Chicago 2014 Rock n Roll 1/2 Marathoners?!?!?

Is anyone out there registered to run the July 2014 Chicago Rock n Roll 1/2 Marathon? I'm looking for some peeps who are trying to get to the finish line, this is my first 1/2. Also if anyone can advise of the terrain in terms of hilly or flat etc. Would be great to train with some people who are working towards the same goal! I'm doing the RunKeeper sub 2 hour 1/2 marathon training I'm not sure if that's ambitious for me but I'm going to try.

So if you're awesome and entered in this race or another near this time (3rd week of July) hit me up so I can see what kind of training you're doing or whatnot cause I'm creepy like that!


    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,046 Member
    I did this race about 3 years ago. I t was a blast except it was tooo hot. The terrain is mostly flat. you will be ok as along as you run 3-times a week. I finished in 2:46. and that was my first ever 1/2 marathon. I am 6'0 240lbs by the way :)
  • GoldFish1326
    GoldFish1326 Posts: 81 Member
    Thanks for the info! I'm using the sub 2hr 1/2 marathon but once I really get into the longer runs we'll see how much my pace falls off. Awesome job though, must have been hella satisfying to finish!
  • msthang444
    msthang444 Posts: 491 Member
    i would love to, but i'm in texas. :(
    I am, however, doing my verst first half marathon this weekend though ;)
  • LizaGetz
    LizaGetz Posts: 57 Member
    Hey Texas, come up to Chicago! Running 1/2 marathons in other cities is so awesome! You get to see parts of cities that you normally wouldn't see and one of the things I do on runs is house-shop LOL

    Anyway, GoldFish, check out Hal Higdon's training info online, he has different training programs for different levels. Also, if you're in the Chicago area, check out CARA, the Chicago Area Running Association. They have training programs that meet at the lake for long runs on the weekends and mid-week runs too. There are tons of running clubs out there, I'm sure you can find one for your needs. Hit me up for more info if you'd like! I've been running in Chicago since '05, so I know a few things :)

    Good luck!
  • GoldFish1326
    GoldFish1326 Posts: 81 Member
    I pretty much am pretending to be a runner so I can travel...I saw a full marathon in Ireland...*dreamy eyes and swooning* I can use the running as an excuse to do two things:
    1) To work out thus working towards my goal of the race &
    Deux) To travel to cool places and be super awesome! And eat more cheese!

    LizaGetz: HIlarious, ahh yes pie is wonderful! I'm from Canada and have a friend who lives in Chicago which I went to last year, it's a beautiful city so all my training will be done in Canada, actually most will be done on a treadmill until the snow melts so...let's say middle of June for a confident snow free running path ha! Any information you have is welcome, perhaps even delicious post 1/2 marathon meal restaurant advice that involves pie or cheese....yes yes I like the sounds of that!
  • msthang444
    msthang444 Posts: 491 Member
    Hey Texas, come up to Chicago! Running 1/2 marathons in other cities is so awesome! You get to see parts of cities that you normally wouldn't see and one of the things I do on runs is house-shop LOL

    I saw a marathon in Hawaii that had me dreaming ;)
  • LizaGetz
    LizaGetz Posts: 57 Member
    I have no post-marathon meals... the WHOLE reason I run is because I love to eat and drink! I mean, my whole motivation for FINISHING a race is the beer at the end! ;-)

    I hear ya about the snow - it actually snowed this morning in Chicago. And maybe some tonight. But at least it will be 60°F on Sunday!

    Here's Hal's 1/2 Marathon Program:

    Last year, I did 1/2s in Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, Chicago and Montreal. I was also supposed to do the Detroit Free Press which crosses over to Canada, but I got sick the night before. The goal is to do one overseas, like London, Berlin or anywhere in Italy!
  • GoldFish1326
    GoldFish1326 Posts: 81 Member
    That sounds super amazing and ambitious! I'm currently following the runkeeper sub 2hr 1/2 guess is I'm not going to make that time but it is my overall goal after just finishing!

    Travel & sports are the best and yes eat to enjoy deliciousness is also part of my goal! I will look into that training plan and see what differences there are that maybe I can supplement my plan with thanks!