Gaining weight while dieting and exercise

I am really frustrated as I am exercising daily and eating 1200-1400 cals per day but I have somehow managed to gain weight!!!

Why has this happened? my goal weight is 115-120lbs. I am a runner and I typically run about 30 miles per week and lift heavy weights 4days per week for about 45 minutes. I don't feel like I am getting anywhere. It's like I am going backwards!!

Can anybody please help or give me some tips on what I may be doing wrong.!!!


  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    You can begin by making sure you have a calorie deficiency. This will help you understand better:

    If you don't like that site then use this site which gives you exercise calories to use after you add your exercise to your diary.

    Secondly, record all of your activities (good combination of food, exercise, measurements, and water).

    Relax, enjoy, and have fun!
  • annettepiha
    I think this happens to everyone. First, muscle weighs more than fat. So, when you build muscle and diet you may not loose weight and even gain weight. This is happening to me right now, too. I am a very rigorous workout schedule, P90x, so the workouts I do are constant. I can't work out any more than I do now! I can limit my portion size and cut back on calories, however. A great tip I use is to drink lots of water. If you drink a glass of water before you eat any meal or snack, it will clue your body in that you are full sooner. It is also very likely when you feel like snacking that your body is thirsty, but telling you to be hungry. So, basically, you can either increase your activity level or decrease your caloric intake to drop more weight. Maybe try another type of workout? Hang in there! You're doing great!
  • richardheath
    richardheath Posts: 1,276 Member
    If you are gaining weight, you are not in a calorie deficit. You are either logging incorrectly, missing stuff out (like last Sunday), or overestimating calorie burns from your exercise.
  • richardheath
    richardheath Posts: 1,276 Member
    I think this happens to everyone. First, muscle weighs more than fat. So, when you build muscle and diet you may not loose weight and even gain weight. This is happening to me right now, too. I am a very rigorous workout schedule, P90x, so the workouts I do are constant. I can't work out any more than I do now! I can limit my portion size and cut back on calories, however. A great tip I use is to drink lots of water. If you drink a glass of water before you eat any meal or snack, it will clue your body in that you are full sooner. It is also very likely when you feel like snacking that your body is thirsty, but telling you to be hungry. So, basically, you can either increase your activity level or decrease your caloric intake to drop more weight. Maybe try another type of workout? Hang in there! You're doing great!

    No. 1 lb of fat weighs the same as 1 lb of muscle. And muscle gains don't happen (or will be very small) in a calorie deficit. You might see a gain in water weight on starting to exercise (water + glycogen go the muscle to help repair it, and to fuel the next workout) but this will stabilize fairly quickly.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    If you are gaining weight, you are not in a calorie deficit. You are either logging incorrectly, missing stuff out (like last Sunday), or overestimating calorie burns from your exercise.


    When you say you are this one weigh-in? You could be retaining water. Sore muscles hold water (for repair).
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I am really frustrated as I am exercising daily and eating 1200-1400 cals per day but I have somehow managed to gain weight!!!

    Why has this happened? my goal weight is 115-120lbs. I am a runner and I typically run about 30 miles per week and lift heavy weights 4days per week for about 45 minutes. I don't feel like I am getting anywhere. It's like I am going backwards!!

    Can anybody please help or give me some tips on what I may be doing wrong.!!!

    you need to be a bit more specific... how much weight have you put on and in what time period?
  • SandyFitz88
    SandyFitz88 Posts: 5 Member
    The trainer in the gym told me yesterday that I am not eating enough to support all the exercise I do. He said that this is causing my body to cling to fat while not having enough energy to build muscle.

    I'm not sure how this works though. He didn't give me any idea of how much more calories to consume. I am training for a marathon at the moment and my long runs are up to 20miles. I am afraid that I am destroying my metabolism by not eating enough but obviously weight gain is putting me off increasing my calories.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    If you are gaining weight, you are not in a calorie deficit. You are either logging incorrectly, missing stuff out (like last Sunday), or overestimating calorie burns from your exercise.
  • SandyFitz88
    SandyFitz88 Posts: 5 Member
    When I weighed myself last Monday I had put on 2lbs.

    I cannot seem to start dropping the lbs to get closer to my goal!
  • gerla_k
    gerla_k Posts: 495 Member

    No. 1 lb of fat weighs the same as 1 lb of muscle. And muscle gains don't happen (or will be very small) in a calorie deficit. You might see a gain in water weight on starting to exercise (water + glycogen go the muscle to help repair it, and to fuel the next workout) but this will stabilize fairly quickly.
    THIS. You can't gain muscle at a caloric deficit. Most likely you have a water retention, because of p90X- your muscles need to repare themselves after you exircise. Give it couple of weeks and when you're body is ready the scale will go down.
  • healthylovernut
    I am really frustrated as I am exercising daily and eating 1200-1400 cals per day but I have somehow managed to gain weight!!!

