I need some advice.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I am in need of some help.

I have a reasonably high pressure job and due to factors beyond my control in my personal life, I am getting all stressed out and bent out of shape over little things. This is to the extent that I almost had a full on mental break-down this morning when the milk in my fridge was out of date and I couldn't make myself a cup of tea. I am struggling with everything from making dinner when I get home from work (after a 10 hour day) to going to the exercise classes that I used to love so much. I am so tired all the time and I get the feeling that I am starting to dip my toe in the dark waters of depression.

I really don't want to get any worse than I already am, so what should I do to get myself out of this rut I seem to be stuck in? Is the best thing to do to force myself to go do some exercise? Should I be looking at changing my diet to include better foods or mass cooking meals for the evening at the weekend? (and if this is the case, does anyone know where I can find recipes?) Should I go and talk to a professional about how I can make positive changes in my life or even just to have a good long vant (a ranty vent) and get things off my chest?

I am open to all and any suggestions you may have. Cheers in advance guys. Much appreciated.


  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    I don't think I have much advice to offer about the depression, but as far as saving time, if you don't have a slow cooker, I highly recommend getting one. You can make big batches of food on the weekend and eat them for dinner throughout the week and that would save you time.

    Here's a good place to start in terms of recipes: http://www.chef-in-training.com/2012/08/50-slow-cooker-recipes/
  • lilaak007
    lilaak007 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi Dear
    I know exactly how you feel as i have been there! Sometimes there are things that are just not in our control and can really take a toll on us. My advice would be to continue your exercise as it really helps with depression and anxiety, you dont have to attend any classes, you can exercise along to maybe a 15 minute video on youtube or just dance to your favorite song.
    Also talk to a doctor and see if you need some medicine and or therapy.
    Best of luck.
  • GI_John_RN
    GI_John_RN Posts: 48 Member
    Talking to someone professional might not be a bad idea. It may help to be able to talk or vent to someone.
  • Healthy67Chick
    Healthy67Chick Posts: 159 Member
    My advice would also be to continue to exercise to help with depression. Of course if it seems like you need to talk to someone or a doctor, don't hesitate to do so. A couple of years ago I was feeling very edgy about everything (but not depressed) and my doctor told me to try taking a B-complex vitamin along with a multi-vitamin. I did and it truly made a difference! FYI: It was not an immediate difference, but after a week or two I seemed to notice. Also, even now, if I go a few days in a row without taking the vitamins, the edgy symptoms seem to reappear. Hope this helps!
  • jammoe130
    jammoe130 Posts: 10
    Thanks for the advice guys. Sometimes it all just gets too much so its really good to know I'm not alone. And thanks for the advice about the slow cooker. I'll be getting one of those next weekend!
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I have been in a funk lately as well. I love it when people think weight loss is just "not eating as much"! They dont realize the mental component that is there as well!! Its mentally taxing due to the constant ebb and flow of the journey. This long horrible winter has made things worse!!! Soon there will be sunshine and other activities to do outside! ! I know that will be what helps me and maybe you as well!!! Just keep your head up and you will figure out what works for you to take the edge off!!
  • fercar3000
    fercar3000 Posts: 286 Member
    Thanks for the advice guys. Sometimes it all just gets too much so its really good to know I'm not alone. And thanks for the advice about the slow cooker. I'll be getting one of those next weekend!

    You never alone , if you need help all what you have to do is ask ... organize yourself and you will find the perfect fit in no time :)

    feel free to add me if you want
  • David_AUS
    David_AUS Posts: 298 Member
    Yes you are in good company - the great thing is that you can see your anxiety and know that there are things you can do that help with turning that ship around. What I have found is that I am better at picking up the triggers and early warning signs. Knowing these helps and you will still sometimes fly off the handle about expired milk but you get better practiced at seeing when this is coming on and you know that these storms will pass.

    Exercise is a great way of lifting the spirits.

    Meditation - there are more traditional ways of meditation and others where you just bring awareness towards the things around you. For me meditation is where you remove the values and judgements in life. You do not seek answers just place your awareness on a question or subject. Not looking for an answer and getting out of your head, this helps bring perspective and balance. When you are feeling low placing your attention on to times in your life where things were effortless and life was good will bring back balance.

    Get clarity in what you want in life. Your purpose in life is not something you seek to do it is someone you seek to be. What you are actually doing is much less important than who you are being. Move towards acting on what you true desires are and you will find things flow much more smoothly. Note: Smoothly does not mean "easy"

    You can see a doctor but don't just jump onto the medication path - it helps to talk out your issues.

    I could write volumes on this but when it is all distilled down it is about accepting yourself and loving yourself totally "warts and all" - when you really look at yourself your weaknesses are blessings to be appreciated just as much as your strengths. This takes times to understand.
  • TXEXrunner
    TXEXrunner Posts: 178 Member
    Very, very familiar with too much work and not enough hours in the day! All kinds of things to stay stressed about - at work and home. Fundamental issue is time management. Some things I do -
    Prioritize my work - look very hard each day at what has to get done. Makes it easy to leave some things for tomorrow.
    Realize that everything I want to do at work is not going to get done. Something has to give. here's the trick - accepting this when I am the type who is driven to completing everything I am assigned. It's ok to let some things slip - just prioritize those things.
    Music does sooth me - so I make sure to have it everywhere I go - office, car , home.
    Exercise - get into a routine that my schedule will allow. Have to prioritize again as lots of competition for my time at home too. I start small and increase my exercise each week. But I am sold on the idea that I have to take care of myself in order to do anything for others!
    Diet - watch what I eat. Same reason as exercise.
    Leave yourself time each day to unwind - start with just 5 minutes if it is hard to fit in. Work on expanding this "me time" each day/ week.
    Keep all things in perspective - what is really important and what "appears" to be important but really can wait. More self assessment but think about what occupies your time and what really needs your time. I bet you find some things you can let go.
    Hope this helps. If you need a virtual friend to help motivate, send a request.
    Good luck!
  • jammoe130
    jammoe130 Posts: 10
    This long horrible winter has made things worse!!! Soon there will be sunshine and other activities to do outside! ! I know that will be what helps me and maybe you as well!!! Just keep your head up and you will figure out what works for you to take the edge off!!
    I wish I could put it down to the winter but for us down on the bottom of the world summer is just ending and winter is beginning.

    Thank you again everyone. This week is starting to look much better already.