How to log Chalean Extreme

I am going to be starting Chalean Extreme on Mon., I don't have a HRM (would really like on though) so until then, what should I track it under?


  • claribeln02
    I'm almost finishing the burn circuit. Log it in as calisthenics, but try to get a HRM as soon as possible because it depends on how much intensity and weight you use during the workout.
  • superjarrod1616
    superjarrod1616 Posts: 39 Member
    Are you happy with the results you are seeing or feeling?
  • claribeln02
    Oh definitely. I love it. I already did most of the weight lose using P90X and Boot camp. So now I’m just really working on muscle tone, and it's working beautifully. "Chalean” comes with a bonus "fat blaster video" from Turbo jam and you could combine that with the first 3 burn circuit routines to burn more calories. But I really do enjoy it.
  • ariadna79
    I did P90x and I started it back up this past Monday. I haven't tried the Chalean but I keep hearing about it. Let me know how it goes, I haven't looked into it yet. I have done the p90x, zumba, and I'm looking into the brazilian butt lift program by beach body also. I've been focusing more on workout programs rather than the traditional workout at the gym I have done for years.

    Good Luck on the Chalean Extreme! =)