What I'm doing is right or not about losing weight?

1. My weight is 230 pound (105kg). My age is 22.
2. Is this weight too much or too difficult to loose I'm worried about it.
3. I listened that man needs 2000 calories per day if i eat only 1000 calories can i lose weight by this way because by doing this i can save 7x1000=7000calories equal to one pound(0.9kg) in one week by not doing any exercise is this right or not.
4. Well now a days i do only breakfast
a. 2 Naan bread
b. 1 omelet
c. 2 cup of milk tea
d. I don't take lunch and dinner for losing weight is I'm doing right.
5. I do exercise only walking some time jogging during walking. My walking pace is medium. I do this for 1 hour (5km to 6 km).
6. I drink too much water approximately 3 liter per day.

Please guide me on my every point what I'm doing is right or not i have to loose weight for this summer as fast as possible?
I'll be very thankful to you.


  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    There is no reason a man should be eating 1000 calories a day, unless you are in a doctor supervised plan. Find your TDEE and BMR. Eat between those two numbers for a few weeks. Make sure you are WEIGHING (with a food scale) and measuring everything that you eat. Work towards meeting your macros (protein, fat, carbs). Read this link:

  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    You've come to MFP they provide the tools why not use them

    Put your numbers into MFP. Set ar reasonable weekly weightloss (at your weight I'd suggest 1 or 1.5 pounds a week). It'll give you a calorie amount (far more than 1000). . Weigh and measure all your food log accurately and you'll lose weight without starving yourself

    Do some exercise as this will help retain muscle and make you feel better. Eat a proportion (at least 50%) of your exercise calories back)
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    There is no reason a man should be eating 1000 calories a day, unless you are in a doctor supervised plan. Find your TDEE and BMR. Eat between those two numbers for a few weeks. Make sure you are WEIGHING (with a food scale) and measuring everything that you eat. Work towards meeting your macros (protein, fat, carbs). Read this link:


    ^ This. And make sure you lift some weights
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    1000 calories for ANY person, male or female is not healthy nor sustainable. Your body needs more than that to function.

    Read the sexypants thread.
  • djs2303
    djs2303 Posts: 93 Member
    Ive done a month at 1200 calories, with 3 days a week workouts (normally 15+3 (cooldown) on treadmill, cross trainer and stationary bike, I lost 13 lbs. Upon advisement ive been told to check my TDEE and work towards eating more, im now on almost double my original calorie intake, I hit the gym harder for the first day yesterday, as well as doing weights, and im not aching....coming to realise that eating more (Of the right foods) is your weight loss friend. But this has to be backed up by more exercise. I bought a fitbit one to track my daily activites, walking etc. Log everything, even if you go over your calorie allowance, remember that this is a lifestyle change, not a diet. Good luck to you :)
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    In brief, no you are not doing things right. Set your weight loss goal to 1/2 kg per week, use MFP tools to see how you will get there.
  • Aamirkhanniazi2014
    Ok i got you.
    If I'm eating 1200 calories per day and not doing any excercise can i loose my weight because according to calories thing : if i am saving 1000 per day or 800 per day by this way i can loose 2 pound per week.
    Am i right or can i do this?
  • criceta87
    d. I don't take lunch and dinner for losing weight is I'm doing right.

    you should eat almost 5 times in a day because if not your metabolism will slow down and you will not be able to lose weight or ,eaven worse, you will get all weight back very soon when you will lose the weight. I did this mistake a lot of times and does not worth it
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    Ok i got you.
    If I'm eating 1200 calories per day and not doing any excercise can i loose my weight because according to calories thing : if i am saving 1000 per day or 800 per day by this way i can loose 2 pound per week.
    Am i right or can i do this?

    change your mindset.

    there is a calorie level that will work for you based on science. don't just grab random numbers from thin air. follow the link you've been given above.

    also, for weight loss, just moving more is enough to add to your calorie burn. you don't have to go workout on an elliptical like a spaz at the gym for an hour a day... you can simply start walking more places and more often. it all adds up.
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    d. I don't take lunch and dinner for losing weight is I'm doing right.

    you should eat almost 5 times in a day because if not your metabolism will slow down and you will not be able to lose weight or ,eaven worse, you will get all weight back very soon when you will lose the weight. I did this mistake a lot of times and does not worth it

    ^ no. this (in bold) is wrong.

    your metabolism doesn't perceptibly change if you don't eat every couple of hours. how often you eat is solely up to you, but it makes no practical difference to your body (when it comes to weight loss) whether you eat 2 meals a day or 8 meals a day.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Ok i got you.
    If I'm eating 1200 calories per day and not doing any excercise can i loose my weight because according to calories thing : if i am saving 1000 per day or 800 per day by this way i can loose 2 pound per week.
    Am i right or can i do this?

    As a man you shouldn't be eating 1200 a day...and with the little amount you have to lose you shouldn't be aiming for 2lbs a week.

    1lb a week is fine...

    Perspective...I eat 1700 a day and lose 3/4lb a week...as a man you could easily eat more than that and lose weight.

    If you choose to eat under 1800 as a man and workout be prepared to lose lots of muscle along with the fat...and you wont perform well in your workouts.
  • Aamirkhanniazi2014
    Ok i got you.
    If I'm eating 1200 calories per day and not doing any excercise can i loose my weight because according to calories thing : if i am saving 1000 per day or 800 per day by this way i can loose 2 pound per week.
    Am i right or can i do this?

    As a man you shouldn't be eating 1200 a day...and with the little amount you have to lose you shouldn't be aiming for 2lbs a week.

    1lb a week is fine...

    Perspective...I eat 1700 a day and lose 3/4lb a week...as a man you could easily eat more than that and lose weight.

    If you choose to eat under 1800 as a man and workout be prepared to lose lots of muscle along with the fat...and you wont perform well in your workouts.