Looking for advice. thanks!

31 year old male.
Currently 218 lbs. Goal is 200 by May 14th. So 18 pound loss.
Diet is moderate in carbs and protein with less fat.

Some recent history.
I was 229 a month ago. I started keeping track of my calories after having done a keto diet. While it works, I just didn't like it. It wasn't the cravings, I just didn't feel ... healthy.

So at 229lbs I was aiming for 1200 calorie diet with 0 net and drinking water like it was going out of style. Basically working off everything that I ate but keeping the calorie count low. I got down to 212 in about a month. During this month, I was at the gym at least 4 times a week, usually 2 days of weights and 2 days of racquetball or treadmill.

I noticed that when I actually ate 1500 calories with a -300 net that I lost weight faster but would plateau after a couple days of the higher calories. I mention this because I was on vacation last week and with only 1 day in the gym and higher calorie intake along with higher fat content (its a vacation people!), I jumped up to 218 lbs. Now, I have maintained a higher calorie intake of about 1500 calories and 4 days in the gym. I am not moving in weight, which is really what I was seeing prior to my vacation and am not surprised. 1500 calories and I plateau, 1200 and I drop but I am hungry all day and I don't have the energy at the gym.

So I guess the question here is this.

Do I tough it out at 1200 calories and feel tired all the time while losing weight, or do I up it to 1500 calories and move slowly if at all and feel more awake?

Is there anything I can do to be at 1500 calories and push my body to get over the weight plateau? Such as more sugars and less protein? I also cut alcohol this week ... I think my liver likes the booze and helps me lose weight or at least that's what I like to believe ;)


  • ironrat79
    ironrat79 Posts: 273 Member
    I lost 17 lbs in 2 months at 2000 calories. I wasn't doing much cardio, just a little bit here and there, but did no less than 60 min weights 6x a week. I also gave up drinking about 3 months ago which has helped me curb empty calories quite a bit. So here is my question, are you counting these alcohol calories towards your 1200-1500?

    Oh yeah, I forgot to mention I'm 34
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    I don't know many men who should eat only 1200-1500 calories in a day. You should probably eat more, if you want this weight to stay off for the long term.
  • marathonmom72
    marathonmom72 Posts: 191 Member
    Your calorie deficit is too great. I weigh 141lbs and eat around 1500 calories a day, sometimes more. Given your current weight, I'm sure your calories needs are higher than that. Join the group Eat, Train, Progress and read the post entitled 'Setting your calorie and macro targets' on page 3. Follow the directions and ask questions if you need some help. On another note, my understanding is that alcohol inhibits fat loss for up to 24 hours after consumption.
  • cabernathey
    cabernathey Posts: 2 Member
    Yes, I counted the alcohol towards the calories.

    See, I cannot do 60 minutes of weights. I just don't have the energy for it. Seems like the resounding advice is that I'm way too low on my calories. This may explain why I jumped so much in a week without the constant exercise.

    @marathonmom72 : I will go take a look at that now, thank you.

    @wisenbsd : When you are doing 60 minutes in the gym, are you going from set to set or are you walking around the gym like everyone at my gym seems to do? Are you with a partner? I recently got a guy at work to come with me and he wants to start 3 days of 60min weights and 2 days of Racquetball. Maybe I should try that out for a month with a higher calorie intake, say 1750 ish?
  • ironrat79
    ironrat79 Posts: 273 Member
    Yes, I counted the alcohol towards the calories.

    See, I cannot do 60 minutes of weights. I just don't have the energy for it. Seems like the resounding advice is that I'm way too low on my calories. This may explain why I jumped so much in a week without the constant exercise.

    @marathonmom72 : I will go take a look at that now, thank you.

    @wisenbsd : When you are doing 60 minutes in the gym, are you going from set to set or are you walking around the gym like everyone at my gym seems to do? Are you with a partner? I recently got a guy at work to come with me and he wants to start 3 days of 60min weights and 2 days of Racquetball. Maybe I should try that out for a month with a higher calorie intake, say 1750 ish?

    I workout alone and rest periods vary between sets to load plates, get a drink or wait for spotter to finish their set. Typically I'm doing 4 sets for each exercise, 4-5 exercises per muscle group and sometimes 2 muscle groups per session (back/bi, chest/tri). It's still pretty high paced compared to those who have a partner or the wanderers. I occasionally do some small chit chat, but never just take up space Calorie intake is going to vary person to person. If you're trying to build muscle, it'll be really hard to do at a deficit. My disclaimer is that my routine and diet isn't perfect, but it works for me. I would suggest eating 2000 calories clean, stay within your macros and crank up your overall output. The longer you stick with it the easier it will get determining what works and doesn't work for you. Good luck.
  • Cougar7279
    You definitely aren't eating enough... You have a golden opportunity here to do it right! Start off with basic strength training, just 30 minutes worth, 3 days a week... like M, W, F.... then do cardio on T, Th, Sa.... and rest on Sunday... after 30 days, make it 45 minutes each.... Set your base intake at about 1500 calories and then eat back your exercise calories, based on a 1 to 2 pound per week loss... To this mix, also add in some Yoga for balance and flexibility... I do a simple "Yoga for Runners" that takes about 30 minutes and is free on the Runners world website... You need to build your base slowly... allow your body to adjust to what you're doing to it and take care of any muscle imbalances that you currently have.... I prefer to start people working out with dumbbells and a stability ball as a bench, initially for this very reason... Using them engage the smaller stabilizer muscles... Think long term--like the rest of your life--not short term, quick results... If you do this right, you'll get stronger, faster, very fit and remain injury free; therefore, not finding yourself going backwards due to injury... Later, after this foundation is built, graduate to the more body building and power lifting styles of exercise aka: compound movements...