scale discrepency :(

chazsucks Posts: 170
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
so last friday i weighed myself for the first time, my scale said 238lbs
during the week the scale stopped working so i dug out another scale and this morning i used that
it says 247.8lbs!!!!!!! I seriously hope i haven't put on nearly 10lbs in a week!! grrr how annoying my first week as well!
Should I just start from scratch this week then?
my progress chart is going to say i've put on 10lbs!


  • elainegsd
    elainegsd Posts: 459 Member
    Hmmmm, I'd probably try a third scale at a doc's office or gym to confirm this second scale is right, then I would adjust my starting weight accordingly.
  • andybaxta
    andybaxta Posts: 7 Member
    Don't worry too much, I have a pair of scales from a good manufacturer and it sometimes will read +/- 5 lbs when I get off and back on again straight away so I have to take an average!

    I would start from scratch with the same scales all the way through, going to be easier!
  • pamp1emousse
    pamp1emousse Posts: 282 Member
    Argh, I had this problem as well when I bought a new scale. It's so upsetting! It may not even have been an accurate reading (let's say, if you'd consumed too much sodium recently) but either way, what I did when this happened was to go...
    Home ->check in -> edit previous entries and change your starting weight to what your new scale says. That way you havent officially put on weight :tongue: You can change your goal weight up a couple of lbs as well if you'd like, so that the amount you have to lose is still the same.
  • Argh, I had this problem as well when I bought a new scale. It's so upsetting! It may not even have been an accurate reading (let's say, if you'd consumed too much sodium recently) but either way, what I did when this happened was to go...
    Home ->check in -> edit previous entries and change your starting weight to what your new scale says. That way you havent officially put on weight :tongue: You can change your goal weight up a couple of lbs as well if you'd like, so that the amount you have to lose is still the same.

    Thanks that's really helpful!!! You actually just answered another question i had lol xxx
  • schpanks
    schpanks Posts: 468 Member
    I always weigh 3-4 pounds heavier when I go to the doctor, too. It's depressing. I weighed myself on my scale, clothed, before I went the other day so I wasn't sad when I got there, and still was 4 pounds heavier according to the doctor's scale. I'm keeping mine. It likes me better. :happy:
  • Digital scales can be really tempermental I always get on and off a few times to make sure. Lately before I get on them I put something else with a known weight on it and then you can be a bit more confident cuz you know that inanimate object hasn't put on weight.
  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    I had the same issue when I started! My scale died after my first week so I got a new one and was 4lbs heavier! Once I got over the initial devestation I just changed my starting weight with MFP and moved on. Three months later and 14lbs down I kinda forgot that even happened! You can do it - the starting weight doesn't matter - its your starting mindset! :)
  • ctraill
    ctraill Posts: 89 Member
    I would just readjust your starting weight and make sure that you use the same scale to measure your progress. That way even if your weight is off by a little bit, the total amount of weight that you've lost won't be.

    Sorry this happened to you your first week!
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    Remember to those people who weigh more when they go to the dr...your weight fluctuates throughout the day. I always weigh more at 10am than I do when I first wake up (your true weight). So its not going to be the same.
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