Need Some Advice On Best Way To Lose Weight.

I started my diet 15 days ago and I've lost 12 pounds so far. I was 21st 8pounds and I'm now 21st 10pounds. I've started walking and I do roughly 4 miles, walking pretty quickly at 4mph and according to Endomondo, I'm burning off almost a thousand calories each time.

The problem is, I lost 16 pounds in like 10 days and even though I've cut most of the junk out of my diet, my weight has crept back up by 4 pounds over the last few days.

It just defies logic how my weight has started rising again rapidly despite going from hardly moving and eating junk all day to eating quite healthily and being active.

I don't even think I've eaten 4 pounds in weight of food the past few days! Haha.

It's kinda disheartening, especially after such a rapid start. I think I'm going to have to kick it up a notch with the walking and maybe see if I can do it twice a day.


  • pocho269
    pocho269 Posts: 7 Member
    You have likely gained back water weight you lost- remember it isn't all about the number on the scale.
  • ^seconded
    you would have had to eat over 14,000 calories (over your maintenance calories) in those few days to gain 4lbs of fat. Weight fluctuates regularly. Pay attention to your sodium, in case it's dietary related and not just your body being a body.
  • Froody2
    Froody2 Posts: 338 Member
    Hi and congratulations on your loss so far :flowerforyou:

    My suggestion is to invest in a heart rate monitor - I find them far more accurate than relying on apps, especially Endomondo which in my experience VASTLY overestimates calorie burns. This overestimation is probably why you've stalled.
  • FoxyLifter
    FoxyLifter Posts: 965 Member
    You have likely gained back water weight you lost- remember it isn't all about the number on the scale.


    Losing 12 pounds in 15 days? That was not fat. Well, maybe a little, but it was mostly water and glycogen stores.

    I don't even think I've eaten 4 pounds in weight of food the past few days! Haha

    But have you been drinking water?

    Water can easily cause your weight to fluctuate.

    I think I'm going to have to kick it up a notch with the walking and maybe see if I can do it twice a day.

    Why? Because you didn't lose as much as you think you did? Give your plan some TIME (2 months, maybe). Patience is important.

    If you want real results, look into lifting heavy. Getting rid of fat is great, but you may also want to look into keeping as much muscle mass as you can. Body composition should be considered, IMHO.

    Read this:
  • Eric_DeCastro
    Eric_DeCastro Posts: 767 Member
    You have likely gained back water weight you lost- remember it isn't all about the number on the scale.

    yes you lost a lot of water weight. no start working on losing the fat.
  • I started my diet 15 days ago and I've lost 12 pounds so far. I was 21st 8pounds and I'm now 21st 10pounds. I've started walking and I do roughly 4 miles, walking pretty quickly at 4mph and according to Endomondo, I'm burning off almost a thousand calories each time.

    The problem is, I lost 16 pounds in like 10 days and even though I've cut most of the junk out of my diet, my weight has crept back up by 4 pounds over the last few days.

    It just defies logic how my weight has started rising again rapidly despite going from hardly moving and eating junk all day to eating quite healthily and being active.

    I don't even think I've eaten 4 pounds in weight of food the past few days! Haha.

    It's kinda disheartening, especially after such a rapid start. I think I'm going to have to kick it up a notch with the walking and maybe see if I can do it twice a day.

    Everybody's body is different and sometimes not eating enough of the right things can make it more difficult to lose weight permanently. Your diet doesn't have to be so over the top that it's hard to maintain or that your body is fighting it... A lot of times people don't realize how moving from one extreme to another can shock their body and work against what they are trying to do. I lost 19 lbs in a month with very little physical exercise and I wasn’t starving myself. Many people make it harder than it needs to be and I wish someone would have told me that early on. I’m not going to post my before and after pics publically, but if you want some help and want to hear about what I’ve been doing than I would be happy to help in any way. Just shoot me an email at jeremyzanders2004!at! and I'll show you my before and after pics and I’ll tell you about how things are going for me with the stuff I've tried.