
Hi I'm Erica from Tennessee. This is the 3rd day that I've used this site. So far, I'm liking it. Logging in my exercises & what eat helps me in a way to want to achieve my goal of losing weight. Besides Taekwondo & CardioKarate, I also workout to INSANITY. My biggest problem is eating healthier. I slowed down on my soda intakes. (Yay). However, I weigh 153 and my ULTIMATE goal is to drop down to 120-125 lbs by September. Sooooo, wish me luck!


  • joharibeauty
    joharibeauty Posts: 6 Member
    You are much closer to your goal than you think. Cut out your sodas completely, if you need the caffeine, drink tea. I count believe how much weight I lost when I cut my pop.com but I was drinking a 2 liter of Pepsi a day. Now if I drink one, I barely finish half a can before I want water. cutting pop out straight is hard... a step I used that helped me........ was when I wanted to drink a pop. I would open it can pour it in a larger bottle shake it up and stick it in the freezer 3 and half or four hours take it out open it up and it will become a slushy for some reason that satisfies my urge for them a little bit better maybe it was just because I didn't Tippit back and chug it or maybe it was because I had to wait for three or four hours to have it but it help me to cut back maybe it will work for you.

    But it sounds like you are on a great start with cutting soda and your exercise...... I have a feeling you will see the pounds melting away ! Best of luck & Welcome !