Javita helping

Looking for friends for motivation support.

42 years old mother of 3 (21, 18 & 13 yrs), 160 lbs and 5 ft tall. Been trying to lose weight and nothing helped. Tried exercising, eating right and even tried weight lose pills. Couple weeks ago my husband was introduced to Javita burn and control (a coffee drink). Not knowing what it was I started drinking it every morning. It gave me a lot of energy. Last week my husband said to weigh myself. Amazing I lost 5 pounds in 2 week! I didn't change my diet or exercise. I'm so motivated to lose more. By drinking Javita and eating right I can do it.


  • jmariscal3
    jmariscal3 Posts: 57 Member
    Glad to see that the product is helping you!! I have been drinking it for some time now- 17 pounds down total, 11 inches down also. I am now a direct seller for it because I believe in it. Hope to see you have more success! :)