Breastfeeding mom trying to lose the last 15lbs


New here and trying to get into the swing of things! I had my second baby one year ago and it is time to lose the last of my baby weight! I am still breastfeeding my daughter (mostly at night) and I am having a hard time losing the last 10-15 pounds and getting back into my old clothes. With my son I had the same issue but it did come off after I stopped breastfeeding, but I was also working out almost every day at that time. Now with two kids and a full time job I find it difficult to get workouts in and I don't think my daughter will stop nursing anytime I feel a little stuck on my weight loss.

Anywaze... I would love to make a few motivating friends on here so please friend me if you want! Also, does anyone know if I should add extra calories to my allotment on here due to the breastfeeding, say 300 or so? 1200 calories a day seems really skimpy for my usual diet, and I haven't been gaining weight, just can't lose anymore.

Thanks and good luck to everyone on here!


  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Breastfeeding should add 500 Calories a day!!!! Now you're down to part-time so many not as many, but certainly more than 30! You need enough calories and enough water! Otherwise, you will stall, and that could be what is going on!

    There are lots of workouts that don't take forever. I also work full time, have another job and have two kids. Its about scheduling.

    You can do it! :)
  • Thanks Nancy! Yes, I meant 300, opps. I tracked yesterday and I think it said I went over by at least 500... I have such a huge appetite when am breastfeeding... Thank you for the support! I am currently getting to the gym twice a week for an hour and try to run or do T25 at least once a week at home. I am also trying to cut out all drinks except water and tea...
  • MommyToAllieB
    MommyToAllieB Posts: 56 Member
    I'm also breastfeeding. I got on MFP to lose my last 24 lbs of baby weight. I've been shooting for 2100 cal/day since late December, giving myself 500 extra cals for breastfeeding. I've lost 20 lbs in two and a half months doing that. I eat more like 2300/day if I exercise. Breastfeeding makes me ravenous-- I was eating like 4000 cals/day before starting on MFP. Some days I have a really hard time sticking to 2100, and I really can't imagine trying for anything under 1800 while breastfeeding...I have also noticed that my milk supply has dropped since I started eating less.
  • Sujibean
    Sujibean Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Moms!

    I just started using MFP a few days ago after not using it for years. I am breastfeeding and trying to lose weight. I allotted myself 1900 calories per day. I have only been able to really keep it that low for 2 of the 4 days so far. It's so hard. I am also ravenous while breastfeeding. I have lost all but 5lbs of the weight I gained from being pregnant. But,I also want to lose the weight I gained before I got pregnant (10lbs). I plan to breastfeed for a long time, so I hope this works. I've heard that some people have a harder time losing weight until they are completely finished with breastfeeding. Ugh!
  • I know just what you mean about being ravenous! I think my calories were super high before tracking. I set my goal at 1600 calories per day and it might be a little low, but it's all kinda estimation to me... I do think it is helping me be more aware of what I am eating though which is great! I friended you, we can do this! Lol thanks for your support!
  • 20 pounds! That's great! Be careful with your supply, how old is you little one? I am excited to lose weight with fellow nursing moms! I swear my body hangs onto about ten pounds of fat until I stop nursing completely but I am hoping I can outsmart it ;-) also I feel like how full my boobs are really affects my weight... Lol oh the issues of motherhood...I friended u! We can do this!
  • I am also struggling to lose the last 15 pounds. I've been training for over a year now. I have two kids and my youngest is 19 months and won't quit breastfeeding! I've been doing kettlebell, weights and bootcamps 3-4 times a week and while I've gained muscle, strength and endurance - the weight hasn't moved. So I hired a nutritionist and started a 12 week program. After 4 weeks of anal calorie counting, ensuring I got all the proper proportion of macronutrients and even giving up my wine (gasp!!!) - nothing is really moving and the nutritionist is a little stumped.
    I know you need some fat to keep providing the baby nutrition - but I have LOTS of fat and can easily shed some! Why can't I get my body to let some go??
  • Hi everyone. I just started MFP. I'm on the road to losing 65 pounds!! My LO is 10 months. I've set my calories at 1800. That should be good right? I'm a huge emotional eater. Hope we can all go through it together. Motivation is my weakness. Good Luck to everyone!!