Insanity and half marathon training.

Hi everyone!

I'm new here, or rather I've signed up a while ago but never did log on much. I've just finished one month of insanity, with the main purpose of losing weight (around 8kg I've gained over the two years) and toning up.

While I haven't lost any weight, I've seen significant inches lost from my chest and arms areas. That has been motivating. And, I'm excited about the second month. I'll be starting on my half marathon training next week as well, as I feel that I need more adrenaline and can push myself more.

I've been thinking about what to do after Insanity month 2.

Should I repeat insanity month two twice, with a week of core cardio and balance between each repeat? Or

Go on to asylum?

I'm hesitant to repeat the whole insanity program as it seems like a step back after month two. I am also hesitant to go on to the asylum as I've heard it's going to build/tone your muscles even more. More importantly, I heard it's even more insane? I don't think it is wise to be training for a half marathon with Asylum. Insanity month two on repeat and half marathon training may be more better.

Has anyone done a marathon training with insanity before? Any advice will be great and appreciated! :) thanks!


  • RoxyBaroque
    RoxyBaroque Posts: 40 Member
    I did insanity month 2 along side half marathon training and gave myself tendonitis in my ankle - just be careful you don't over train!

    I moved into the gym for a couple of months to start weight lifting and am just now going back to insanity....'coz I wanna look gooood! ;)
  • AusEliza
    AusEliza Posts: 60 Member
    Wow that is really intense great work. I'm also currently training for a half marathon, so trying to do about 50km a week. But blisters are the killer for me. I invested in a good pair of shoes, but they just keep coming.
  • terra415
    terra415 Posts: 13 Member
    I currently am training for a half marathon as well. I have finished Insanity over a year ago, but still do it about 1-2 times a week. It is a great way to change up the monotony of pounding pavement and get a great full body workout. The interval training helps keep up my endurance and be a faster runner. Especially with how bad this winter has been here, I am grateful that I can still pop in a dvd and get something in, even if I can't run. But I am certainly not doing the full Insanity program.

    It is true, the second month of it is A LOT different. Different moves. You may have the endurance to do it, but GO SLOW and get the moves right.

    Good luck on your race :)
  • lauraashley09
    lauraashley09 Posts: 182 Member
    I'm on day 42 of Insanity and after this round I'm going to do month 2 over again and then go into Asylum