    Why has this happened? my goal weight is 115-120lbs. I am a runner and I typically run about 30 miles per week and lift heavy weights 4days per week for about 45 minutes. I don't feel like I am getting anywhere. It's like I am going backwards!!

    Can anybody please help or give me some tips on what I may be doing wrong.!!!

    You know, it could be that your body may not be reacting properly to the foods you're giving it. Regardless of calories (I know I'll get bashed for saying that.). Sometimes our bodies will get bloated or appear to gain weight because the foods we're eating is causing inflammation.

    Do you feel bloated?
    What types of foods are you eating?

    I tried The Plan by Lyn Genet-Recitas and that really helped me get over my weight loss plateau (along with a few other things). I found that my body really doesn't do well with red/yellow bell pepper, some fish, all sushi, and goat cheese. I cut out all processed and packaged foods and saw a HUGE difference.

    My winning combo was:
    Finding my safe foods from The Plan (I don't count calories)
    Drinking Swami Mami Teas (Get Lean) every morning
    Drinking water with lemon (60oz a day)
    Yoga 4x week
    Hiking 2x week
    Moving my body as much as I can
    Resting my body & loving my body
    Releasing stress and past issues

    29 pounds gone, and I haven't had 1 come back in over 4 months.

    Edited because I forgot to add my water! Water is so important!
  • gerla_k
    gerla_k Posts: 495 Member
    I'm actually going throught that exact phase myself. I started T25 two weeks ago- and initially i gained like 4-5 lbs. But i'm not worried at all :tongue: Be patient.
  • danaph3681
    danaph3681 Posts: 13 Member
    My weight can fluctuate anywhere from 1-5 lbs in any given day. Don't be afraid to increase calories. It is a learning process on how certain foods affect your weight. You can always adjust back down in increments until you see a drop.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    you're training for a marathon eating 12-1400 calories?! you must really hate your body....
  • SandyFitz88
    SandyFitz88 Posts: 5 Member
    you're training for a marathon eating 12-1400 calories?! you must really hate your body....

    That's a bit harsh!!

    I am asking for some guidance as I have clearly stated I have been told to eat more and I am worried about damaging my metabolism!!
  • echofm1
    echofm1 Posts: 471 Member
    When I weighed myself last Monday I had put on 2lbs.

    I cannot seem to start dropping the lbs to get closer to my goal!

    That could easily be water weight. Is that the only gain you've experienced? If so, don't worry about it. A woman's weight can fluctuate up to 8 pounds just because of water weight. Look at the long haul, not the week to week weigh ins.
  • kb2699
    kb2699 Posts: 80 Member
    Firstly, well done for training so hard! You're doing great. This link is really helpful, I re-read these fairly often!

    Once you've read all of that, it would be helpful calculate your BMR, TDEE and body fat, and base your calorie intake on 20% of your TDEE. I started at 1200 calories too based on MFP's calculations and stopped losing weight after a few weeks, as well as feeling a little bit frazzled! I bumped up my calories to 1400 and lost more weight. I've just bumped up my calories again to 1600 today.

    If you're exercising that much you obviously have the dedication to do this, I think maybe just your settings haven't been quite right.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    you're training for a marathon eating 12-1400 calories?! you must really hate your body....

    That's a bit harsh!!

    I am asking for some guidance as I have clearly stated I have been told to eat more and I am worried about damaging my metabolism!!
    Harsh but accurate. If you are truly only eating that much no way is it going to support your exercise routine.

    Suggest you go back to square one.
    Ensure you log everything accurately and completely (invest in some digital food scales).
    Select an appropriate calorie level for your size, activity and training. Go for a very small rate of weight loss.

    If you are going by MFP calories you should be eating back your exercise calories.
    If you use an external TDEE calculator you need to account for all your exercise.

    Training is hard in a calorie deficit. Trying to train like you are at a massive calorie deficit is plain silly.
  • Iknowsaur
    Iknowsaur Posts: 777 Member
    you're training for a marathon eating 12-1400 calories?! you must really hate your body....

    That's a bit harsh!!

    I am asking for some guidance as I have clearly stated I have been told to eat more and I am worried about damaging my metabolism!!

    She's just being blunt, she's right.
    You ARE damaging your metabolism AND your body by eating so little while training for a marathon.
  • SandyFitz88
    SandyFitz88 Posts: 5 Member
    you're training for a marathon eating 12-1400 calories?! you must really hate your body....

    That's a bit harsh!!

    I am asking for some guidance as I have clearly stated I have been told to eat more and I am worried about damaging my metabolism!!

    If you are going by MFP calories you should be eating back your exercise calories.
    If you use an external TDEE calculator you need to account for all your exercise.

    Ah...this may be where I am going wrong...I wasn't sure whether I should be eating back my exercise calories or not. I thought that it would just defeat the whole purpose..I am trying to learn how to fuel my body optimally for health and performance!