
Firstly, I rarely post on the boards. However, today I am so fustrated. I've been trying to stick to 1200 when not being overly active but I am finding I am falling off my new eating habits more often than not. During the day, I do great! I eat properly, I'm not hungry and I'm busy at work (office). At night, I try to stay busy, I'm out to Zumba 2 nights a week for sure, then trying to catch up on housework, bills etc the rest of the time. Boring eh? Then I find all I'm doing is eating after supper! Grazing like cattle, can't seem to get it under control. Is it a lack of really wanting to lose the weight. I am so mad at myself. I'm maintaining 250 and have been for six months!!!! I need to move the scale. Help! Any suggestions please. When I do Zumba, I up my intake appropriately. I'm all ears....


  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    come up with something else to do in the eve's. Or resign to only eat veggies/fruit at night. Give yourself one night (wed maybe) to snack. lol. Good luck. After 8 if I have the munchies I have made it a rule to only eat fruit and veggies. That way at least I'm eating some calories that have some nutritional value.

    Good luck
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    If you are going to graze try eating a couple of fruit like an apple or blackberries with FF whip topping if your calories allow. Also try drinking a lot of water. Also I chew gum. That helps me. On the days when I am soooo hungry i just go to bed so I am not up looking in the cabinets for food.

    Good Luck!


  • BunnyDVP
    BunnyDVP Posts: 71 Member
    Try to stick to your proteins. They fill you up and curb the appetite.:flowerforyou: If you snack try the 100 calorie pre packaged snacks. They are at least portion controlled. Good luck and try not to be so hard on yourself. Also when you exercise still stick to your calorie intake that is recommended and not "up" it. That will help.
  • Bryan190
    Try a chocolate VitaMuffin chopped up in the yogurt of your choice. This is one of my favorite quick breakfasts or for an evening snack. High fiber and protein to make you feel full, but low calories.
  • IamRoJ
    IamRoJ Posts: 530 Member
    This may sound silly, but have you considered a craft to keep your hands occupied so they can't "graze"? At night, by the time I get the kids to bed, all hubby and I have energy for is to watch a bit of tube and veg. He's a big snacker, which adds to the temptation, but I find that if I'm knitting (or something similar) it keeps me from thinking about what snacks are available. For me, that's more effective than finding a healthier snack - it's about getting out of the snacking habit. My two cents. :)
  • netter43
    netter43 Posts: 110 Member
    Refocus on your goals and why you want to attain them. We all want to throw in the towel from time to time, but you are worth the effort!! If you can plan your day's eating ahead and up your protein that definitely helps keep me fuller longer and lots of ice water all the time. I carry a big bottle with me and am constantly refilling it. Make little changes that are attainable; keeping busy, eating fruit for a low cal after supper snack, not allowing yourself to eat after a certain time unless you absolutely have to. Best of luck to you on your endeavor.
  • luvslife2
    Thanks for listening! I will refocus, take a another look at my eating and probably increase the protein. Keeping busy, absolutely! I do quilt, so I just have to have some more "hand work" lol. Deep down, I know I just need to get serious, not eat after 7 and clean out my cupboards. I really appreciated the feedback and suggestions.
    Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!
  • chacaruso
    chacaruso Posts: 261 Member
    All good suggestions here.