Veggie/fruit Juices

LozPenguin Posts: 139 Member
Hi everyone; my parents are getting into the juicing thing; veggies and fruit, to get some extra nutrients into the day. I'm keen to add a few to my diet too; does anyone here have any favourite combinations?

Please share your 'recipes!'


  • arjmom03
    arjmom03 Posts: 3
    Check for some recipes. They have a lot!
  • caitlinhalsey
    I found a lot of great recipes on pinterest and rebootwithjoe. But even experimenting on your own is fun! and you really cant go wrong once you get the hang of things and see what fruits and veg go best together. My husbands favourite is kale, spinach, green apple, celery, cucumber and lemon. Mine is beet, lemon, carrot and apple. Other great combos are spinach & grape and carrot & apple.
  • Jenninscotland
    Jenninscotland Posts: 97 Member
    We just started juicing to add more nutrients to our diets in an easy and absolutely delicious way. I found this website which is great as each juice recipe details all the benefits associated with the ingredient within the juice:
  • LozPenguin
    LozPenguin Posts: 139 Member
    Thanks guys; I will definately check those out! Appreciate it :heart: