Insanity starting 12/6



  • Good luck peeps. I'm blending it in with p90x, just did abb ripper x and pure cardio. My watch said I burned 850 cal. But its been acting up, I'm going to return it and get a good one that has a strap
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Good luck peeps. I'm blending it in with p90x, just did abb ripper x and pure cardio. My watch said I burned 850 cal. But its been acting up, I'm going to return it and get a good one that has a strap

    Is this your first time doing Insanity?
  • no i did it back in feb. 2010 to start my "get back into shape", lost 18lbs. Then i did p90x and lost another 12lbs and regained some muscle. then i did p90x again and really didnt lose any weight stayed around 210 to 208lbs. but could see more muscle tone. i then realized it was my diet i was eating roughly 2000 to 2200 cal per day since feb. i spoke with a friend who told me thats too long and told me to slowly go up to 3000cal/100fat/200carb/300protien. and stay there for a month and drop down slowly from there for the next two months. its from the get ready diet. so i took two weeks to up my intake to this amount and will stay here for about 3 more weeks and then follow the get ready diet to get shredded. :wink: funny thing is i have upped my intake and havent gained a pound. i even lost a few as i started at 212 now im 208.:smile: but i also feel so stuffed all the time. crazy.

    i weigh myself tomorrow so we shall see after a full week of around 3000cal
  • Day two - Plyo Cardio Circuit - 42 minutes - 443 calories burnt

  • Good job! Stick with it and you will beat your goal!
  • How terrible would it be to skip some rest days?? Or the recovery week... Hmmm.
  • the recovery week is needed trust me, I think the joints need that break, same with rest days. Don't over push yourself. Just keep pace and you'll be fine. i know its tempting though.
  • I've done Insanity in the past and it is HIGHLY recommended and encouraged to take the rest time!! Your body and muscles NEED that rest to fully gain from the workouts. These programs are put together by professionals, they know when and how much rest needs to be taken to reach full potential and see max results. If you push too hard you will only exhaust your body and wont see the results as if you were to let them rest. Skipping the rest days isn't a good idea.

    Plus... i guarntee once you come to those rest days you will LOVE them! lol, its a really nice and much needed break at the end of a very intense workout week!
  • mirahonthawall
    mirahonthawall Posts: 236 Member
    i'm in week three and i've only done the recovery workout once and haven't taken a rest day.
    worst idea ever!

    needless to say i have to take more breaks during each exercise, i'm hurty, exhausted, and i have no energy.
    i can't wait until sunday rest day!!!!!!!!
  • Cardio Power and Resistance - 41 minutes - 433 calories burnt.

    Not too terribly exhausted... but still pooped.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    i'm in week three and i've only done the recovery workout once and haven't taken a rest day.
    worst idea ever!

    needless to say i have to take more breaks during each exercise, i'm hurty, exhausted, and i have no energy.
    i can't wait until sunday rest day!!!!!!!!

    Make sure you take your rest days going forward. Insanity is real hard on the knees.
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    Hey all! I started Insanity 5 days ago. :) Hoping to shed my little bit of body fat off.
  • Yesterday's Insanity Day 4 stats:
    Cardio Recovery - 33 minutes - 204 calories burnt
    Elliptical - 20 minutes - 228 calories burnt
    Ab Ripper X - 16 minutes - 100 caloried burnt
  • Day 5 of Insanity
    Pure Cardio - 39 minutes - 429 calories burnt
    So tired...
  • I was gonna keep up with my daily updates of Insanity, but everyone disappeared. I'm wondering why during this second week of Insanity my average HR is now about 4-5 beats slower than last week (though my max is the same) therefore my calorie burn isn't as impressive (only by about 10-20 calories but still....)
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    Maybe you're getting more used to the workouts?
  • I'm on the 2nd day of Week 2 (repeated Week 1 because I skipped the Saturday workout) . So far I've been logging it as "Circuit training, general" but I end up starving at the end of the day. What do you guys use to calculate calories burned? I have a heart rate monitor (I'm going to get a new battery for it, b/c it's been giving me crazy readings 154 then suddenly 90...) anyway.. where do you guys plug in your pulse to calculate calories burned?
  • My HRM tells me how many calories burnt, so I simply read that and go to MY EXERCISES tab, then I CREATE NEW EXERCISE and put down whatever Insanity workout I did. Afterwards I can just go to recently added and adjust the time/calories burnt as needed.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
  • So how many calories is everyone burning doing Insanity month 1 work outs?? I'm ranging between 400-450ish, which seems kind of low to me. My heartrate is on average at 80% of my max and the highest it usually gets is 95-97% of my max heartrate.
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