Quitting sodas for water: weight/water lost?



  • sillinis
    sillinis Posts: 3
    Wow congratulation everyone! Since i havé strates this topic I must say i have not quitted for good sodas; but I now drink 1-3 can a WEEK instead of a DAY; i have lost some weight (5 pounds) last summer from switching to flavored water (with less sweeteners). Tho now i got the pounds back, i am going to quit sodas for 1 month to see what happens; if i have no bad symptoms i'm going to keep up with that :)
  • I used to drink 2 2litre bottles of diet pepsi a day. last July 13th, I quit cold turkey on a whim. Almost immediately, I lost 30 pounds rather easily. Although I had "withdrawal" headaches of a day or two, they were not nearly as bad as I anticipate. Now, I drink only water. The 30 pounds have not come back and I very rarely have cravings. Good for you for quitting!!
  • Boogage
    Boogage Posts: 739 Member
    Well done for quitting guys. I drink 2-3 cans of diet soda a day which is half what I used to drink but I really want to give up altogether. I'm just not brave enough yet. I suffer from bloating a lot especially in the evening. Do you think soda could be the cause then?
  • linkirving
    linkirving Posts: 121 Member
    Back in 2010 when I weighed 300lbs, I decided to make one change: I switched to diet soda. I was drinking 2 two-liters of Mountain Dew Code Red every single day. I lost 20 pounds in a matter a month. After that I started calorie counting and got down to 230. I quit calorie counting for a few years, before finding MFP in February. I stayed off of the regular soda, though.

    I lost those first 20 lbs by simply switching to diet soda.

    These days I have a zero calorie Monster now and then, maybe once a week. I've had maybe 4 diet sodas in the last month. Different things work for different people, and for me cutting something out completely isn't sustainable. But I can't believe I used to drink so much of the stuff. Crazy.
  • thatismesammyg
    thatismesammyg Posts: 71 Member
    My husband lost 12 lbs in a week giving up soda. He must have been retaining a ton of water.
  • biddy249
    biddy249 Posts: 76 Member
    I gave up soda 17 years ago and only drank tea and water. I have since gave up tea and strictly drink water. You will loose weight when giving up soda plus you will feel better. Do some research into soda and its impact on the body and you will gain some motivation to chuck it. That crap offers no value whatsoever IMO.
  • sushidulces
    sushidulces Posts: 69 Member
    I was 225 lbs and I decided the first step was to stop chugging sodas. That was about 2 1/2 years ago. I did minimal walking around (a college campus as a student) and I lost 10 lbs relatively easily. I traded the sodas for herbal teas (no sugar) and water. I don't drink them at all any more and I don't crave them at all. I drink water with lemon at restaurants and I can usually leave spending less than $10 because I don't have to pay for a drink :happy:

    I have since started vigorously exercising/watching my diet, and lost more. But the first 10 just from no more sodas helped jumpstart the process.
  • Elainaf
    Elainaf Posts: 17 Member
    I gave up diet pepsi for two months and drank only water and lost nothing.
  • lax2luv
    lax2luv Posts: 4
    I was a lifetime soda addict, most recently drinking up to 72 ounces of Coke and Dr. Pepper a day. I "weaned" myself to 24 ounces a day last month and have had only water (and an occasional sparkling water) this month. My weight loss has been minimal so far. Maybe it takes more time? I'm doing IIFYM and StrongLifts.
  • cochrantimothy
    cochrantimothy Posts: 4 Member
    I quit soda about 5 days ago and the past 3 where miserable, such bad withdrawls to the point of puking..... on the plus side my gastrointestinal problems have gone away, i was drinking atleast 2 2liters a day, weight wise im not sure because i havent really got a weighin going, thinking i was 302 last weekend when i hit the scale so shooting for under 300
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