Hello! New here! Want to share my story and find friends!

Hi everyone!

I've been doing MFP on and off for a couple of years. But I've never joined a forum on here. Anyways, I'd always fall off the wagon and a few months later come back and try to crawl back on the wagon. I have never been this big in my life. And instead of slipping into a depression about it, and just getting bigger and more depressed, I am doing something about it. And I am going to live my life and be happy. Most of this weight came from my pregnancy. I had planned on having a super fit/active pregnancy. But some early complications put an end to that fast. So I didn't get to exercise...and I was loving some cupcakes!! I planned on getting active soon after having my little guy. At two days old we found out that he had a serious heart defect, and would need at least one surgery. Maybe more. At that point all thoughts of my weight, or anything else that had to do with me went out the window. So I didn't think about what I ate..and was living in a perpetual state of fear. I think I was eating my fear too. So on top of the baby weight, I was gaining additional weight as well.

My son had his open heart surgery at 2 months old. Everything went well, thank the Lord. So here I am..he is now 7 months..his repair went well and at this point there is nothing to worry about for awhile. Now that I've finally gotten that through my head and can relax a little...I have taken a good look in the mirror and it is bad. Really bad. To jump start my weight loss I got a prescription for adipex. I don't intent to stay on in very long..but I know that if I start to see results..keeping it up will be much easier for me. I'm exercising every day and keeping my calories under 1500, as well as watching my carbohydrate intake.

I'm hoping to lose 100lbs. So anyways, that's my story. I would love to have more friends on here to share our little victories and words of encouragement.


  • detjuan
    detjuan Posts: 3
    Hi, I hope your son is doing well! I'm a new dad myself (2 months) and i'm sacred when i look at my son and wife. I want to be able to be there for them as much as possible and I know that I need to lose the weight in order to do that. Good luck, don't give up, and God bless!
  • KaysKidz
    KaysKidz Posts: 208 Member
    Good luck! I took phentermine for a year and lost over 100lbs. Unfortunately, I did not keep it off. I'm trying to do this without meds this time, even though my doc wants to me to try Belviq. Medically, I NEED this weight off. I'm at high risk of heart disease so I'm trying to take this seriously for the 1st time in years. My dad was thin and still had heart disease, but he ate like crap. So I'm trying to eat better and in just a week I've lost 1.4lbs on my own. I'm pumped and ready to make this happen. It's my new forever. :)