How long before you saw results?

How long was it, on your weight loss journey, before you saw results? Whether that be on the scales, in inches, or whatever?


  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    When I first started MFP:

    Within first 4 weeks : 11lbs lost on the scale

    Weeks 5-8: 6.8lbs lost on scale

    12 weeks was when I felt I had noticeable difference in pictures

    Now when I first started in general. I honestly can't remember. I wasn't tracking things very well when I first started @ 260lbs (after pregnancy). I do know it took me about 4 months before I was willing to take a picture and post it on facebook. At that point, I was about 12lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight (according to the message that I posted with the picture). Which means that I was down about 48lbs at that point. I was using a wii to track progress, but it died on me and I lost all the information.
  • Mr_AH
    Mr_AH Posts: 32
    I'm hoping I'm doing everything right but it's a bit confusing.

    I'm going by my TDEE but every single site I have calculated my TDEE on has given me a different number, usually with a change of a few hundred calories.

    I suppose I'll have to wait another few weeks to see if I'm actually on the right path. Thanks for your reply.
  • zeal26
    zeal26 Posts: 602 Member
    It was a few weeks because I was TERRIBLE at logging accurately and doing no exercise. I started seeing results from the day I began logging properly (weighing everything, using the correct entries for everything) and doing short workouts.
  • Mr_AH
    Mr_AH Posts: 32
    I've been logging everything and doing exercise and I've not really moved on the scales. My weight used to fluctuate wildly (we're talking 4-5 kg) but so far it's fluctuated about 1 kg, so I suppose that's something.

    I've also been lifting a bit (again, this is confusing, as some people say start lifting yesterday while others say wait until you've lost weight) so maybe I'm holding onto a bit of water, although I haven't lost any inches or anything.

    I guess I'll just wait another fortnight or so to see if anything changes.
  • dortilolma
    dortilolma Posts: 103 Member
    On my third week and still not really seeing any results. To be fair at the beginning I was focusing on just reducing my appetite and tackle my tendency to eat just to fill time. I was hoping to be down at least a kg by now but I'm willing to be patient and despite being the exact same size as before I do feel a bit better about myself.
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    in my first 8 days I lost 7.8 pounds, from 254.6 to 246.8 but it slowed down a bit after that (though even now I lose around 1.5-2 pounds a week!)
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    I'm hoping I'm doing everything right but it's a bit confusing.

    I'm going by my TDEE but every single site I have calculated my TDEE on has given me a different number, usually with a change of a few hundred calories.

    I suppose I'll have to wait another few weeks to see if I'm actually on the right path. Thanks for your reply.

    You sound like me - what I eventually did to combat the frustration factor was, I googled a bunch of different sites, got the TDEE from all of them, figured the 20% deficit, and averaged them all to come up with my #. Yeah, some people will say that's making it harder than it needs to be but it is what works for my brain to be happy lol.
  • bryant28408
    bryant28408 Posts: 52 Member
    I saw evidence of weight loss in my face and neck within 2 weeks. The scales began dropping after one week. Just stay the course. Your body will catch up with your expectations.
  • CipherZero
    CipherZero Posts: 1,418 Member
    If you're going any kind of exercise program - walking, jogging, running, weight lifting - even the most moronic of programs should have you showing visible progress in eight weeks.

    As far as the scale, you should be seeing consistent results on a monthly basis. Week to week (and especially day to day) weights can be highly variable.
  • elkhunter7x6
    elkhunter7x6 Posts: 88 Member
    I pretty much started seeing results on the scale immediately.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    First week- weight loss
    First month- coworker commented on how I look like I've been working out (girl who is also working on her health)
    Second month- Husband, "dannnnnng"
  • stryder77
    stryder77 Posts: 39 Member
    The first week my weight didn't move much but i could feel my pants getting looser and fat moving around. Then suddenly on my 2nd week my weight dropped 11 lbs. I stayed there for a another week then it has started dropping constantly since. Now, i have a lot to lose but from what I've read it takes 4 weeks for you to start to see the change, 8 weeks for family, and 12 months for everyone else.

    Its taken me over 2 months to drop almost 30lbs and I don't see any sign of stopping till I hit my goals. I then plan to set another and get down further while still working out. :)

    I would recommend not worrying about the scale, and look at it more by measuring how your clothes are fitting or doing measurements on your body. The scale will lie to you constantly due to water weight and muscle being gained. I also only weight in now once a week at the same time on the same day. I measure 3 times and take the middle weight. (I know, i'm weird).

    Biggest thing is to keep on your path. It really is a life change and worrying about the scale or how your progressing won't help things. I would also stay consistent on your routine and your calories. Those will ensure your results on the scale over time. Stay the course and good luck. You got this.