Lunch Ideas?

I need lowfat and low sod lunch ideas for me for this week.


  • Bounce4
    Bounce4 Posts: 288 Member
    My best lunch is baked chicken, a couple different kinds of raw veggies (bell peppers/snap peas/carrots/etc.), some fruit (berries and or citrus), and raw spinach. Spinach is great - I can eat that stuff by the bushel for very calories and it is way more filling than lettuce.

    I like Tuna too.

    sometimes I have 1/2 sandwich on wholewheat bread. I love bread, lol. It is also easy to eat in the car, which I have to do sometimes.

    I pretty much always do the veggie/fruit/spinach thing and switch out the other.
  • PandaCustard
    PandaCustard Posts: 204 Member
    I like making vegetarian chili (make it yourself to keep the sodium content low), tuna salad, fruit salad with Greek yogurt, stuffed peppers (once again, you can make it vegetarian or use lean turkey to keep the fat content low) and baked falafel with cucumbers and hummus on top of a spinach salad.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I batch cook and pre-portion meals into single serve containers. That is lunch or dinner. My current choices include tuna noodle casserole, sirloin steak stir fry, turkey chili, pot roast and mashed potatoes, and chicken pesto pasta. I keep my own stash of paper plates at work and microwave the contents of my container. I'll have say that my lunches get a lot of attention at the lunch table. I bring my steamed or roasted veggies as well.
  • allison4600
    go all veggies for lunch:

    these are my two best lunch ideas and they're fast actually

    Veggie healthy stir-fry:

    - Buy frozen vegetables
    - Garlic powder/onion powder or both (or maybe you have a spice u like that is healthy)
    To cook: on a pan (no butter), but the frozen veggies and let 'em melt. you'll have some water but that good it'll make the veggies juicier. add soem water if u want, it makes it juciier. add the powder/spice and ur done.

    salad: i buy a pack f salad bowls at loblaws that gives me 3 portions for about 4.50$

    the salad contains lettuce (u can replace that for spinach if u want), slightly grated cheese. very tiny bits of meat and that's all. although i buy mushrooms myself and add pieces to the salad

  • HSam1121
    HSam1121 Posts: 16 Member
    my favorite is chicken cut up and mixed with nonfat greek yogurt, and apples. It's pretty good, and super high in protine.