Weak feeling


I'm feeling quite weak and shaky today and I'm wondering if its what I've been eating.

I've been eating 1450-1800 calories a day. I always net more than 1200 calories (other than twice last week) but I still ate around 1500cals on those days.

I'm a picky eater who hates veg and I'm not that keen on fruit, but I do eat lots of nuts, peanut butter etc. For me my weight loss is about a life style change so I do eat some junk - but in moderation and since coming back at the end of January, I've been losing about a pound a week which I'm pleased with.

I weigh everything, I track everything I eat, I just wonder why I feel so weak and shaky?

Can anyone take a peak at my diary? Maybe I need to eat more of a certain food?

I'm 183.5lbs and 5"3 and aiming for a 1lb a week loss.

Thanks in adv. (just opening my diary now)


  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,396 Member
    I don't see much protein and you're not tracking that so can't look at the number. Lack of protein gives me the shakes every time.
  • Miamiuu
    Miamiuu Posts: 262 Member
    I would also say you look low on protein. Try taking a multivitamin you may just be missing out on something.
  • IIIIISerenityNowIIIII
    IIIIISerenityNowIIIII Posts: 425 Member
    That is how I feel when I haven't eaten enough protein.
  • kpchefai
    kpchefai Posts: 54 Member
    It doesn't look like you track protein so hard to say without seeing the numbers but it seems like you should get more protein. That gives me the shakes and weak feeling when I don't get enough. Does it happen randomly or during a specific time of day? I get that feeling if I don't eat before I workout. I usually have a quick snack of protein and carbs before I workout(like an hour before)

    How long do you go between meals? It seems like some days you have snacks and somedays you only have a drink between breakfast and lunch. I would add in a protein filled snack between each meal!
  • kittykat1994
    kittykat1994 Posts: 149 Member
    I just switched it. I'm very low on protein today! Yesterday wasn't too bad but on the whole, I don't even reach half of what is recommended.

    I'm going to start tracking it and hopefully feel a bit better.

    Thank you! :)
  • katiespencer1987
    katiespencer1987 Posts: 6 Member
    Probably not enough protein to stabilize blood sugar. Try to add in some more protein and if that doesn't help you may need to talk with your dr.
  • corgarian
    corgarian Posts: 366 Member
    Some days I'm way below on protein and I feel fine, others I feel weak and sick. Just listen to your body and if it's feeling low, find some nuts or nut butter or a quick protein bar/shake. should perk you up.
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    No veggies and barely any fruit either!
    I don't know if that would cause shakiness but you really need to up your overall nutrients!
    I would feel malnourished on this food plan.
  • ywalchle
    ywalchle Posts: 101 Member
    I'm in the same boat as you, I'm not a fan of fruits or veggies in general. But I'm trying at least a little with each meal to find out what one's I can handle (I have texture issues with food). But like others I'd watch your protein and make sure you're getting enough and if protein doesn't seem to be an issue, talk to your doctor. Hopefully you figure it out and good luck in your journey!
  • fercar3000
    fercar3000 Posts: 286 Member
    ad some fruit and some protein bars and you should be ok