping on the scale. Good luck, feel free to friend me.
  • sakinacornell
    sakinacornell Posts: 2 Member
    Hello and welcome!
    I'm relatively new here as well :). From an exercise perspective I wanted to recommend the Leslie Sansone DVD collection "Walk Away the Pounds." At my heaviest I was 230 and those DVDs were all I could manage to get through (knee and foot pain from other types of exercise was just too intense). You can find more information (and some great motivational stories) on her website here:
    One caveat: she can get a little annoying--that being said the workouts are easily modifiable when you're in pain and can be boosted to higher intensity when you're ready. If you want to check them out there's a bunch of videos posted on youtube as well.
    Hope this helps! Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • I agree with pretty much what everyone else is saying. When your workout becomes too easy, add to it slowly. If you try to do too much at once it can be discouraging. Congratulations on taking the first steps to a healthier life! :smile:
  • lkilton
    lkilton Posts: 105 Member
    Keep up the good work!! Definately weigh once and week and track it. When I started on the eliptical it was tough, but now I am doing it about 35 minutes a day. I wish you the best of luck on your journey. Sounds like you have the right attitude to succeed.
  • cartagenam
    cartagenam Posts: 12 Member
    Keep it up you have begun a great start to the workout. Small steps is the way to go, that is what I did in January and was at 271 and now down to 251 with just the small steps. My past was always gung ho lets change everything and by one week I gave up. Little changes do add up, we can do this girl!!
  • eimaj5575
    eimaj5575 Posts: 278 Member
    You should get on a scale bc how else are you going to know if you dropped the 30lbs your trying for? You need a start point!
  • Each and every one of you is AMAZING and I am looking forward to this journey with all of you!!!!!