why am I gaining weight??



  • I have lost over 108 lbs in a year and a half with eating healthier. But I too have gained a few pounds back after adjusting to eating a bit more around 1300 cals most days. I do about a 30 min workout and wear a S7 watch for my cal burn etc. I started implementing more weight so I think it is muscle (that I see and feel) that is coming back now. I would like to lose 20 more lbs if possible but if not I am happy where I am at now.
  • jazlmay
    jazlmay Posts: 7 Member
    I had a physical in December and all blood work was great and doc said I was doing great. She doesnt have all the details and I agree I dont eat enough and I think I exercise too much as well but Im too afraid to change. This weight gain with the little increase in calories is scaring me enough. But I do not feel tired during the day either I feel great to be honest except for the obsession the number I see on the scale. I am going to look into seeing a nutritionist. Thank you for the advice
  • I had a physical in December and all blood work was great and doc said I was doing great. She doesnt have all the details and I agree I dont eat enough and I think I exercise too much as well but Im too afraid to change. This weight gain with the little increase in calories is scaring me enough. But I do not feel tired during the day either I feel great to be honest except for the obsession the number I see on the scale. I am going to look into seeing a nutritionist. Thank you for the advice
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Sounds good jazlmay, wish you the best. I'm sure everyone her wants to see you attain your goal but not in a way that harms you is all. It might be time to ignore the scale for a bit and focus on what makes you healthier, what gives you more energy and more strength...a recovery period from what has undoubtedly been a very harsh diet.

    That said I think ultimately its between you and your body and your doctor, only so much you should listen to random advice from the internet right :-)
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    Sounds good jazlmay, wish you the best. I'm sure everyone her wants to see you attain your goal but not in a way that harms you is all. It might be time to ignore the scale for a bit and focus on what makes you healthier, what gives you more energy and more strength...a recovery period from what has undoubtedly been a very harsh diet.

    That said I think ultimately its between you and your body and your doctor, only so much you should listen to random advice from the internet right :-)

    Very glad you are going to see a nutritionist.

    ~Best wishes
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    Sounds good jazlmay, wish you the best. I'm sure everyone her wants to see you attain your goal but not in a way that harms you is all. It might be time to ignore the scale for a bit and focus on what makes you healthier, what gives you more energy and more strength...a recovery period from what has undoubtedly been a very harsh diet.

    That said I think ultimately its between you and your body and your doctor, only so much you should listen to random advice from the internet right :-)


    Very glad you are going to see a nutritionist. Hope you are able to sort it all out soon.

    ~Best wishes
  • Your case is actually very surprising because from my point of view you are not at wrong track. You should see a doctor now.