Long road ahead of me, 85lbs to lose.



  • MaggieMay419
    MaggieMay419 Posts: 18 Member
    I have about 65ish lbs to lose and started yesterday. I am also looking for some motivational friends. I am doing a shake replacement for 2 of my meals and keeping the food diary on here, and I started hip hop abs dvds again. I lost weight about 4 years ago and put it all back on in the past 2, and it's so hard getting started. I'm hoping I can keep with it! Good Luck, it's so hard in the beginning!!
  • StephyA86
    StephyA86 Posts: 68 Member
    You can do it! I lost 70lbs 2 years ago..so I know it's possible! Take it 1lb at a time! Feel free to add me! :)
  • JenMeltsAway
    JenMeltsAway Posts: 27 Member
    It truly is quite refreshing to see so many women encouraging other women they have never met instead of breaking them down. Thank you ladies, I am definitely walking 10 inches taller because of your encouraging and inspiring replies.
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    Hey good luck to you and to everyone else trying to get at them goals..you can do it.

    Anyone here can feel free to add me if they wish for motivation or chat.
  • jbella99
    jbella99 Posts: 596 Member
    Good luck and motivation is key. I love my MFP friends they really help. You can add me if you like.
  • mgraciellem
    mgraciellem Posts: 13 Member
    Welcome !!! One pound at a time! You got this!
  • It's very daunting thinking about the actual number you want to lose. I have a little over 100lbs to get rid of & that number seems like a looming storm cloud that follows me everywhere. I've disabled my scale to try and keep me from focusing on the number and instead just focusing on getting healthier and in shape.
  • Linda8989
    Linda8989 Posts: 39 Member
    I found that it helps if you only think in increments, plan smaller goals, like 5% of your weight. When I started, I had over 100 to lose, and I never looked at the whole picture because it was just too overwhelming. Now I have a mere 68 :laugh: to lose, and I know I will do it. You're going to do this!
  • atfirstblush
    atfirstblush Posts: 88 Member
    I have to lose about the same amount so you are definitely not alone. I've already lost ten pounds so it doesn't seem so bad now. Like others said think in smaller increments instead of the entire number. I'm losing ten pounds at a time.
  • haleymiller0707
    haleymiller0707 Posts: 74 Member
    You can do this!! Baby steps.. just look at today and you will get there! If you need support add me as a friend. I love this website everyone is very help and friendly.
  • Chance535
    Chance535 Posts: 64 Member
    Welcome and good luck on your new journey. Feel free to add me.
  • KeepGoingKylene
    KeepGoingKylene Posts: 432 Member
    Welcome and good luck on your journey! Feel free to add me, I still have about 30-40lbs to lose!
  • grillnchill
    grillnchill Posts: 772 Member
    You can certainly do it if you put your mind to it. Treat it as a job - put in the commitment and time - and it will reward you. :) Feel free to add me for added support and motivation.

    I am 5'10 and around 205 (may be less now, I don't weigh daily). I was nearly 230 at my heaviest last spring/summer and I my 1st goal is to reach 175-170 by October 2014. After that I want to lose another 20 pounds. But I am taking it one goal at a time.

    Welcome and enjoy the journey!!! :drinker:
  • JenRunTriHappyGirl
    JenRunTriHappyGirl Posts: 521 Member
    Welcome! FR sent! The total can be overwhelming. So, try not to focus on that. Focus on one pound, one healthy decision, and one workout at a time. That way you can celebrate the little things and keep pushing instead of getting bummed over the big stuff! Good luck!
  • prabbitts
    prabbitts Posts: 16 Member
    Hi Jen, what an exciting journey you have ahead of you! Something that has worked well for me, as I stumbled on it many times, was to have patience. I often wanted to rush the weight loss, so would jump to the next supplement, next pill, anything to expedite things and this hurrying just left me down and disappointed. One day at a time with consistent and determined state of mind has made a big difference for me. I learned a lot about patience and not only am I losing weight, but my character has really improved in all other areas as a result. Will be exciting to see you on your weight loss journey and become who you always wanted to be! :)
  • Hi there,

    You can do it. You just need to change your view on the whole 'diet thing'. I did and I am well on my way to being at my goal weight.

    Everyone is different but here are some pointers.. These are things that worked for me:

    Start by cleaning up your pantry and fridge. Look at what you have and replace it all with better options. There's no point having only fruit, veg and meat available. Although they will make up 90% of your meals you need the staples too. Otherwise you're more likely to fall off the wagon.

    If you like cereal, change it for a tastier healthier granola- look at the packaging for carbs, sugar, fat and added bad stuff.
    If you like crisps, replace them with corn for popcorn.
    If you eat a lot of pasta and grains replace them with quinoa, buckwheat and whole grains.
    Replace flour, sugar, chocolate powder, nuts, sweets with.. Brown rice flour, coconut flour or whole wheat flour, sugar with a natural sweetener like honey or agave, no added sugar organic cocoa powder, healthy nuts no salt; walnuts, almonds, Brazil nuts and seeds, sunflower, pumpkin, flax. As for sweets; dried fruits and berries, desicated coconut, dark chocolate.

    All sorts of vegetables. Leafy greens are a must.
    All sorts of fruit. Contrary to what people say fruit is so very good for you, full of natural sugars and carbohydrates, they fuel you. Fulfil your cravings. Berries are my favourite,, lower in sugar than apples, pears, orange etc they are like little sweets.
    Coconuts are amazing! Drink the water and eat the meat. Very filling, high protein, high potassium. Low sugar and carbs.
    Pomegranates are a stable in our fridge. We add the seeds to salads, to yoghurt to vegetables to everything. Very good for you.
    Lean meats and fish. Smoked fish is great. Quick lean snack.

    I replaced milk for Koko coconut milk. Much less fat with more calcium.
    Cheese is ok in moderation. However I would cut it out completely for the first 4 weeks. That way, if your like me, you will experience food in a whole new light. You won't need to cover everything in creamy melty cheese. Cheese is high in protein and calcium, but also very high in fat.
    Yoghurt is a must!! Rich in protein and probiotics that make your insides happy. The best is the Total Greek Yoghurt 0% fat. It's super creamy and yummy with no guilt. I add it to everything.

    I do my grocery shopping at
    Lidl for nuts, seeds, fresh fish, meat, fruit and veg.
    Tesco for Koko milk , total Greek yoghurt 0% fat , agave, some healthy granola and pantry staples.
    Health food store for flours, buckwheat, quinoa organic fruit and veg.

    I hope that's all helpful. It's working for me and my partner. We love eating and living this way.

    ⬇️ that's 36lb lost so far!! (originally Australian damn metric system)
  • 86sarahb
    86sarahb Posts: 84 Member
    MFP is a good tool to use, feel free to add me :smile:
  • suzzzzz21
    suzzzzz21 Posts: 2 Member
    Never be ashamed of who u r....just know u have the ability to become who u want to be. Very good luck Jen.
  • Kaelitr0n
    Kaelitr0n Posts: 151 Member
    Take it one small step at a time :)

    Celebrate every pound lost and never ever undersell yourself and all the hard work you're doing. A year from now, when you're at or approaching your goal weight, you will look back on this moment and thank yourself for starting the journey of a thousand steps with this toe over the line.

    85 pounds? You so got this!
  • wpanderson
    wpanderson Posts: 194
    Every decision, every day! :) Feel free to add me, I've got the momentum & motivation to be a supportive MFPer!!