Stopping Birth Control

moe5474 Posts: 162
edited September 22 in Chit-Chat
I know this may seem unrelated, but I'm thinking of stopping my BC pills due to it's effect on my libido :( I've spoken with my physician who has backed my decision, but now I"m really worried about the side effects.

I'm only 24 and am really afraid I'll experience some of the side effects she mentioned.....acne, dizziness, fatigue, appetite.

Has anyone else (specifically in their 20's) ever come off BC?


  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    My wife had the same issues. Really messed with her libido, and had some other bad side effects for when she was in the mood.

    She switched to the ring a few years ago and everything has been much, much, much better.

    Edit: My wife is 24, by the way, if that helps.
  • I got of of BC and I feel that it has helped. The only problem is if you take it at all in relation to your menstrual cycle then be ready for some changes with your body going back or changing in general.
    Good luck and be safe!
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    It's going to affect everyone differently. And if you do have any side effects because you stopped taking it, they won't last forever. As for me, I didn't have any problems when I stopped taking them before. But it will depend on what kind you are taking, too. If its a lower-dose, its less likely that you will have any bad reactions. Anyway, I am also 24, and this is my last month of taking birth control. I have to stop taking them because I have Seasonal Affective Disorder and I can't take St. John's Wort or anything for my depression while taking BC because it counteracts it, and I swear that BC makes me even more moody. So I will be right there with ya! This has me wondering how my body will react after I stop taking the BC I am on, because its different from the one I was on before. Hmmm.......? Good luck!
  • mc1217
    mc1217 Posts: 108 Member
    i was on yaz from the time i was 18-22 (got off it when i was 22 & 1/2... turned 23 yesterday/today... depending on what time it is where u r [12/17]!). i do notice now that i break out more easily, but nothing terrible (i.e.: not really what you would consider acne). it's hard to comment about appetite, b/c i've been on a diet... but it may have decreased it a little.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I'm 27 and I stopped taking my bc a week or so ago. It definitely had an effect on my libido, although not much has changed, I'm still exhausted from being a stay at home mom. And Christmas isn't helping my stress level or workload! But, I know things are getting better.

    I haven't noticed any negative side effects from stopping the pill. In fact, I think things are better for me. I was having major issues with breakthrough bleeding, to the point that I was having two full periods a month, I was having breakouts on my face, I was grumpy a lot (double dose of PMS each month!) and I had uncontrollable cravings. I think now that my hormones have the chance to regulate themselves those problems are a lot better.

    This is the only time besides pregnancy that I've been off the pill. Everything is a lot better now than it had been for the last 7 months. I will say that I've gained 1 pound in the last week, but I'm pretty sure that's from my new workout routine that has me doing tons more weights instead of almost exclusively cardio. (That's what I'm hoping anyway!) I know for sure that I wasn't overeating enough to gain a whole pound in one week!
  • lshanks
    lshanks Posts: 7 Member
    I was off BC for a good 5 years then on for a year, off for 3 years, and now back on. So minus really trying to watch what I eat (which has been just within the last week - total newbie) I can speak of experience from the process.

    You may find yourself craving very bizarre things about 3-4 days before your cycle. So try to stay in control. Because of the lack of hormones you are use to getting you may find yourself in an emotional state of justification, meaning you will eat what you what because you are: sad, upset, depressed, or just in pain. After a few months your hormone levels will balance out which may make your sex drive go way up, but your cramping and moods get increasingly worse the closer you get to your cycle. As the months pass you may find it even more difficult to control your cravings.

    Honestly, I prefer to be on more than off. But it’s really something you need to discover for yourself. Every body is different and it’s good that you are at least trying to see if you prefer something else. The great thing is you can always start your pills again or find one with less hormone that will not affect your sex drive as much.
  • b_tari
    b_tari Posts: 6 Member
    I'm 27 and I've been on and off BC for years. The only thing I've noticed is that when I'm off I lose weight, when I'm on I gain weight. Like someone said above, it will effect everyone differently.
  • I was on BC for a long time, with some long breaks, but at least 6 years altogether. Yaz made my legs feel funny and the best one i was ever on was ortho tricyclen lo - no weight gain, no moodiness, and my skin was clear. then one day this year I come to find out that there are much less pharmacological methods that are 97% effective and I was totally thrown through a loop, nobody had ever told me that before! So, I am without BC these days and personally very happy with my choice.
  • Gargwin82
    Gargwin82 Posts: 152 Member
    I wish I could help with this. For some reason I don't have the issues with BC many other people have. I know I was on Depoprovara for a long time and it gave me the least issues. I'm currently on Yasmin and doing fine. I know at one point when I was messed up (a different pill) I took a libido suplement from a health food store. It worked, too well. I wanted to jump on anything human, male, and in anyway attractive. SO stopped taking that

    I know my doctor has suggested an IUD if I don't plan on having another child for awhile and want to stop daily pills. I was worried about the side effects (my Mother had holes punched in her uterus when she was my age by one) but apparently they're much better now.
  • moe5474
    moe5474 Posts: 162
    Thanks guys!! I'm on a very low dose (Alesse and Ortho tri-cylen lo previously) so hopefully it won't be too bad.

    i think i just got all worried after reading all of these scary message boards filled with horror stories :( I'm stopping my pills after Christmas so we'll see how it goes....
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    YES!! I came off BC and had great results. My husband and I only use condoms now. (I know, not the funnest thing, but hey, it works.) I didn't see any of these side effects other than a little acne. Good skin care cleared it right up though! I'm an oily skinned girl to start with, so I started with proactive and then moved to Mary Kay. I'm good to go now.

    I also had a roommate in college who had to come off of birth control. She had horrible side effects from being on it. It made her depressed from the hormones? Plus she had gained weight. After coming off, she lost the weight, and became her happy self again!

    Hope this helps !
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